There's a loop

Glacier is no longer as impulsive as before. He understands that since the island country's super-Junin Shabi Yichuan can injure Hu Lie, his strength should not be underestimated, and if he can find Hu Lie, it proves that he has found the summer and them. 's residence.

But why did he act on Hu Lie? Actually, as long as he calmed down, he would understand what was going on.

He and Xia Xia are the most powerful among the four. Ye Wanqing is the director of the special operations department and holds a high position. If something happens to her, it is impossible for these islanders to leave Hua Xia, and they cannot bring dr10 back. .

So he didn't dare to touch Ye Wanqing, among the four, he would only be fine if he moved Hu Lie.

He also knew that the two of them had a good relationship in Xia Xia. He moved Hu Lie. Xia Xia and Glacier would definitely seek revenge from him, and then they would fall into his trap.

Glacier understands that there is nothing wrong with what Xia Xia said. If he had gone just now, he would have fallen into the trap of the enemy.

Xia Xia is gone now, although Xia Xia knew it was a trap, but because of his brother's injury and Hua Xia's dignity, he still had to fight. Of course, since Xia Xia knew it was a trap, he wouldn't jump in foolishly.

Glacier knew that once the summer left, it would also be unsafe here. What he had to do was to meet the challenges below.

Both have their own division of labor.

One to attack and one to defend.

Glacier came and went to Jianghai City originally to find trouble in summer, but now the two have come to Hong Kong together, and the two have fought side by side. Now the two of them avenge their brothers and deal with the island nation's super johnin.

"Xia Tian, ​​pay attention to safety, you don't have to live, you can die." Ye Wanqing said looking at Xia Xia.

"I know." Xia Xia didn't dare to be too big. The island country's super jōnin is not an ordinary rookie. His own strength can be compared with Huaxia's late Xuan level, plus their ninjutsu, which should not be underestimated.

"I'm here, you can rest assured, I'll invite you to drink after this battle." Glacier patted Xia Xia on the shoulder, he has now recognized Xia Xia.

No matter what he heard about Xia Xia from other people before, but now he has recognized Xia Xia, who is Glacier, the youngest major general in the Northeast Military Region, and the King of Soldiers in the Northeast Military Region.

The only person who can get his approval is probably only a monster like Xia Xia.

Xia Xia set off directly, and Ye Wanqing gave him a mobile phone number. This mobile phone number is the person who deals with information locally. If you ask that person, you can easily find the residence of the islanders.

"You are" came a question from the other end of the phone.

"Help me check a few people. Money is not a problem, it's the consul of the island country. I want to know where they live and what room they are in." Xia Tian was no nonsense.

"Wait a minute." The other end of the phone didn't hang up. Two minutes later, "Harmony Hotel, there are four rooms in total, 707, 708, 709, and 710. The recorded information is Ben Donkey, Ben Gou, Ben Pig, and Shabiyi. Sichuan."

"Someone will give you the money." Xia Xia hung up the phone.

Meanwhile on the other end of the phone.

At this moment, the person who traded information had a gun pointed at his head.

"I said as you said, you can let me go." said the person who traded information.


"Dead people are of no use." It was Shabi Yichuan who shot the gun, everything was in his plan, and now he drew a cage, just waiting for the summer to get in, he took out a phone "You guys Let's do two, do it beautifully, kill everyone except the woman."


Xia Xia's cell phone rang suddenly, and when he turned it on, he saw a video of a person being beaten to death and a subsequent call.

Xia Xia could see clearly that the person who was killed was talking to himself, and the one who shot was Shabi Yichuan, and he heard his later conversation. Xia Xia understood that this was the son of the intelligence trading boss. Hand, if Shabi Yichuan released him, then this video would not be sent, but once he died, this video would be sent to Xia Xia's mobile phone two minutes later.

This can be considered a change of direction and let Xia Xia avenge him.

Everyone is not an idiot, let alone this informant

Boss Yi, he has been able to stay on this path for so long, it is definitely not just luck, he has long known that he may die one day, so he left this method.

Only that Shabi Yichuan was still intoxicated by his self-righteousness.

Xia Xia called Ye Wanqing to inform him that the ninjas were about to start. Ye Wanqing and Glacier had already made preparations, just waiting for the other party to come over.

Xia Xia went to the Harmony Hotel. Although he knew that there was a trap there, he still had to go there, but he would not take the normal route, and that Shabi Yichuan was not as fast as him, so he would definitely be able to do it earlier than that guy. By then, it will be clear at a glance what the conspiracy is.

Although Xia Xia's speed is still a little behind Bai Yu's, but compared with ordinary Xuan level masters, it is simply invincible.

The speed of Manyun Xianbu is already fast enough. With the addition of the speed bonus unique to vampires, his speed is now three times faster than that of Shabi Yichuan, and Xia's stamina is stronger than the opponent's.

Soon, Xia Xia came to the downstairs of the Harmony Hotel, and he hid himself in the darkness.

Xia Xia discovered this skill of his own long ago, as if he was like a vampire. Once he was hidden in the darkness, he would become one with the darkness.

At the same time, the other party Ye Wanqing walked out of the ICU. She had just walked out of the ICU when two doctors walked in. After entering, the two of them shot the bed three times. When they went to lift the quilt, they suddenly found out.

There are pillows under the quilt.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind them, it was the glacier, and the glacier punched the two people directly, but the two of them were also masters, and they shot at the moment they retreated.

bang bang

Both shots hit the glacier, but the glacier actually rushed up, as if an ice blade appeared on his fist, and the ice blade wrapped his fist.


The two punches hit the two people's heads, directly blowing their heads.

Hot air bubbled from the glacier, and the two bullets fell to the ground. It turned out that the two bullets hit his ice armor just now.

This is the glacier's special skill, the Frost Art.

"It's still two jounin." After checking the two of them, Hikawa found that they were both jounin. His way of dealing with ninjas was to be quick and kill the opponent when he didn't show his true skills.

"It's settled, it's pretty fast." When Ye Wanqing returned to the room, Glacier had already settled the battle.

"Now waiting for the good news over there in the summer." Glacier said and lifted Hu Lie up from under the bed.