
Xia Xian used the inch step in an instant, his left hand wrapped around Lin Bingbing's waist, a flash of blood flashed, and the two disappeared in place.

Lin Bingbing was a little confused. She didn't understand what was going on just now. She had an illusion. She even felt that the summer suddenly made her body disappear in place.


But this is too ridiculous. Human beings are mortal after all, so how could something as bizarre as teleportation happen.

"What are you doing, there is a passage in front of you. The lanterns are not out here. There should be a vent. Let's go in and have a look." Xia Xia patted Lin Bingbing and said.

"Oh" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Tian strangely. Although she had always known that Xia was capable of martial arts and was very powerful, she still didn't know how powerful Xia was. The moment just now made her feel that Xia was even more unfathomable. .

Xia Xia discovered that the hidden weapons in this cemetery were all pins, and all of them were fired by organs. If they were replaced by ordinary Xuan-level masters just now, I am afraid it would not be so easy to escape.

After walking for two minutes, Xia Tian saw two forks.

"Which way?" Lin Bingbing asked Xia Xia.

"Let's go to this one on the right," Xia Xia said with a frown. What he hated the most was this kind of fork, so he could only try his luck.


Xia Tian felt that he stepped on something.

"Not good" Xia Tian didn't hesitate, grabbing Lin Bingbing's waist, and rushing straight ahead, with a flash of blood, the whole person disappeared in place


Hundreds of pins shot out of the aisle at such a fast speed that in summer, he didn't even dare to turn his head back, because he was afraid that if he slowed down, he would be stabbed into a hornet's nest.

"Huhuhu" Xia Tian let out a long sigh. This corridor is fifty meters long. This fifty meters is like a death canyon. The pin was pierced.

However, although they escaped the needle formation, there were problems ahead.

A five-meter-long black hole appeared in front of them in the summer.

This black hole is a thorn at the bottom. If it falls, it will definitely die.

"Let's go back and take another route, it shouldn't work here." Lin Bingbing said with a frown.

"Hold me tight." Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing and said.

"Ah." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"Hold me tight." Xia Xia said again. Although Lin Bingbing didn't understand what Xia Xia meant, she still held Xia Xia tightly.

Xian Xian's footsteps flashed, and a flash of blood flashed, and then his toes touched the ground slightly, and he and Lin Bingbing floated up.

"Flying" Lin Bingbing actually felt that he was flying.

There are actually people in this world who can fly, which is too ridiculous. Lin Bingbing really felt that summer was flying just now, and she was also flying with summer.

The two landed smoothly.

"We're really here." Lin Bingbing looked back at the deep pit and looked at the summer in surprise.

"I guess we didn't go wrong. This should be a short cut, otherwise there would be no such thing." Xia Xia guessed that no one would do so many things in a dead end.

"Okay, then let's continue walking." Lin Bingbing now relies on summer, and she knows that without summer, she will be unable to move an inch.

The two moved on.


the lantern went out

"No, it's too much carbon dioxide, let's go back." Lin Bingbing hurriedly said when the lantern went out.

Xia Xia turned to look at Lin Bingbing strangely.

"What are you doing looking at me?" Lin Bingbing asked inexplicably.

"Are you sure it's too much carbon dioxide?" Xia Tian asked rhetorically.

"Isn't that what you told me before you came in?" Lin Bingbing was a little confused, and it should be caused by too much carbon dioxide when she held it.

"Look at your coat." Xia Tian pointed to the corner of Lin Bingbing's clothes.

"Hey, why is my coat mushy?" Lin Bingbing looked at the corner of his clothes in confusion, "Could it be that I put out the candle?"

"Is that so?" Xia Xian

In the official start to doubt Lin Bingbing's IQ.

"Okay, okay, I admit that I destroyed it, okay?" Lin Bingbing said embarrassedly.


A nameless fire was lit around, and it was so strange that such a flame would appear in such a dark night. The flame was blue.

"Is that a ghost fire?" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"It's the phosphorus fire, those are the phosphorus fires on the bones." Xia Xia pulled Lin Bingbing forward, and the two walked for half an hour. Lin Bingbing felt that he had experienced countless lives and deaths.

In the middle, I also experienced the thorns, the sea of ​​fire, the mountain of knives and so on.

However, all of them were resolved one by one in the summer.

After this expedition, Lin Bingbing gained a new understanding of summer. She used to think that summer was just a little bit of martial arts, but she didn't expect summer to be so powerful.

Several times, it was the summer that resolved the crisis of death.

In the end, they finally came to a secret room. This secret room was about 200 square meters. There was only one sarcophagus in the entire secret room. The two of them put their eyes on the sarcophagus.

"Is what we're looking for in the coffin?" Lin Bingbing asked.

"No, this coffin is weird, don't touch it." Xia Xia's brows furrowed, his eyes swept around, and at this moment, the stone door behind them was opened.


The two turned their attention to the location of A group of thirteen people walked out from the stone gate. These people were fully armed and had submachine guns in their hands. The person in the lead looked at Lin Bingbing and smiled slightly. "Cousin, thank you for taking me to such a place."

"It's you, Gongsun Zhi." Lin Bingbing frowned.

"Haha, cousin, if it wasn't for you, I really wouldn't be able to find such a place. I didn't expect my aunt to hide things in such a place." Gongsun Zhi said excitedly.

"Gongsunzhi, what do you want? I said, I don't have what you want here." Lin Bingbing's brows furrowed. Lin Bingbing's home.

"I know you don't have it, but here it is. The Gongsun family's organ technique should have been returned to our Gongsun family long ago." Gongsun Zhi said coldly, the organ technique he had been looking for was right in front of him.

He was very excited at this time.

The Gongsun family's organ technique can finally see the light of day again.

"Despicable, Gongsunzhi, if Sister Ping knew you did this, she would not let you go." Lin Bingbing looked at Gongsunzhi angrily and said.

"Don't use Gongsun Ping to scare me, you can't leave here alive today, and I will get the tricks too. When she finds out about this, I'll already be proficient in the tricks, and even Gongsun Ping will take me. No way." There was murderous intent in Gongsun Zhi's eyes.