True and false information

Xia Tian's gestures and words just now can be clearly seen on the other side.

The small reconnaissance planes are the props used by the referees and the directors of the special operations department outside. There are dozens of small reconnaissance planes in the entire battlefield. Just now, this reconnaissance plane saw the scene of their team in the summer.

So the recorder enlarged the video.

As a result, as soon as he zoomed in, he saw Xia Xia raised his **** at the camera, and his words were obviously referring to the director of the special operations department of Suhai City.

The director of Suhai City's Special Operations Department wanted to eat Xia Xia alive at this time. She watched the video with anger on her face, clenched her fists with both hands, and clenched her teeth.

"Xiamen, I swear, I will kill you." The director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City roared angrily in his heart.

But she didn't say a word in reality, because she was just humiliating herself by speaking now. The Special Operations Office of Suhai City had become the last one. She felt that it was a shame to stay here, but she Had to stay because the game wasn't over yet.

No matter who looked at her, she felt that the other person's eyes were full of ridicule and disdain, although this was just her own thought.

"This kid." Yu Xiaoyun, the staff officer of the military region, shook his head helplessly.

"He's trying to **** off that guy." Ye Wanqing smiled slightly.

"Too naughty." Lin Bingbing said lightly.

In the scene, Xia Xia and others continued to move forward. There are ten pieces of information here, but three of them are true. He didn't know if the one just now was true, but he still counted it as true.

In other words, there are at least two real information outside, and they must quickly find one of the two real information.

Then leave here and win the game.

"Instructor, how do we find it?" Everyone looked at Xia Xia.

"You guys are waiting for me here." Xia Tian used his feet slightly, and then the whole person jumped directly onto a tree. He used his hands and feet together, and he came to the top of the tree after a few tosses. Seeing Xia Xia's skills, the following Those people are all in admiration to death.

The few tossings in the summer just now were more agile than monkeys.

After Xia Xia came to the top of the tree, he looked into the distance, and then jumped down, "Ten o'clock on the left front, move forward."

Hearing the words of summer, everyone moved forward.

"Good guy, this method is actually used. This is the first time I've seen someone use this method to find an intelligence station. He should have set a precedent." Long Baichuan, the captain of the Dragon Group, praised the method used by Xia Xia. .

The reconnaissance instrument has been following Xia Xia and the others. It only captured half of the scene of Xia Xia climbing a tree, but everyone already understood what he was doing.

"I heard that this kid had a lot of ideas when he was in the military region. He once killed the twenty-man team of the most famous mercenary group Scorpion in the world with one person." The military region's staff officer Yu Xiaoyun said lightly.

"Hmph, let's brag, Scorpion is the best among the international mercenaries. It's impossible to kill twenty Scorpion mercenaries with one person." Ye Lao sneered, he knew about the Scorpion mercenaries.

"Haha." Yu Xiaoyun, the staff officer of the military region, sneered, "Maybe, maybe the chiefs of our Southeast Military Region like to brag. The special forces teaching materials of our Southeast Military Region may also be blown out by the chiefs."

Hearing Yu Xiaoyun's words, Ye Lao naturally understood what he meant, "I'm not talking about the chiefs of the military region."

"Lao Yu, I've heard of the teaching materials of the special forces of your military region. It seems to be a video of actual combat, right?" Long Baichuan, the leader of the dragon team, turned his head and asked.

"That's right, it's a video, and it's a video of the twenty Scorpion mercenaries fighting in the jungle in the summer. It's a perfect textbook." Yu Xiaoyun, a staff officer in the military region, had seen those videos with his own eyes. Totally stunned.

He watched it over and over ten times.

Not only him, but even the chiefs of the military region looked at it over and over again.

"I'd like to see it when I get a chance," said Long Baichuan, the leader of the dragon group.

"I can't be the master of this, above

The chief said that this is the textbook video of the Southeast Military Region, and no one can watch it except those of the Southeast Military Region. " said Yu Xiaoyun, a staff officer of the military region.

Their conversation was heard by everyone.

Only then did the director of the Hangzhou Special Operations Office understand why the chiefs of the military region were covering the summer.

The director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City has only hatred in his eyes.

"I didn't expect this kid to have such a big reputation in the army." Ye Wanqing was also the first time she heard of Xia Xia's reputation in the army.

"He's only been away for less than two months, but he actually made such a big name there. It's really a wolf who eats meat in the world, and a dog who eats s in the world." Lin Bingbing said with emotion, summer is the wolf , No matter where he goes, he has meat to eat, and he can make a name for himself.

"So, Xia Tian is the king of soldiers in your place," asked Long Baichuan, the leader of the dragon group.

"No, the soldier king is just his little brother." Yu Xiaoyun said mysteriously.

within the examination area.

Xia Xia and others marched in a hurry, and the speed was very fast. When they were running, Xia Xia had already given them a combat order. The other party definitely did not expect that they would be able to get here so quickly. So Xia Xia planned to hit the other party by surprise , directly take this intelligence office.

Ten minutes later, they saw the specific location of the intelligence office, and everyone rushed down quickly. Although they were all tired, as long as Xia Xia didn't call to stop, no one of them could rest.

This is execution.

The two most needed strengths in a team are cohesion and execution.

Cohesion is to bring everyone together, so that 100% of the power can be exerted. Execution is the soul of a team. If there is no execution, the team will be a mess.

Xia Xia's shot is not easy. In order to prevent these people from breaking the rules, he shot to stun them.

The small reconnaissance instrument can't keep up with the speed of summer at all. If you don't pay attention, the summer will be gone, so it can only record the movements of most people.

Five minutes later, the battle was over without a single shot being fired.

"You guys, the speed is too slow. I defeated 60 by myself, and you only have 30 together." Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly.

"Instructor, it's not that we are too slow, it's that you are too fast. As soon as we followed, you disappeared. You can only see more than ten people lying on the ground." The leader of the seventh group said aggrieved.

"Look at the information first, I don't know if it's true or false." Xia Xia and others took out the information. It was an envelope with a piece of paper in it, and Xia Xia tore the envelope directly.