Ultimate Zombie

Gongsun Zhi wanted to kill people. Lin Bingbing's mother was his own aunt, but he wanted to kill Lin Bingbing for the sake of the trick.

"Gongsun Zhi, you are shameless." Lin Bingbing looked at Gongsun Zhi angrily.

"My good cousin, I'm already very kind. Otherwise, with your beauty, these brothers next to me would not let me go." Gongsun Zhi's eyes were scrutinizing Lin Bingbing unscrupulously.

"Gongsun Zhi, you are simply not human." Lin Bingbing gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

"My good cousin, it's a pity." Gongsun Zhi took out a pistol and aimed it at Lin Bingbing. "The mechanism technique was originally something of the Gongsun family. The essence of this technique was lost back then. Your mother found it. , you shouldn't take her as his own, or she won't die so miserably."

"My mother was killed by you." Lin Bingbing looked at Gongsunzhi in surprise.

"No, I don't have the ability to harm my dear aunt yet. She was poisoned by the old guys in the family." Gongsun Zhi thought that Lin Bingbing was already dead, so he didn't care about confounding Lin Bingbing's heart. of that question.

Gongsun Zhi's favorite thing is to let people die slowly, with unwillingness to die.

He could see that Lin Bingbing's face was full of unwillingness. She knew the truth of her mother's death, but she had no chance to take revenge.

"Did you kill my mother just for a trick?" Lin Bingbing's face was full of anger.

"My good cousin, you really don't know the power of the mechanism. Since ancient times, our Gongsun family has used the mechanism to dominate an era. No matter how powerful the opponent is, they can't beat the mechanism of our Gongsun family. Technique." Gongsun Zhi said excitedly, he wanted to let Lin Bingbing know what he missed, so that Lin Bingbing could die with greater regret.

Lin Bingbing didn't speak. She looked at Xia Xia. She already knew everything she wanted to know.

"My good cousin, my cousin will give you a ride next." Gongsun Zhi finished speaking and pulled the trigger of the pistol.


The bullet hit the wall, and Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing disappeared in place.

"Boss, they hid behind the coffin," said one of Gongsun Zhi's subordinates.

"Hmph, I see how you can escape from my palm." Gongsun Zhi snorted coldly. There was only a coffin in this secret room. They could shoot Lin Bingbing and the man to death if they walked around.

"Hey, do you guys think the two of us are dead?" Xia Xia suddenly shouted, and at the same time he made a gesture to Lin Bingbing.

"Haha, you said that we have thirteen guns here, enough to turn you into a hornet's nest." Gongsun Zhi's subordinates divided into two groups and moved towards the back of the coffin little by little.

Summer made a gesture to Lin Bingbing.




The two turned forward at the same time, and at the same time, Xia Xian kicked open the sarcophagus.

A gray gas flew out of the sarcophagus

"Cover your mouth and nose, it's smoke." Xia Tian took out a wet towel and threw it to Lin Bingbing.

bang bang bang

Gongsun Zhi and his men kept shooting, but they didn't hit Xia Xia, because Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing had already jumped away.

"Let's see where you're going." Gongsun Zhi and the others turned their guns to Xia Xia.


A person's body fell down.

"No, it's poison, so they all wear gas masks." Gongsun Zhi and the others seemed to have put on gas masks, as if they had expected it, so only one was poured.

Gongsun Zhi and the others are professionals, and they prepared more things than they did in the summer.

"I'm going to let it go, it's so advanced." Xia Xia sighed with emotion when he saw them put on gas masks.

He thought that he had brought a wet towel, which was quite foresight, but these people actually brought gas masks.

"Hahaha, let's see how you die this time." Gongsun Zhi, who was wearing a gas mask, laughed excitedly. They are no longer afraid of poisonous gas, and Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing don't have any cover.

That is to say

, as long as he pulls the trigger in his hand now, his subordinates will shoot together, making Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing a hornet's nest.

"Hey, hey, the back." Xia Xia pointed at Gongsunzhi behind them.

"Hahahaha, do you think I'm a child and want to deceive me, why don't you say there is a flying saucer behind me?" Gongsun Zhi thought that Xia Xia used the trick of a child to play the house.

"Hey, there are no flying saucers, but zombies have one." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Zombie" Gongsun Zhi was slightly taken aback.


At this moment, a scream came from behind them, and everyone turned around.


Really zombies.

"Shoot!" Gongsun Zhi hurriedly shouted. Everyone shot the bullets at the zombie. For a while, there was black smoke in front of them, the smoke from gunpowder, and the dust on the zombie.

A minute later.

They stopped shooting.

"Hmph, no matter what you are, so many guns are enough to kill you." Gongsun Zhi snorted coldly, just now they fired at least a few hundred rounds, even steel is enough to penetrate.

"Silly hat, not dead yet." Xia Xia shook his head.


A pair of big hands emerged from the smoke and directly grabbed a person's body and head~www.mtlnovel.com~ That person was literally pulled off his head.

"Uh" Lin Bingbing was taken aback for a moment, this scene was really terrifying.

"Damn, what kind of escape is this?" Gongsun Zhi hurriedly shouted, this thing is beyond his cognition, and now he just wants to escape from here, anyway, he already knows how it got here, next time he must prepare Well come again.

"Idiot, when I kicked open the coffin, the stone gate was already sealed." Xia Xia scolded.

puff puff

Two more heads flew high.

Gongsun Zhi shot the zombie again, but he found that the zombie's body was harder than steel, and the few shots he shot left only shallow scars on the zombie's body.

"Ah" Gongsun kept backing away, his legs were hot with fright.

"Damn it, I'm actually scared like this." Xia Xian was speechless when he saw the watermarks under Gongsun Zhi's feet, and the guy who was so tough just now with a gun was actually scared to pee his pants.

Puff puff

The big zombie is unstoppable, and the few people with guns are like chickens in his hands, unable to fight back.

Soon, all those people brought by Gongsun Zhi fell in a pool of blood.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." Gongsun Zhi's body kept retreating, his face turned purple, and his whole body was trembling with fright.