Run it

Lin Bingbing already thought that she was going to die, but at this moment that familiar figure stood in front of her again.

Xia Xia pushed Lin Bingbing away with his left hand, and punched the big zombie with his right hand.

At the same time, the giant zombie's fist also hit Xia Xia. It turns out that one inch long and one inch strong, because Xia Xia's punch didn't hit the giant zombie at all, and his body was knocked out by the giant zombie.


The powerful impact directly smashed Xia Xia's body on the thick stone wall behind him.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Xia Xia's mouth.

"Summer!" Lin Bingbing shouted loudly. It was the first time she saw Xia Xia being beaten so badly. Just now Xia Xia was trying to save her. At the most critical moment, Xia Xia pushed her away, but she was severely beaten by that big zombie. He punched hard.


Xia Xian was about to speak when another mouthful of blood spurted out, and he felt severe pain in his internal organs.

The punch of the big zombie is powerful and terrifying.

Xia Xia has never fought against such a strong opponent. If Xia Xia encountered the strongest opponent before, the Vampire Count is one, and Tong Lao is one, but no matter who they are, they are definitely not as powerful as this big zombie.

And the defense of this big zombie is also terrifying to the level of perversion.

"Summer." Lin Bingbing hurriedly ran towards Summer, but her shout once again attracted the eyes of the big zombie, who instantly came to Lin Bingbing's side and punched.

Lin Bingbing has closed her eyes, she has given up resistance.

At this moment, her body was pushed out again.


Summer's body made an intimate contact with the wall again.


With the sound of broken bones, Xia Xia clearly felt that his rib had been broken, and the broken rib had pierced his skin and pierced the outside. It looked terrifying.

The present summer is no longer as graceful as it used to be.

There was blood all over his body, the skin pierced by the ribs, the blood kept flowing, and the half of the bone was still exposed. Xia Tian didn't dare to hesitate, it was too late to go to the bone now.

In order to prevent the bones inside from puncturing the internal organs, he gritted his teeth and pierced the bones inside his own skin, with the help of the skin to stretch, so as to avoid injury to the internal organs. If the internal organs were torn, then he would Really sure to die.

Xia Xian exhausted all her strength and ran to Lin Bingbing. Lin Bingbing didn't dare to speak anymore. Tears filled her eyes. She saw Xia Xia stab her bones out of her skin with her own eyes.

What kind of pain is that? Usually, as long as she cuts her finger, it hurts a lot, but that kind of pain is not at the same level as Xia Xia's current pain. If his pain is ten, then Xia Xia's current pain is one level. Hundred.

The big zombie didn't move, as if looking at the summer in surprise.

"Give me something." Xia Xian took the first thing in Lin Bingbing's hand, the bamboo slip, and at the same time he crushed the bead in the middle of his necklace.

The three bamboo slips were merged together.

At this moment, the bamboo slip emitted a faint purple light. "The Dao can be broken, the devil can be killed, and it can also reach the sky."

The moment the three bamboo slips merged, Xia Tian felt that his body was full of power, and then he squeezed the beads back onto the necklace again, and took the weird flying knife in Lin Bingbing's hand.

"No" The big zombie said again, he seemed to be afraid of the flying knife in Xia's hands.

"It seems that I guessed right, this flying knife is the treasure to suppress him." Xia Xia cut his wrist directly. He had already lost too much blood, and he didn't care about losing a little bit. Then he put his wrist on Lin Bingbing's mouth. side.

"Hurry up!" Xia Xian shouted loudly.

Lin Bingbing was taken aback by Xia Tian's shout, but she still did as Xia Xia said.

Xia Xia's right foot kicked directly on the sarcophagus.


Xia Xian shouted loudly and used all his strength with his right foot to kick the lid of the sarcophagus directly.

I run, don't look back, jump when you see a black hole, don't look back no matter what danger you encounter, believe me. "

Xia Xia couldn't move anymore, so he used his own blood to make Lin Bingbing mutate.

Lin Bingbing nodded vigorously, and then carried Xia Xia on his back, just at this moment the big zombie punched them.


Xia Tian threw the flying knife directly.


The body of the zombie that was pierced by the flying knife, his body harder than steel was easily pierced by the flying knife.

"Go!" Xia Xia shouted loudly, and after adding force, he pulled the golden thread and pulled the flying knife back.

Lin Bingbing suddenly felt that her body was full of strength. Xia Tian's weight was more than 100 pounds, but she carried Xia Xia on her back easily. She ran out quickly according to what Xia Xia said. .

"Ah" Lin Bingbing was stunned for a moment. She was quite sure that she ran out of the secret room in just three seconds, which was too fast, much faster than Liu Xiang in the Olympics.

"I don't know if that guy will catch up, hurry up and run." Xia Xia said with difficulty, but his body was bleeding all the time.

"En." Lin Bingbing then remembered that there was another summer behind her, and she hurriedly ran outside with summer behind her back.

It's exactly the same as what Xia Xia She jumped over the five-meter-long pit, which is a bit too incredible.

All the way out of the tomb of the general, the big zombie did not chase after him.

"Hey, take the key." Xia Tian said the key was the five stones.

Lin Bingbing squatted down and put the five stones in his pocket. After he took off the key, the stone door closed automatically.

"Where are we going now?" Lin Bingbing asked.

"Big sister, I'm already like this, can you take me to the hospital?" Xia Xia said with difficulty.

"It's not easy to get a taxi in this dark day. I'll call 120." Lin Bingbing wanted to fetch her phone.

"You are already a master now. Your speed is no slower than that of a taxi. If you waited for 120 to come over, I would have hung up." Xia Xia said helplessly.

"Oh." Lin Bingbing still didn't understand why she suddenly became stronger and faster.

"You remember, you drank my blood, from now on you will be mine, and you will never get rid of me." Xia Xia's voice became weaker and heavier.

"What time is it, you still have the heart to say this." Lin Bingbing said anxiously.

"I won't say it, I'm afraid I won't have a chance." Xia Xia's voice was gradually disappearing.

"Hey, don't sleep, you must hold on, we will be at the hospital soon." Lin Bingbing said loudly.