bustling metropolis

"Ah" Ye Qingxue was also slightly taken aback. Seeing Bing Xin's nervous appearance, she knew that Bing Xin was definitely not joking. The last time Bing Xin saved her, Ye Qingxue was stunned by the strength Bing Xin showed.

She asked Bing Xin later, but Bing Xin answered hesitantly.

She and Bing Xin have known each other for a long time. She has heard of the fact that Bing Xin's Kung Fu is passed down from male to female, so Bing Xin's Kung Fu is definitely not a family tradition.

Then there is only one possibility, and it must be related to summer.

Bing Xin is Xia Xia's girlfriend now. No one knows Xia Xia's strength better than her, and at the same time, no one knows her brother's strength better than her.

Seeing that she was so nervous now, Ye Qingxue thought, could it be that Xia Xia is not the opponent of Brother Bing Xin.

"What kind of people are in your family?" Ye Qingxue asked. Although Bing Xin was reluctant to talk about this topic before, she must now ask, "And did your kung fu teach you in the summer?"

Bing Xin thought about it, and she decided to tell Ye Qingxue, "There are four masters in Huaxia. They used to be Dongweng, Xiyin, Nansha, and Beijun. The four top masters in China, but I heard that Xiyin died, so his position It has always been empty, these people are the strongest people in China today, my grandfather is the Northern Army inside, and the meaning of the representative is the meaning of the name."

"So powerful" Ye Qingxue did not expect Bing Xin to have such a background.

This is the third generation of red. His grandfather is actually one of the most powerful people here. This is simply too terrifying, and his grandfather is also one of the four most powerful people in China, a master with the title of the Northern Army.

Now she finally understands why Bing Xin is so anxious.

Because she was afraid, she was afraid that there would be danger in the summer, and it was true, how could the descendants of the Northern Army be bad.

"My brother is the best in the three generations of our Bing family. My grandfather once said that my brother will surpass his current strength one day." Bing Xin said with a sad face.

"Xia Xia should be fine. Although your brother is very powerful, Xia Xia is also very good. You are Xia Xia's girlfriend, you should trust him, and he doesn't make you feel at ease." Ye Qingxue nodded, she admitted Bing Xin's The elder brother is really powerful, but she is more willing to trust her cousin.

The summer has changed so much that she even doubted that the current summer is not the summer of the past, but whenever she could die for her in the summer, she knew that this summer was still her cousin, the summer.

Sometimes Ye Qingxue wondered, if she wasn't Xia's cousin, then she could pursue her own happiness just like Bing Xin.

"My strength is indeed related to Xia Xia, because I drank his blood." Bing Xin didn't want to hide from Ye Qingxue, because Ye Qingxue was her best friend.

"Drinking his blood, he is not a vampire, he can be transformed after drinking his blood." Ye Qingxue looked at Bing Xin suspiciously.

Bing Xin went to the kitchen to get an iron spoon, squeezed it with her right hand, and the iron spoon was directly deformed. "Xia Tian told me that he does have some vampire characteristics in his body, so after drinking his blood, I became deformed."

Ye Qingxue was stunned, unable to say a word.

"Qingxue" Bingxin pushed Ye Qingxue.

"Summer is actually a vampire, so I won't be a vampire too." Ye Qingxue tried to squeeze the iron spoon, but the iron spoon did not move.

"That's not the case. Xia Xia said that he mutated because of what he drank." Bing Xin said more and more confused, and then said directly, "Forget it, when he comes back, you can ask him yourself."

"It's really messy." Ye Qingxue was also a little confused.

On the other hand, the four of them flew to Port X in the summer.

Port X is one of the most prosperous cities in China. The people here live a very fast pace of life. In the north, most people work from nine to five, but in Port X, many people work together for three or four jobs.

Some people even sleep about five hours a day.

It is because everyone here works so hard that Port X is more prosperous than other cities.

Even Jianghai City has absolutely no way to compare with this place.


In summer, they came to the city by car. It is night now, but here is like the city that never sleeps. It is completely daytime. The streets are full of traffic and people are everywhere.

The population of Hong Kong is very large.

At the same time, this is also the most complicated place. All countries have power and special business here.

Although the local people have been suppressing them all the time, in this kind of heaven, money is the most powerful thing. As long as you have money, you can have anything. For money, even if you lose your head, those people are willing.

After they came to Jianghai City in the summer, Ye Wanqing contacted the local.

After inspection, they were brought into a conference room.

"A few of them are from Jianghai City. I heard that you have successfully intercepted a dr1." The head of Hong Kong City came forward in person.

"Yes." Ye Wanqing nodded.

"Let's talk inside." The head of Hong Kong City opened the door inside the conference room. This is the technical department, all of which are surveillance and high-tech in various places, and there is a row of tables in the innermost.

Counting this boss, there are ten people around the table. In summer, there are fourteen of them~www.mtlnovel.com~ Everyone, these people are from Jianghai City, they just successfully intercepted a dr1. "The head introduced to everyone.

Everyone nodded slightly.

The people in this room are managers of all aspects of Port X.

"I'll introduce you to dr1 first." Toutou stood up, and a screen appeared in front of him "dr1 is a weapon of country D. The super weapon developed by country D has been secretly developed for ten years. Its diameter It is 30 centimeters long. As for the explosive power, according to the evaluation of experts, I will not say it directly, you have all the materials in your hands."

Xia Xia and others all frowned. This thing is too powerful. How did such a dangerous thing enter Huaxia?

"This time, dr1 was stolen from country D. The person who stole that thing was the most wanted criminal in country D. The identity of this stealer is very mysterious. No one knows his true identity. A total of five major cases have been done in the past two years, each of which is an international major case." Toutou continued to explain.

"What was their purpose for stealing dr1?" Ye Wanqing asked.

"Trading, selling for money," said the head.

"Why did you choose X port?" Ye Wanqing asked again.

"I don't know." The head shook his head.

"Don't you know? I'm afraid you are the safest here." Xia Xia said suddenly.