Just take it all

When Xia Xian opened the letter, he was stunned. It was all a bunch of numbers. He couldn't understand these numbers at all.

"Who can understand?" Xia Xia showed the numbers to other people, but everyone shook their heads, not understanding what these numbers were.

"Teacher, this seems to be a kind of code, but we don't understand it at all." The leader of the seventh group said depressedly.

"We don't even know the real information and the fake information, so we're just kidding." Xia Xia saw that the information in his hand was about to collapse. What the **** were the judges outside thinking?

In summer, the situation here has been seen from outside.

"Three referees, what do you mean?" Ye Wanqing looked at the three of them coldly.

"This is an electrostatic code. The decoding Ye Lao should have already sent it." Long Baichuan, the team leader, turned to look at Ye Lao when he said this.

"I forgot," Ye Lao said embarrassedly.

"Forget about them, did you also forget?" Ye Wanqing asked in a cold tone.

"I gave them to them when they came early. You came late, so I forgot." Elder Ye said very casually.

"Lao Ye, what you are doing is probably a bit inauthentic." Yu Xiaoyun looked at Mr. Ye in dissatisfaction and said, Mr. Ye was obviously going to hack the Jianghai City special team, but he didn't even tell others about the decoding. Fake.

"Forgetting is forgetting. Wasn't he capable that summer, let him figure out a way by himself." Elder Ye said disdainfully.

At this moment, Xia Xia in the video again raised his **** at the video.

"I know it must be yours again, well, since you want to play, I will play with you enough, I don't believe that I have carried all the information stations and put out all the information, there is no real That's it." After Xia Tian finished speaking, a silver needle flew out, directly piercing the camera of the instrument.

Since he was going to play, he naturally couldn't let these guys see what he did.

"You guys, investigate the situation for me, keep moving forward, the exit is there, you go straight over, and bury all the grenades and landmines you just captured near there, the more the better, hide them there. Wait for me, I'm going to play hard with them." Xia Xia ordered.

"Teacher, let's go with you"

"You stay, if I go by myself, the speed is fast enough. I guess I'll be there when your mines are buried. Remember, if you see the detection equipment, blow it up for me." Xia Xia ordered.

"Yes, teacher."

After saying goodbye to the nine of them, Xia Xia rushed forward. Xia Tian believed in their strength. Although it was a little difficult for the nine of them to go directly to the Intelligence Office, it was much easier to avoid those investigations.

After leaving the crowd, Xia finally didn't need to retain his strength. The speed of Manyun Xianbu was fully activated. Since he absorbed the blood of Cain, his speed has been doubled.

Now he is running at full speed, faster than a cheetah, even a small reconnaissance instrument can't detect him, and in summer, as long as he sees a small reconnaissance instrument, he starts to destroy it.

Soon he locked on the second target.

Xia Xia didn't waste time, and went straight into the enemy's camp. After he grabbed the information, he started running, and didn't deal with the opponent. When those people reacted, Xia Xia had already disappeared.

Plunderer, summer is now like a plunderer, scavenging everywhere.

"What's wrong with this kid? The Jianghai City special team has completely lost contact, and the small reconnaissance instrument has been damaged a lot, but they can't search their location." Yu Xiaoyun said inexplicably.

"Hmph, the small reconnaissance instruments are all made with money. If he says it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. The account will be calculated when he comes out." Old Ye said with a cold snort.

"Elder Ye, you should think about how to interpret the code after he comes out. I can tell you that Xia Xia's temper has always been bad." Ye Wanqing glared at Old Ye and said.

"I'm still afraid that he won't succeed." Seeing that Xia Xia was not here, Mr. Ye naturally became a lot tougher when he spoke. If Xia Xia was here, he would be scolded in a few words, and he would even swear at him. There is no room for it.

The main thing is

He still can't move Xia Xia, because Xia Xian is supported by the head of the area behind him.

"It seems that there will be another big move in the summer." Ye Wanqing secretly thought, she was really looking forward to what she could do in the summer.

On the way in the summer, at first, he only robbed information. Later, he felt unhappy and immediately started robbing grenades. He put all the grenades on the soldiers in the bag.

An intelligence station can get more than 500 exercise grenades in summer.

Xia Xia robbed a total of seven intelligence stations and robbed more than 3,500 grenades in total. Now he has a total of nine pieces of information, and he doesn't believe that these nine pieces of information are fake.

The people from the Jianghai City special team buried the thunder long ago, and they just waited for the summer to come back.

"Why hasn't the instructor come back? Didn't he say we'd come back after we buried the thunder?"

"Could there be an accident, let's go support."

"What are you thinking about, how could the instructor have an accident? The instructor told us to wait, then wait, and no one can move."

The people of the Jianghai City special team have been waiting like this.

It's getting dark gradually~www.mtlnovel.com~ Guys, I'm back. Xia Xia shouted loudly. At this time Xia Xia took a total of eight bags, seven of which were filled with grenades, and one was filled with wild rabbits. "Bring them all over and bury them in me." , Carpet-style burial, don't be afraid of not enough. "

The people in the Jianghai City special team were completely stunned to see these grenades back in Xia Xia.

Although these exercise grenades are lighter than normal grenades, 3,500 hand grenades weigh thousands of pounds. Xia Tian came back with such a heavy load. Now they finally understand why Xia Xian came back so late.

after an hour.

The referee and those coaches have come to the finish line, waiting for the result.

But when they came, they found that ten people from the Jianghai City special team actually started to barbecue there. They roasted wild rabbits there, very leisurely.

They didn't look like they were here at all, but more like they were here for a picnic.

They are only ten meters away from the exit. As long as they come out, they will pass, provided they have real information on them, but they are sitting there having a picnic.

"Hey, what the **** are you doing? You didn't get the information, right?" Ye Wanqing shouted while standing outside.

"There are nine pieces of information here, but I don't know which one is true." Xia Xia held up the nine pieces of information he had snatched up high.