piss off

The space in the underground parking lot was not large, and it was full of cars. The power of grenades was very powerful, and once a nearby car was blown up, it would increase the power of the explosion, and the flying car could directly smash people into the air. .

More and more patrols came out from inside, and they were covered in scars.

"Hey, how long do we have to wait for the support of the Flying Tigers?" Toutou said with a sigh.

"Boss, I didn't expect the other party's firepower to be so fierce. If it weren't for their firepower, my inspection would definitely block the other party." The inspector said, what he meant by saying this was to shirk responsibility, to tell the boss this It has nothing to do with him, it's all because the other party's firepower is too fierce.

"Haha." Ye Wanqing laughed coldly and didn't say a word. She looked down on this kind of person the most.

The hype was just blowing up, but now he began to shirk his responsibilities, saying that his energy is not as good as the opponent's. So many people have bulletproof vests and explosion-proof shields. Even for the opponent to fight, it will take a while.

"What do you mean? It's not up to you as an outsider to discuss our affairs here." The inspector glared at Ye Wanqing.

"It's nothing, I really want to know, where is your confidence just now." Ye Wanqing said.

"How could I know that the other party has such a good weapon, didn't your people also go in, they should be dead by now." The head of the inspector said disdainfully, in his opinion, the two of them should have been killed in the summer. After all, there are only two of them, and they are both holding pistols, and the firepower of the other party is still so fierce.

"Sir, we can't take it anymore." Those inspections couldn't take it anymore.

Although they were all disgraced, their injuries were not serious.

"I always thought that the servants in Port X knew how to shirk their responsibilities. Now it seems that I was wrong. Even these soldiers are the same. If they are soldiers in our Jianghai City, they will not quit as long as they are not dead. "Ye Wanqing looked at the head and said.

"What do you know? Do you know how much pension it takes to kill a person? They are all elites, and every death and injury is a loss to the country." The inspector scolded.

"Oh, so you're still thinking about the country." Ye Wanqing smiled slightly and didn't speak. Her purpose was really not to teach this group of people a lesson.

"Hmph." The inspector snorted coldly, "Everyone is on guard, as long as they dare to rush out, they will shoot me to death."

"Mr. Toutou, I hope your people don't cooperate with me in the next task. I am afraid that they will hit dr1 and then say that it has nothing to do with them." When Ye Wanqing said this, she glanced at the inspector, "I and I My people are here to help, but I don't want to die so wrongly."

"If you think you can do it, go ahead." The inspector looked at Ye Wanqing angrily and said.

"My people have already gone up." Ye Wanqing said.

"Haha, your people, those two people should have been beaten into a hornet's nest by now." The inspector said.

Ten minutes later, the Flying Tigers arrived, but the gunfire inside had stopped.

Two people came out from there, one of them was carrying a black bag. The two people were covered in blood and dust, but the blood was not theirs, but the enemy's.

When he saw these two people coming out, he was overjoyed.

The inspector's head was shocked. He didn't expect these two to come out alive, and the bag he was holding seemed to be used for dr1.

Xia Xia handed the bag to Ye Wanqing.

"Mr. Totou, it's better to transport this thing first." Ye Wanqing handed the bag to Totou.

"Don't worry, the head of the people of D country has already come, just hand over the bomb to them." The head explained, "They have sent professional technicians. With them, there should be no problem with the bomb."

"It's from the D country again. They study these harmful weapons. Now let's wipe their ass." Xia Xia said with a frown.

"There is no way. Our current idea is to transport this thing out of X port city as soon as possible, otherwise, once it explodes, the consequences will be unimaginable." The boss has already seen how powerful they are in the summer, and the land that so many inspections just couldn't capture.

The two men took over the parking lot.

"Okay, do you know the location of the next dr1?" Xia Xia looked at the head and asked.

"Isn't it because you won an underground parking lot, how dare you talk to our boss like this." The inspector said dissatisfied.

"you, can, you, u; no, can, no, bibi." Xia Xia looked at the inspector and said seriously.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for my people who wounded all the robbers inside, how could you have a chance." The head of the inspection said, he thought that the reason why they were able to capture the underground parking lot in the summer was entirely because of his Man opened the gap.

"If it wasn't for your people who blocked the entrance to the parking lot, we should be able to go faster." Xia Xia glared at the inspector.


"Enough." The head looked at the inspector and said, "Remove your gun~www.mtlnovel.com~ and wait for the inspection by the Independent Commission Against Corruption."


"If you have anything to say, don't tell me, go and tell the people from the ICAC." The head has never spoken before, just hoping that the head of the inspection can perform well, but he was very disappointed. The head said how powerfully he and his own people were, once something happened, the flaws of this group of people were all exposed.

If it wasn't for the two of them in the summer, all the robbers here would have successfully escaped in the end.

"Listen to me, too. The door of the ICAC has been opened to you. If there are still people who can't handle the next thing, just go in by yourself. If you can come out of the ICAC well, then I believe you, this time is no trivial matter, it is not that you can write a report and transfer to a new position." The head looked at those people very seriously.

Those people were all stunned. Totou usually has a very good temper, and he never embarrassed them, but now Totou has such a big move.

They all understand that this time is really no small matter.

"Cry, you're in a hurry," a man from D country got out of the car, his mouth was in D Mandarin, and they got out of the car and took it to the package.

"Fuck you, this is Huaxia. If you want something, just speak the Chinese language. The world is so big, who can pretend to be pure." Xia Xia shouted at the people from the D country.