break again

When Lin Bingbing heard Xia Xia did not respond, she became even more anxious. "Xia Xia, you must be okay, otherwise I will feel guilty for the rest of my life, and I will die with you."

Lin Bingbing's tears kept flowing, "You answer me, didn't you say you like me? I promise to be your girlfriend, okay?"

"As long as you wake up now, I promise you everything." Lin Bingbing kept saying, but Xia Xia didn't respond in the slightest.

Lin Bingbing used up all her strength and kept running. She didn't have time to pay attention to the changes in her body. Her only goal now is to send Xia Xia to the hospital.

Ten minutes later, Lin Bingbing still did not slow down.


However, she heard snoring, the kind of snoring after being overworked.

"Haha, I knew you would be fine." Lin Bingbing said while crying and laughing, she could confirm that Xia Tian was alright when she heard Xia Xia's snoring.

Lin Bingbing didn't take a taxi, so she carried Summer all the way to the hospital.

"Doctor, first aid." Lin Bingbing and Xia Xia were covered in blood, and the nurse on duty hurriedly called the doctor when they saw their condition.

The hospital moved all at once.

"Ma'am, you lie on this." The nurse helped Lin Bingbing to lie on another cart.

"I'm fine, save him." Lin Bingbing watched Xia Xia push her back into the emergency room.

"He has given first aid, and your wound needs to be bandaged." The nurse saw that Lin Bingbing was covered in blood and thought she was also injured.

"I'm not injured, the blood on my body belongs to him." Lin Bingbing refused the nurse's examination and walked outside the emergency room.

Although there was a long chair outside the emergency room, she couldn't sit down at all, and just kept shaking there, as if a man was waiting for his wife to give birth to a child, and the expression on her face was also worried.

Inside the duty room.

"What's the matter? I heard the broadcast and it seemed like someone was giving first aid." Bai Yiyi just came out of the bathroom.

"Well, it's a serious illness. It is said that when I came, the bones were exposed, and the blood loss was too much. There is little hope of surviving." Another nurse on duty said.

"It's so serious." Although people often died in the hospital, it was the first time she heard of such a serious injury.

"Yiyi, you can help me make a record in the past, and then ask the other party to pay the deposit first. I'll go there for a trip, and I might eat a bad stomach at night." The nurse on duty handed the list to Bai Yiyi.

"Ma'am, please go over there to pay first. The patient needs a lot of blood. If you don't pay, the treatment may be delayed." The nurse who received Lin Bingbing pointed to the place where the payment was collected at the front desk.

"Okay, I'll go right now, don't delay." Lin Bingbing hurriedly ran to the place where the payment was made. "Nurse, I'll pay for the first aid."

"Oh, what's his name?" Bai Yiyi was about to fill out the form.

"Summer," Lin Bingbing said hurriedly.

Bai Yiyi was stunned. When she heard the name Xia Xia, her expression changed, and the movements in her hands completely stopped.

"Nurse, hurry up and fill it out. The nurse said just now that if you don't fill in the form, you might be delayed." Lin Bingbing said anxiously.

"What's his name?" Bai Yiyi asked again.

"Summer," Lin Bingbing replied.

"Summer, is it him?" Bai Yiyi took out his mobile phone, and he had summer photos in his phone.

"En." Lin Bingbing was also taken aback when she saw the photo. She didn't expect this nurse to actually know Xia Tian.

After Bai Yiyi confirmed it, he hurriedly filled out the form and swiped the money with his own card. Lin Bingbing was completely stunned, not understanding what was going on.

"You are" Lin Bingbing looked at Bai Yiyi puzzled.

"I'm his concubine," Bai Yiyi said.

"Little wife." Lin Bingbing's brows were furrowed. Someone actually called herself "little wife", but she quickly understood that she knew Xia Xian Huaxin before, and this little nurse must also be Xia's molester.

Thinking of this, Lin Bingbing turned her head and walked directly to the emergency room. This time, she

She sat down on the bench outside in a huff.

Bai Yiyi didn't take care of Lin Bingbing, but directly called her grandma.

"Grandma, Xia Xia was seriously injured and is now in our hospital. I just paid him the money."

"What are you doing well, you stay there and don't move. No matter what you need, you must satisfy it. I'll go over immediately."

It was already late at night, but Bai Yiyi's grandmother got up immediately when she heard that Xia Xia was seriously injured.

"Hey, go and pack me the best medicinal herbs in Curry, you must hurry."

"Hey, go and buy me all the most precious supplements and rare medicinal materials on the market. No matter the price, just knock on the door when it's closed and call someone to find someone."

"Hey, order all the people in the Bai family to get up and stand by for me, boil the precious blood-tonifying and bone-tonifying medicinal materials for me into soup, and prepare a bucket of Bai's medicinal bath for me. , send me all to the hospital."

Bai Yiyi's grandmother made three calls, mobilizing all the Bai family.

In the emergency room. UU Reading

"It's strange that the patient's bones are automatically shifting, and the red blood cells in the body are automatically increasing, as if they are rapidly producing blood." The doctor who was operating was stunned.

"What are you doing blindly? Everyone's system is different. Help him sew up the wound." Another surgeon said.

At this time, Xia Xia was in a state of half asleep and half awake. Tian Xing Jue was maintaining his sleep, but he could clearly feel the condition of his body.

His injuries are much better now. There are credits from the ancient Buddha relics and the blood of Cain, but the biggest benefit is the Tongtian Fragment Scroll. The power in the volume made his strength stable in the mid-profound level, and there was a faint feeling of breaking through the late stage of the profound level.

There seems to be a connection between the Scroll of Babel and Xia Xia, and Xia Tian can get news about the Scroll of Babel unintentionally every time, and get it.

Others have tried hard to find the Tongtian Fragment, but in the summer they can come across it by accident every time.

At the same time, at the airport in Jianghai City, two people got off the plane.

There were two people who went to pick up the plane, one was Hu Fangye, and the other was Li Laoba.

The two of them were very respectful to the person who got off the plane. One of them looked at the scenery of Jianghai City, gently shook the feather fan in his hand, and his face was full of confidence "Xiamen, I don't know how many days you can live. ."