2 people are enough

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the boss became very embarrassed.

"Stinky boy, who are you, this is Ganghai, what qualifications do you have to point fingers here." Someone on the side said, looking at the clothes he was wearing, he should be the inspector of Ganghai.

"I'm curious, why he doesn't trade in the United States, nor in country d, but he has to go to Hong Kong to trade. Have you never considered such a problem? Or have you become lazy and don't know what to do anymore? ." What Xia Xia hates most is such people, who dare not face mistakes when they make mistakes.

"Believe it or not, I'll ask someone to arrest you now." The inspector looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Your security system is used to arrest yourself, right?" Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, let's not come here to take care of their family affairs, let's talk about dr10." Ye Wanqing interrupted Xia Xia. She had heard about the Hong Kong Sea before. The people here are actually pretty good. When something goes wrong, everyone likes to pass the buck.

Summer didn't speak either.

"We will review this matter. There are a total of eight dr10s this time. You intercepted one and there are seven left. Once these seven dr10s explode, the power will be unimaginable." On the screen in front of the head. A picture of the harbor appeared.

"How do we stop the explosion?" Summer asked.

"This thing is very unstable. Country D didn't say much about the situation of this thing, so we have to make sure that it can't be leaked and nothing happens." Toutou explained.

"D country hum." Xia Xia snorted coldly. He didn't like D country at first. Now these people from D country are not willing to tell the specific situation of this thing. in great danger.

"We have already contacted the top of country d, and people from country d will be here soon." Toutou said.

"What are they doing here?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"They also came with agents and technicians to cooperate with us this time." Toutou explained.

"Do you have any information now?" Xia Xia didn't bother to pay attention to those technical personnel from country D.

"We received information that tonight, they will trade in an underground trading floor. Our people have already passed." The boss sent people over long ago, wanting to win another dr10.

"Damn it, why didn't you tell me earlier, what are we doing here, and what time are we wasting here?" Xia Xia said gloomily, did these people let them be used as decorations?

"Hmph, we've already determined to win that dr10. Our port and sea inspectors are not vegetarians." An inspector said with a cold snort.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, tell us where the address is, we'll go right now." Xia Xia didn't want to continue to waste time with them.

He is also in Ganghai City now. Once the dr10 explodes, he will not be able to live, so he must take these things seriously.

"Okay, I'll take you there." The head nodded.

"Boss, I don't think that's necessary. Our inspectors have already been dispatched, and those people can't escape." said the senior inspector.

"Tootoutou, if you don't take us there, then I will contact them." Ye Wanqing said coldly, she knew that the self-righteousness of these people might harm the citizens of Hong Kong.

"Okay, let's all set off together." Toutou knew that there must be a reason for Ye Wanqing and the others to come over.

Fourteen people in the house took three cars and rushed to the underground parking lot together.

At this time, the underground parking lot was completely surrounded by patrols, and the gangsters who were trading inside fought with the patrols.

In the hands of those gangsters are all the most advanced and powerful weapons.

In the first round, the patrol suffered heavy losses. The gangsters' weapons were too powerful. Even if the patrol was wearing an explosion-proof shield and body armor, they couldn't compete with the gangsters.

They were holding small arms.

boom boom boom

When they arrived in the summer, they heard a loud explosion, and then many patrols were pulled out.


Explosion, it was an explosive weapon just now.

"What's the situation now?" asked the senior inspector.

"Reporter, the bandits inside are very powerful. We suffered heavy losses, and now more than 30 brothers have been injured."

"How is it possible." The inspector's face turned blue.

"That's what you said is unnecessary." Xia Xia glared at the inspector, then nodded at the glacier, and then glanced at Hu Lie again, "You stay to protect the adults."

Hu Lie scratched his head in embarrassment. Xia Tian was not his head, but he ordered him, but he could only nod in agreement. Who told them they were just here to help this time.

Xia Xia and Glacier put on a body armor each, then they took two weapons and rushed inside.

More and more inspections are being shipped out.

The inspector's head was completely covered, and he couldn't say a word. Just now he was bragging about how powerful his troops were, but now he was completely injured.

"Did you call for support?" the head asked.

"The other inspections are called~www.mtlnovel.com~ but they need to hurry."

"Master Ye, this time I have to rely on your people." Turning his head to look at Ye Wanqing, he said.

"Hmph, I can't do it with so many people, what use are they two." The inspector snorted coldly and said that his people were hurt so much, and he already felt very uncomfortable. Now looking at the two This guy went in, and he naturally wanted to ridicule a few words.

He didn't believe that Xia Xia and Glacier could take down the bandits inside.

"My people, I believe, but the weapons of these gangsters seem to be more advanced than those of the patrol. Are your weapons in the harbor so easy to get?" Ye Wanqing looked at the patrol's head in confusion.

"This has nothing to do with our inspection," said the senior inspector.

"I heard before that you Hong Kong people like to shirk their responsibilities. Now it seems that it is true. Every citizen in Jianghai City has the right and obligation to deal with crimes." Ye Wanqing said coldly.

"Hmph." The inspector snorted coldly and didn't speak.

The boss also frowned. He knew that these were indeed Hong Kong's mistakes, but this situation has been going on for many years.


At this moment, a violent explosion sounded again.

"Their explosive weapons are the most advanced in the United States. The space inside is too narrow, and we have no chance at all." A small inspector ran out.