I am white feather

Seeing Bai Yu coming to her side, Sister Hong was stunned for a moment. She and Bai Yu were actually the height of the golden ratio, and she was just below Bai Yu's shoulders.

"Yes." Sister Hong nodded. For some reason, after Bai Yu followed, she seemed to have become very confident and was no longer afraid of anything.

"Fuck me, Jack, give me another drink. The two of them are blatantly ignoring me. I'm so angry." Xia Tian put his glass in front of Jack.

"Sister Hong said, you can only drink one drink a day." Jack rejected Xia Xia.

"Damn it, is there any reason for heaven?" Xia Xia's eyes were placed on Bai Yu's glass of wine, Bai Yu and Sister Hong went in, and his wine just lay there untouched.

I took Bai Yu's wine and drank it directly in the summer.

"Huh, it's so cool." Xia Tian let out a long sigh.

Seeing Xia Xia's actions, Jack hurriedly put away Sister Hong's cup. He was really afraid that Xia Xia would also drink Sister Hong's.

"Jack, you are so sullen. A foreigner like you can't make friends in China." Xia Xia kept persuading Jack.

"No, you can't drink too much of this wine. If you drink too much, you won't want to drink it next time you come." No matter what Xia Tian said, Jack refused. He didn't eat Xia's suit at all.

Inside the room.

Sister Hong and Bai Yu went in together.

"Li Ju, Zhang Ju, didn't I just leave, what's the matter?" Sister Hong looked at the two with a smile on their faces. They were surrounded by young ladies who sang with them, but these young ladies were not from Sister Hong, Sister Hong was here. The ones who didn't sing along were brought by the two of them from other places.

"Xiaohong, you're not being authentic. You invited Director Li to drink, but you didn't invite me to drink. What do you mean? You look down on me." Director Zhang clapped his hand on the table and looked at Hong seriously. sister.

"Officer Zhang, what are you talking about? I'm not good at drinking. The glass of wine just now was for the two of you." Sister Hong hurriedly explained.

"Why do you want to toast two people with a glass of wine, what do you mean?" Director Zhang became even more angry when he heard this. In fact, no matter what Sister Hong said, he would get angry next because he was ready.

"Officer Zhang, look, if you're not satisfied, I'll have another drink." Sister Hong didn't want to offend Director Zhang. Although she didn't need these people, she couldn't afford to offend them either. This Director Zhang is an industrial and commercial enterprise. The people in the bureau are taking care of her.

"Now a cup is not enough, so let's go, Xiaohong, I'll give you a chance, if you do this bottle of wine, this matter is over, or you stay with me for the night, I guarantee that no one dares to move here. , how?" Director Zhang finally stated his purpose, he didn't come here to drink or sing, but to ask Sister Hong to sleep with him.


A crisp slap came, and then Director Zhang's entire body slammed against the wall.


It was Bai Yu who shot, how could he watch others molesting Sister Hong in front of him.

"Officer Zhang" Li Ju and others hurriedly went up to check. When they helped Zhang Ju, there was blood all over Zhang Ju's face, most of which came from the top of his head and from his nose.

It looks scary.

Sister Hong didn't expect Bai Yu to start without saying a word. Seeing Zhang Ju's face covered in blood, she knew it was broken, but now Bai Yu has beaten someone.

"Okay, Xiaohong, your people dared to hit me, this time it's a big deal, I'll tell you, just wait and close the door." Director Zhang covered his head and nose and shouted angrily.

"I won't give you that chance." After Bai Yu finished speaking, she took Sister Hong's hand and walked outside.

Sister Hong didn't know what to do at first, but being pulled by Bai Yu like this, she wanted to follow Bai Yu in her heart, so the two walked out of the box.

Xia Xia was cheating Jack's wine there. Bai Yu and Hong Jie came out. Seeing Bai Yu and Hong Jie coming out holding hands, Xia Xia and Jack's jaws fell to the ground. Jack never saw anyone holding Hong Jie's. hand.

"You guys are progressing too fast." Xia Xia pointed to the hands that the two of them held together.

"Uh" Sister Hong hurriedly pulled back her hand.


"Sister Hong, your wine." Jack took out the wine.

Xia Xia grabbed it with one hand, "You haven't seen how drunk Sister Hong is. You give her wine, it's better for me to drink it."

Xia Xia drank all the wine, Jack could only helplessly shake his head.

At this moment, Xia Xian saw several people walking out of the box inside. One of them covered his head and nose and gave Xia Xia and them a vicious look.

"Who is that person? You couldn't have beaten him." Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu strangely. It turned out that Bai Yu came to save the beauty with a hero. No wonder she took Sister Hong's hand and walked out when she came out. .

"Yes." Bai Yu nodded.

"What are you going to do next?" Xia Xia glanced at Bai Yu and asked.

"I'm Bai Yu, what do you think?" Bai Yu glanced at Xia Xia and asked back.

"Stop, you really are not suitable for this kind of activity. If you are allowed to do it, Sister Hong will have no peace here in the future." Xia Xia was really afraid that Bai Yu would kill someone when he passed by, and that people would die as soon as they left Sister Hong. This is absolutely It's not a trivial matter, Sister Hong definitely cannot get rid of the relationship here.

"Don't worry, I will make this place very peaceful." Bai Yu said.

"Stop, I'll come, I'll come." Xia Xian's forehead was sweating, he understood what Bai Yu meant, and what Bai Yu meant was to kill all those people after going out~www.mtlnovel.com~ Come on, there is no proof.

"Hey, you two continue to show your affection, I'll be an errand." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"Xia Tian, ​​what are you talking about?" Sister Hong asked Xia Xia suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I'll go first." Xia Xia nodded to Bai Yu, signaling him to be at ease.

With Xia Xia's help, Bai Yu naturally felt relieved. After Xia Xia left the bar, he called the team leaders of the Special Operations Department and asked them to help him find evidence of the crime in Bureau Zhang.

Then he called Captain Qian again and asked him to find the address of Director Zhang's house for him, and asked him to go there directly.

Xia Xia's work efficiency is really hard to say. When he arrived at Zhang Bureau's house, he found more than three million in cash under the bed, opened the safe, and took out some private bills hidden by Director Zhang inside. All on the table.

For people like Director Zhang, there is usually no one at home, and the husband and wife are outside entertaining, so after Xia Xia came in, no one saw him.

You are me, my big apple.

"Instructor, what you want is ready, where will it be delivered to you?" The group leader of the seventh group called from the other end of the phone. When they heard Xia Xia's order, no one dared to delay, and they dispatched all of them. This Director Zhang There really was a case in the special operations department, so they turned it out at once.

Just when Xia Xian hung up the phone, his cell phone rang again.