super jounin revenge

The bag was caught by the glacier a second before it hit the ground.

That super johnin looked at the glacier and summer with resentment on his face, yes, the golden light just now was summer's money flying knife, that super johnin never thought that summer's money flying knife could be so fast.

And it was extremely sharp. Just as soon as he touched his finger, his entire finger was cut off by the money flying knife.

Super Jōnin Sabi Yichuan turned around and left directly. He knew that what he had suffered was dumb. If he went back and complained, he would obviously be saying that he lost to these two people, which he could not tolerate.

As a super Jōnin, how could he lose? He must avenge this revenge.

He doesn't think he will lose to these two people. The reason why these two people can take dr10 away from him is because of their sneak attack and their carelessness.

Super Kamijin Sabi Ichikawa thought so in his heart.

After returning to the mayor's side, Glacier put the bag in front of everyone.

This is already the third one.

Now the mayor of Hong Kong is full of confidence in the people at the Jianghai Special Operations Office, and they have recovered the third dr10.

The Super Joinin Sabi Ichikawa came back with his head down.

"How could you miss?" Consul Bengo asked in confusion.

"Hmph." Super Kamunin Sabi Ichikawa snorted coldly after taking a look at Xia Xia and Glacier, but did not speak.

Although he didn't speak, Consul Bengou already understood the general situation.

"I don't have any information now. I guess it is unlikely that those people will trade today. I have already arranged a place for you to live. You should go to rest first. Consul of the island country, you need to contact the security of your island country as soon as possible. personnel, the dr10 will be handed over to your security personnel by our Ministry of Foreign Affairs," said the mayor of Hong Kong.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mayor, we have already prepared the person who will be handed over. Once we leave China's airspace, we will arrange for an aircraft carrier to carry it." Consul Bengo was very proud when he said the aircraft carrier.

It means that the strength of our island country is not just casual, we also have aircraft carriers.

"Let's go." Ye Wanqing took Xia and the four of them into a car arranged by the mayor.

The next step is to wait for the news. The mayor has ordered people to block Hong Kong, and he will start to deal with a large number of crimes.

The four of them were sent to a big hotel, each of them had a separate room, and the meal was ready. Although it wasn't a big meal, it wasn't a box lunch either.

It's now the middle of the night, and after a few of them have eaten, they start to rest.

The specific matter has to wait for the mayor's arrangement.

When you need them to take action, you will naturally tell them.

Xia Xia quickly entered the state of Tian Xing Jue's cultivation, but about an hour later, a scream woke Xia up. When Xia Xia ran out, Ye Wanqing and Glacier were also standing at the door.

One person is missing, Hu Lie.

"Hu Lie." Glacier hurriedly ran to the fourth room. When he opened the door of the room, he saw blood all over the floor and Hu Lie, who had passed out. At this time, Hu Lie had been hit by at least forty people. A knife, but the person who cut him was very skilled, and neither knife nor knife was lethal. It seemed that the man wanted him to experience the feeling of bleeding to death.

Xia Xia rushed in, and the silver needle was quickly inserted into his body to stop the bleeding. "Call an ambulance, or he will bleed too much and die."

Hearing Summer's words, Glacier hurriedly called an ambulance, "How is he?"

"The other party wants him to bleed too much and die, and let him experience the fear of death, which is a cruel method." Xia Xia said with a frown.

"Who did it?" Ye Wanqing asked.

"Super Jōnin Sabe Ichikawa." Xia Xia and the glacier said coldly at the same time.

They know that only that Shabi Yichuan has such ability, and Hu Lie must have been caught in his ninjutsu so he was so miserable.

"I'm going to avenge Hu Lie now." Glacier was about to rush outside after saying that.

In the summer, a pull of the right hand directly pressed the glacier to the ground, and the glacier now faces

The whole person is in a state of madness. If he is allowed to keep this state in the past, it will be no different from sending him to death.

"Let me go, I will avenge Hu Lie." Glacier shouted angrily.

"Calm down, revenge will definitely go, but it's not like this. You are now overwhelmed by hatred, and you will definitely fall for the other party's tricks. He is waiting for you there now." Xia Xia firmly held down glacier.

"He's my brother. He once blocked ten bullets for me." Tears flowed from Glacier's eyes. Who said that a man doesn't shed tears easily, but he just hasn't reached the depths of his love.

Even a man like Glacier couldn't control his emotions when he saw his dearest brother being made like this.

"Listen to me, the most important thing now is to send Hu Lie to the hospital, and then find a way to take revenge." Xia Xia let go of his hand, and Glacier was no longer struggling. He knew that he was really too impulsive just now.

Since Super Jōnin Sabi Ichikawa chose to fight against Hu Lai, he must have been prepared long ago. He must have fallen into the opponent's trap in the past.

After the ambulance arrived, the three of them accompanied Hu Lie to the hospital.

The situation here was also discovered by the plainclothes and called the mayor.

The mayor called Ye Wanqing to express condolences.

Ye Wanqing didn't say anything, only said that she would handle it.

Hu Lie was taken to the emergency room.

"Xia Xia, how sure are you?" Ye Wanqing looked at Xia Xia and asked, no matter what, Hu Lie is now hers, and being beaten like this, she can't just sit back and ignore it.

She brought Hu Lie here.

"Ten." Xia Xia said.

Although he didn't know that Super Jōnin must have more powerful tricks, he had already decided to use innuendo and money throwing knives, not to give the opponent any chance.

"What about the mouth?" Ye Wanqing asked again.

"Five points." Xia Tian said.

Murder and arrest are not the same level of difficulty. A little carelessness can lead to self-destruction.

"I'll go with you." Glacier stepped forward and said.

"No, you have to stay here to protect the safety of my aunt and Hu Lie, and the three of you cannot be separated. I suspect that all of this is in the plan of that super high-ranking Shabi Yichuan. He may come to the hospital to attack, So you must stay here to protect their safety." Xia Xiang looked at the glacier and said seriously, "I will definitely bring him back alive."

"Well, I will definitely protect their safety." Glacier said seriously, this is a promise between men and men.