squint me

Hearing Xia Xia's series of shelling, everyone was stunned. He was too violent. As soon as the other party said a word, he scolded the other party with a **** head.

"What are you, this is Mr. Ben Gou, the consul of our country D." The person from country D behind said in Chinese.


When Xia Xia went up, he slapped that person in the face, and that person didn't even have a chance to react.

"What is he, it has something to do with me, do you know where you are now, the land of China, you thought you were in your country now, don't think it's great to find a white cloth and a plaster for your national flag, Annoying Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu brought three thousand city officials to level your Plaster Island." Xia Xia looked at the man with cold eyes and said.

"Are you Chinese people so rude? It was the dr1 technician who was beaten just now, Professor Ben Zhu." Manager Ben Gou said dissatisfiedly.

A total of three people came here, namely Professor Ben Zhu, Manager Ben Gou, and the expert beside them.

"Uh, I'm in charge of this, you'd better send your things back first." The boss didn't mean to blame Xia Xia, but reminded them of the purpose of coming this time.

"We will definitely take the things, but he must apologize to us. He insulted our country just now." Director Ben Gou looked at Xia Xia with cold eyes. His country was insulted, which he could not tolerate.

"What if I don't apologize?" Xia Xia looked at Mr. Ben Gou playfully.

"Then I will find someone above to solve the matter, and then you will be charged with destroying the friendship between China and D country." Director Ben Gou said angrily.

"That's great." Xia Tian patted his thigh and continued excitedly, "Go and sue me, hurry up, after you tell me, I will become a national hero."

The master looked at Xia Xia angrily. Although he never spoke, he still knew Chinese. Xia Xia's words were so ugly that he couldn't help but want to take action.

Mr. "Ben Donkey" the consul stopped the expert.

"Why don't you agree? Listen to what they said just now. You are a master of the plaster country, right?" Xia Xia looked at the master and asked.

The expert from country D didn't speak.

"Looking at your appearance, you should be a master of country D. I'm a master of Huaxia, do you want to compare?" Xia Xia looked at the master provocatively, seeing that if the people of country D didn't fix it, it would not be him.

"Sir, please pay attention to your words. Mr. Ben Donkey is a high-level expert in our country D, and his strength is very powerful." Manager Ben Gou said dissatisfiedly.

"Pay attention to your sister, you made such a dangerous thing, and then you can't watch it. You said that your head was kicked by a donkey. Is your country's defense system built with matchsticks?" Xia Tian looked at the book Gou Guanshi continued, "Now, Lao Tzu helped you get it back. If you want it, speak politely. Otherwise, we will only hand it over to the international security organization."

"You." Director Ben Gou looked at Xia Xia angrily, and then a smile appeared on his face, "Sir, if you delay us like this, once dr1 explodes in port X, it will be your responsibility."

"I don't know whose responsibility it is. Anyway, if something happens in Hong Kong, we Huaxia will send 3,000 temporary workers to pacify your plaster country." Xia Xia looked at a few people and said.


The task of the master from country D was tolerable. After scolding, he directly attacked Xia Xia.

"Eighth, you are Mare Gobi." Before Xia Xia made his move, the glacier beside him had already made his move. With just one punch, he knocked out the expert from country D.

"You are destroying the friendship between the two sides this time." Director Ben Gou said angrily.

"I've destroyed it, so what can I do? This is my certificate. If you want to sue Laozi, go ahead." Glacier took out his certificate.

After hearing Glacier's words, the high-level executives in Port X were all stunned. The person in front of him is actually such a person, a talent from the Northeast, but he is still so young. Such a young talent will be limitless in the future. .

Even the head was stunned. One of the two masters was a young talent. What about the identity of the other?


No wonder they speak so hard.

"Hey, you stole my prey. Believe it or not, I will fight with you." Xia Xia looked at the glacier with great dissatisfaction.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, all those high-level executives in Hong Kong City were shocked. He actually dared to talk to Cai Jun like this. What exactly is his identity, which makes Xia Xia even more mysterious.

One is such a young talent, and the other dares to talk to him like this.

Even the Jianghai City special operations team has become mysterious.

"Baga, you guys actually made a sneak attack. If you have the chance, do it again. This time the two of you will go together." The expert from country D said angrily.


This time, the glacier did not rush to take action, but started rock-paper-scissors with summer.

The two of them decided to use the most friendly way to decide who to go.

"Damn, how dare you insult me." The D country expert rushed towards the two of them angrily.


Two slaps hit him on the face~www.mtlnovel.com~ directly slapped his face to the point of swelling.

"Haha, I won." Xia Tian used the clairvoyant to win the glacier directly.

"Then you come." Glacier said jealously.

Xia Tian didn't talk nonsense, he turned his head directly, just at this time, the master of country D punched him. Everyone saw that the fist hit Xia Xia immediately, but Xia Xia actually disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already standing there. Behind the master "too slow."


Xia Xia punched the expert from country D, knocking him to the ground.

Then Xia Xia crushed the master's arms and legs with both hands, "Hey, this is what a guy like the master you sent can be useful. It's just to watch the fun, or you should keep it for your own use in country D."

"No wonder your country D can't even protect your own things. It turns out that your country D is such a waste." Glacier looked at those people with disdain.

"Baga." Director Ben Gou looked at the two angrily, and then waved to the black car behind them.

The door of the black car was opened.

There was a person sitting inside, that person slowly got out of the car, his eyes were deep, "Mr. Sha 13 Yichuan, the honor of country D needs your protection."

The man walked towards here slowly, his eyes locked on Xia Xia He Glacier and said coldly, "Let's go together."