thorn rose

somewhere outside the country.

"Master Kun, the killer is ready."

"Is there any problem this time?" Master Kun asked.

"This time there will be absolutely no problem. Poison Rose did it herself. I have already checked it out. That summer, she almost never did anything to women."

"Okay, I hope she can succeed." Master Kun said viciously.

Everyone in the bar became active when they heard about playing games. Playing games is the link that can best promote the relationship between men and women.

Especially in a place like a bar.

"I feel like this is boring, why don't I do it like this, I'll bet with you alone, whoever loses will drink a bottle." Xia Xia knew Sun Quan's purpose, and he didn't bother to waste time with Sun Quan, so he directly suggested.

"What are you two playing alone? I'll accompany you." The bald head said suddenly, he could see that Sun Quan was going to trouble Xia Xia again, and Xia Xia seemed to be really angry.

Sun Quan frowned, because he saw everyone's weird eyes, everyone seemed to see his thoughts, and the girls even showed disgusted expressions "Forget it, stop playing, summer, do you dare? Let's fight wine with me, how about we resolve conflicts in a man's way?"

"Why should I resolve the conflict with you?" Xia Xia looked at Sun Quan puzzled. He hated people like Sun Quan the most. Even if the conflict was resolved today, it would be impossible for him to communicate with Sun Quan at all.

"Hmph, just say if you dare." Sun Quan snorted coldly when he saw that Xia Xia was so disrespectful.

"I really don't understand you, I don't drink with you for your own good, I'm afraid I'll drink you to death." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"Hmph, I don't write drafts when I talk big." Sun Quan felt that Xia Xia was bragging, and his tone was very contemptuous.

There is no nonsense in summer, just pick up the big stick on the table, a big stick can be divided into four small sticks, and a small stick is a bottle of beer, pick up the big stick in summer, without blinking, drink it directly .

"Damn it, the third child is really playing." The boss, Liu Qingyun, said in surprise.

"Great man." Wu Yan praised.

Xia Xia drank a lot of beer in one breath, and everyone was stunned. No wonder Xia Xia said that he could drink Sun Quan to death. This amount of alcohol is also too good. That big beer is a lot of anger, but I drank it like this in the summer.

Sun Quan looked at Xia Xia, and then looked at the strange eyes of the people around him, "Hmph, you're cruel, let's wait and see."

After Sun Quan finished speaking, he stood up and left. He couldn't sit any longer. Today, he lost all face. Sitting here is also embarrassing, so he left directly.

His departure did not make the scene unpleasant, but made everyone chatting more happily.

Among them, Xia's three roommates each led a girl to dance.

"Handsome guy, can I ask you to do a dance?" A beautiful woman came directly to Xia Xia's side. The woman was coquettishly dressed and had a good figure.

Wu Yan and another woman were sitting beside Xia Xia at this time.

"Okay." Xia Tian stood up directly.

Seeing Xia Xia stand up and really left with the exposed girl, Wu Yan and her roommate's expressions changed.

"I've been pretending to be pure here, so it's a good one." Wu Yan said angrily, looking at Xia Xia's back.

"Cut, isn't it just that the upper body is bigger, what's amazing, I have it too." Another woman also said with great contempt, and after speaking, she deliberately straightened her upper body.

Xia Xia and the woman came to the dance floor.

Actually, Xia Xia was not really lustful, because he found out that this woman had a bomb on her body. He was afraid of accidentally hurting other people, so he stood up and danced with her.

"Little brother, am I beautiful?" On the dance floor, the woman hugged Xia Xia directly.

If it were an ordinary person, they would definitely think that this is a beautiful story. A woman so beautiful is so open to you and deliberately teasing you. No one can't help it.

But now Xia Xia dared not, because Xia Xia knew that the other party had a bomb hidden on his body.

However, the spirit of summer does not dare to relax in the slightest, because this

A woman is a rose with thorns.

"Tell me, am I beautiful?" the charming woman asked, working even harder.

If you don't take advantage of it, that's a bastard. In summer, this can be regarded as releasing your tense pressure.

Seeing that Xia Xia still didn't speak, the woman worked even harder, and a trace of disdain appeared on her face. She thought that her mission this time would definitely be accomplished.

Wu Yan saw the situation here and said "dirty and shameless"

She scolded while drinking boring wine. She had a little feeling for Xia Xian just now, but Xia Xian ignored her. She originally guessed that Xia might have girlfriends, so she didn't dare to have too much contact with them.

But unexpectedly, a woman took him away.

And the two of them are actually doing such a shameless Her roommate has already danced with someone else, leaving her alone to be angry.

The more Wu Yan looked, the more unhappy she became. She walked directly to the dance floor and jumped up beside the two of them in the summer.

"Go away." Xia Xia glanced at Wu Yan and said, at this time he was trying to get this beautiful woman away, but Wu Yan actually ran over.

"I'm not leaving," Wu Yan said unconvinced.

Xia Xia turned his head, gave Wu Yan a wink, and said to her in spoken language, "There is danger."

But Wu Yan didn't understand the spoken language at all. Seeing Xia Xia's strange eyes, she thought Xia Xia was disgusting her, which made her even more angry. Anyway, she is also a little beauty. There are more people chasing her. Yes, but she was actually despised.

"How about we two go to a private box." Xia Xia looked at the charming woman and said.

The "little leprechaun" charming woman threw a wink at Xia Xia, which made Xia Xia feel bad, and Xia almost lost her spirits.

"Shameless, I still have to go to the private room, I'm sure I won't do anything good, I have to be a light bulb." Wu Yan angrily followed.

As soon as he entered the box, Xia Xia saw Wu Yan also following up. He had such a headache, so he could not deceive this woman to a separate place, but Wu Yan actually followed up. You must know that the upper body of the woman is hidden. bomb.
