battle super johnin

Because of the warning of summer, Glacier counterattacked the opposite side once, and easily killed two Jōnin.

If it is a normal competition, although the glacier has a chance to win, it depends on the real battle, because no one can predict what will happen in the battle, and any thing may change the situation of the battle.

But now Glacier took less than ten seconds to successfully deal with the two Joinin. He relied on the opportunity and the opponent did not know how powerful he was.

The Frost Technique was his grandfather Beijun's famous stunt, and it was with this stunt that his grandfather became one of the four masters of Huaxia.

Once the luck Frost Art.

Then a layer of ice will appear on the surface of the skin, which can be defended or attacked.

In fact, the reason why Bing Family's Frost Art is passed down to men and not to women is not because Father Bing prioritizes sons over women, but because Frost Art is not suitable for women to practice. It will be too full, and the whole person will be as cold as ice.

In the end, the higher the level of Frost Art, the more dangerous the woman will be, which is no different from suicide.

The crisis on the side of the glacier was resolved, but he did not go to support Xia Xia. On the one hand, he was afraid that the other party would have a backer, and he would definitely be exposed when he went out now. So Shabi Yichuan knew the situation here, and he did something. Prepare.

Even if he goes to support the summer now, he may not be able to catch up, and he may break the summer plan.

Summer has been hidden in the dark.

A few minutes later, Shabi Yichuan returned to the Harmony Hotel.

His brows were tightly furrowed, he didn't speak, he hurried upstairs, Xia Tian followed behind him, silently.

"Damn, there's no news yet, so there won't be anything wrong." Shabi Yichuan said angrily in the elevator.

He did not find that there was a person above the elevator at this time. This person was none other than Xia Xia. Xia Xian took advantage of the fact that he went to the elevator when he went to ask for the room card, opened the maintenance port above, and came to the top of the elevator. .

"Consul Bengou, have you received anything over there?" Shabi Yichuan asked on the phone.

Xia Tian couldn't hear what the other party said.

"Well, I'm walking upstairs now. He should have already taken the bait. One drop of mandala's poison can poison a cow. As long as he enters the room, he will surely die." Shabi Yichuan said viciously.

"Okay, listen to the situation over there, and let me know if something happens." Shabi Yichuan hung up the phone.

Xia Xia, who was above the elevator, smiled slightly in his heart. He finally understood what the other party's plan was. It was actually the poison of the mandala. Xia Xian was very confident in his medical skills, but he couldn't solve the poison of the mandala.

If he didn't stop the glacier at that time, once the glacier came over, it would be no different from sending him to death.

And the real enemy doesn't live here at all.


The elevator door opened, and Shabi Yichuan came to the door of 710. He opened the door of 710 with his key card. He was already looking forward to it. He was looking forward to seeing a corpse lying on the ground in a while.

But he was disappointed. No one was there. When he saw no one, his whole face changed.

He just heard that person inquired about this place just now, there is no way that person can't come here.

"Are you looking for me?" At this moment, the elevator door was opened again, and an extremely handsome young man came out. This young man was summer.

When he saw Xia Xia, Shabi Ichiro frowned. He didn't even realize when Xia Xia followed.

"Why didn't you enter the room?" Sabi Ichiro asked inexplicably.

"You underestimate the Chinese people." Xia Tian posted the video.

When I saw this video, Ichiro Sabi knew that it was broken. The person he sent to the hospital must have been ambushed. No wonder it has been so long and there is no reply.

"Damn, you didn't get fooled." Sabi Ichiro looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"As far as your child's play is concerned, it's almost the same as cheating the children in Huaxia Kindergarten. As long as you are an adult, your IQ is yours.

high. Xia Xia glanced at Shabi Ichiro with disdain.

This Shabi Ichiro really thinks that his plan is perfect, he thinks of himself as the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang.

"Although my perfect plan went wrong, do you think you might escape from me?" Sabi Ichiro looked at Xia Tian coldly, his eyes like a wild beast.

"Oh, I'm going, where did you get your confidence? I'm here to kill you, okay? I'll run away from your sister." Xia Xia felt speechless. The other party actually said that he couldn't escape when he was sent to the door.

"Hmph, I'm the super johnin of the island country. Although the plan didn't work out, I can still kill you." Sabi Ichiro said viciously.

Xia Tian took a look at the environment here. This is a long corridor. The corridor is less than three meters wide and about four meters high. It can be regarded as a complete alley. The fighting here is also street fighting.

Fighting in such a small space is actually very difficult to perform.

But this battlefield is nothing to Natsu and Sabi Ichiro, because Sabi Ichiro can stealth.

His body instantly disappeared in place.

"Hehe, it's stealth again." Xia Xia smiled coldly and said, "The ninjutsu of your island country is to stealthily learn the five elements of our China, but you didn't understand the five elements, so you invented ninjutsu with your fur. That's it."

Sabi Ichiro didn't say a Xia Xia's clairvoyant eyes opened instantly, he carefully observed his surroundings, and he had to say that his super johnin was not a cover, he almost concealed Xia Xia's eyes.

"It's here." A golden flying knife appeared in Xia Xia's right hand, and the flying knife shot directly at the wall.


The flying knife hit the wall and shot directly in. At the same time, Shabi Ichiro's figure appeared in front of Xia Xia. If he hadn't hid quickly, he would have been pierced by Xia Xia's flying knife.


Xia Xia gently pulled the flying knife and flew towards Shabi Ichiro again.

The flying knife is like a work of art in Xia's hands, flying around in the air.

Flying knives can actually fly.

And it's Feifei left and Feifei right.

Sabi Ichiro kept dodging. He was getting farther and farther away from Xia Xia's body. Just now, he accidentally cut his skin with a gold thread, which made him start to be a little afraid of this flying knife.

This flying knife is extremely sharp, and even the thread that holds it is so sharp.

At this moment, a colored ball appeared in his right hand, and the colored ball rolled directly to Xia Xia's feet.

"Your greatest ability is this flying knife. Now that I am so close to you, your flying knife is too late to save you." A cold voice appeared beside Xia Xia.