Poison Rose Killers

Poison Rose is not a killer, it is a killer organization, all members of the organization are women, and all of them are female killers. There are no SSS-level killers in their killer organization, but their success rate is the highest.

Under normal circumstances, in those organizations that have sss-level killers, although they take on a lot of tasks, sss-level killers cannot be shot at will, so their main force is still the following killers.

Although Poison Rose doesn't have SSS-level killers, the killers below them are all very ruthless.

The female killer itself can approach the target more conveniently, and then kills with one hit when the target is unprepared.

After the female killer and Xia Xia came to the box, she pretended to fall and directly threw Xia Xia on the sofa, hitting Xia Xia's face with her upper body, and she sat on Xia Xia's body.

"I'll go." Xia Xia didn't expect that this female killer would give you this set. He's not a vegetarian.

This feeling is simply too beautiful. Xia Xia is the first time to encounter such a killer. The whole person is full of happiness. The female killer seems to be doing it on purpose. He just wants Xia Xia to lose herself first, and then the best words time to start.

Xia Xia still guards her own spirit, so that she doesn't think about it.

"Shameless" Wu Yan couldn't bear it any longer, stepped forward and scolded directly.

At this moment, two huge embroidery needles appeared from the female killer's hands at the same time, stabbing Wu Yan and Xia Xia fiercely.

Xia Xia pushed Wu Yan away in an instant, and at the same time, the female killer's embroidery needle pierced Xia Xia's upper body. If Xia Xian hadn't hid quickly, it would have pierced Xia Xia's heart this time.

Because this position almost fixed summer there, so summer could not be avoided entirely.

Wu Yan was in complete panic. She could see clearly just now that it was Xia Xia who saved her. If it weren't for Xia Xia, she would have been killed by that large embroidery needle, but Xia Xia didn't dodge that needle.

The hit didn't succeed, the female killer didn't hesitate, she just wanted to detonate the bomb on her body.

"Stop!" Xia Xian shouted loudly. His right hand ran along the female killer's collar and searched around the female killer's upper body. He finally found the micro bomb. The bomb was only the size of a palm, but it was enough to kill Xia Xia and the female killer. Fried to pieces.

Xia Xia didn't hesitate at all, the miniature bomb was dismantled by him in an instant.

When the female killer saw such a scene, she ran away without saying a word.

Come fast, go fast.

"Don't tell others about what's going on here." Xia Xia glanced at Wu Yan who was stunned on the ground and said.

Then Summer chased him out.

Wu Yan sat silly on the ground in the box, "Is what happened just now true?"

After Xia Xia ran out of the bar, she found that the female killer had disappeared completely.

"Grandma's, you run really fast." Although Xia Xia didn't catch up with the female killer, he was too lazy to go back to the bar.

You are me, my big apple.

"Sister Lin, you miss me."

"I miss you, big head. Where are you? Do me a favor."


Xia Xia hung up the phone and went straight to Lin Bingbing. He hadn't seen Lin Bingbing for a long time. Since he came back, it was the first time he saw Lin Bingbing, and she was still the same.

"Sister Lin, is there anything you need my help with?" Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing and asked.

"I need your help on something important. If I succeed, I might have the strength to join the group." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia seriously. She knew that Xia Xia was very powerful, so she had to help with this task.

"Sister Lin, you're not being deceived, right?" Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing in confusion.

"I picked up something from my mother's relics, it seems to be a treasure map or something. My mother wrote in the diary that it involves a very terrifying power. Don't look for it unless it is a last resort. ." Lin Bingbing explained.

"Let me take a look at the things." Xia Xia said about the map, and after hearing Lin Bingbing talk about him, he seemed to be very interested.


Looking at this map, I can't understand it a bit, but I can be sure that this starting point is where my family used to live. Lin Bingbing explained that she was able to confirm that such a thing must be in Jianghai City.

Xia Xia looked at it carefully, and after looking at it for a while, he found that the tree at the destination looked a little familiar.

"Have you tried to find it?" Xia Tian asked.

"No, because my mother said that the thing is hidden in a very mysterious place, don't set foot in it lightly." Lin Bingbing shook her head, "I know you are very powerful, so I asked you for help."

"Then I found it for you, are you going to make a promise?" Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing with a smile on his face.

"Go to hell, I will never marry in my life, and I may not live long." Lin Bingbing was aware of her condition, and she could vaguely feel that her condition was getting worse.

"I already told you, I can cure your illness." Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing very seriously and said.

"I don't need you to treat me. I'd rather die with your obscene treatment method." Lin Bingbing got angry when she thought that Xia Xia said that she would not need to wear clothes, and that she had to pierce the vicinity of her thigh with a silver needle~www.mtlnovel .com~ Let her stand in front of Xia Xia without clothes, and then Xia Xia pierces her thigh with a silver needle, it would be better to let her die.

"Hey, forget it, I'll think of a way later." Xia Xia wouldn't let Lin Bingbing really die. Since Lin Bingbing didn't agree with his treatment, she could only think of other ways.

The big deal is that he finds a woman, teaches acupuncture to that woman, and asks the woman to treat Lin Bingbing, so Lin Bingbing will never refuse.

"I must see that man before I die and avenge my mother." The man Lin Bingbing said was her father. She hated her father and hated why he was so cruel and abandoned herself and her mother.

"Don't think about revenge all day long, what if you kill him?" Although Xia Xia had never seen his mother since he was a child, he didn't blame his mother. He knew that her mother must have a compelling reason to come back to see him. and father, so all he has to do is find his mother and solve her last resort.

"Shut up, men don't have a good thing." Lin Bingbing said angrily.

"It's not right for you to say that, I'm fine." Xia Xia felt so wronged that she could be shot while lying down.

"Hmph." Lin Bingbing glared, "You are not a good person at all, and you are the most troublesome person I have ever met."

"Uh, the next topic, let's go find the treasure your mother said." Xia Xian dared not talk any more, or he would be scolded to death by Lin Bingbing.