A large number of masters attacked

Everyone has heard the news that Hong Kong is going to hand over dr10 to the World Security Organization. As soon as the news came out, all forces moved.

The dr10, the most advanced weapon in the island country, is small in size and powerful.

This weapon is the treasure of those terrorists. If they get this thing, then they can simply fight against a small country. All the terrorist forces from all sides sent people to Hong Kong for a while, and some distant countries even sent planes. to escort.

They all set their sights on the eight dr10s, but only three of the eight dr10s were discovered by the Hong Kong government, that is, the three they rescued in the summer, and the other five are still in the hands of stealing the sky.

Siu Tian simply didn't do the second, contacted those big terrorist forces, and asked them to come to Hong Kong to hand over in person. The price was half cheaper than before. As for whether they can transport it away, it is not under Siu Tian's control.

Stealing has a great reputation, and everyone believes in his credibility.

So these five missiles were sold out just after he put the price on them. He told the five forces where the dr10 was stored, and he quietly left Hong Kong with the money.

"Boss, we have lost a lot this time." A beautiful woman said, and beside him stood a man dressed in black and wearing a black hat.

"It's not a loss, it's not a loss, the people who died were not our people, they were hired by money, we just used our brains." The man in black is the legendary stealing sky, and no one would have thought that the island country's most wanted The thief is actually from China.

"Boss, where are we going?" the beautiful woman asked.

"Go on vacation, don't you think that going on vacation now, the atmosphere is just right, watching other people fight, we are lying in the holiday house drinking wine." He smiled slightly.

"Okay, you are too self-willed." The beautiful woman followed Tian Tian and left Hong Kong.

The five forces have sent their own people to Hong Kong to pick up things. These five dr10s are being quietly transported out of Hong Kong, and more people are paying attention to the three dr10s. The five dr10s want to block the It's very difficult, but the three dr10s are very simple. Although Jianghai City will send a large number of police forces, there are also many people sent by various forces.

Even the island country has sent a large army, and now Huaxia does not return the dr10 to them, then they have to rob it.

The island country sent in overnight, two super jounin, 4 special jounin, eight jounin, and 100 special jounin. It would be very troublesome to bring guns into Hong Kong, so they used the super troop of the special forces. Army of Ninjas.

They have two goals this time, one is to **** dr10, and the other is to avenge Shabi Yichuan.

Early the next morning, the mayor of Hong Kong came to their place in the summer.

He told Xia about the situation again.

"Protecting the family and the country is what I should do, but I have a request. I will transport my aunt and Hu Lie away now. Don't take the plane." Xia Xia is most worried about his aunt's safety.

"Boy, are you underestimating your aunt and me too much? I'm a master. Back then, your father didn't dare to underestimate me." Ye Wanqing said very seriously.

"Kill the stubborn, and drown the water. Auntie, how many years have you not done it yourself?" Xia Tian's words are too classic. This is the world. All these people have their teeth blown away. Those who know water like to pretend that they can cross the Pacific Ocean, and the fish eat it.

It's true that Yi Gao people are bold, but usually these people are killed by someone.

"Stinky boy, how dare you talk to me like that, I'm your aunt." Ye Wanqing tapped Xia Xia's head.

"You're not my auntie, but to me, you're closer than a kiss, so I don't want you to be hurt. I can't devote myself to the battle here." Xia Xia said very seriously.

"You already know." Ye Wanqing said embarrassedly, he was talking about kissing her aunt.

"I'm all grown up, how could I not know, but for me, apart from my father, you and my cousin Xiao Ma are the closest people to me." After his father died, Xia Xia grew up in his aunt's house.

"Actually, your mother." Ye Wanqing just wanted to say something.


"Needless to say, you won't say it all anyway, let me check it out myself." Xia Xia smiled at Ye Wanqing, "If I can't go back to Jianghai alive, help me pick up my father, if no one accompanies him , he will be lonely."

Xia Xia knew that the mission this time was almost a near death, because this time it was not only dr10, but also various forces. Although the mayor had already asked the troops for help, it still took time for those teams to get here.

And it's either international mercenaries or killers from all over the place, or special forces and super forces.

Once there are too many people, it is possible to be recruited, and once someone accidentally hits dr10, they will die here like Hong Kong citizens in the summer.

"You can't die. If something happens to you, I won't be able to explain to your father even if I die a hundred times." Ye Wanqing said with her brows furrowed.

"If you leave, I'll be much safer, so I won't be distracted, but it's a pity that my uncle may have to accompany me~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xia Xia glanced at the glacier and said. .

"Sacrificing for the country is also my honor. You are a good person. My sister is not wrong." Glacier patted Xia Xia on the shoulder.

"Okay, I'll go, but you must promise me that you will come back alive, and I will cook the dishes myself and wait for you to come back." Ye Wanqing knew Xia Xia's temper. If she didn't leave, Xia Xia would definitely be distracted, so she decided to leave .

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Bing, I salute you for the country and the citizens of Hong Kong." The mayor of Hong Kong gave Xia a salute.

"Mr. Mayor, I still need your cooperation. Huaxia's dignity cannot be lost. If those five dr10s are shipped out of Huaxia, then Huaxia's reputation will be lost. In the future, others will say that Huaxia is a good place for smuggling, no matter what. Everything can be shipped out, so I have to keep the five dr10s, and I need you to do two things." Xia Xian wrote it out on paper with a pen, and this matter was very important, so he just wrote it, After writing, he burned the paper with fire.

"Don't worry, it's all up to you this time." The mayor cooperated with the summer in everything.

"Give me a sniper rifle too." Glacier said, what he wrote on the paper in the summer just now was that he wanted a sniper rifle.

"You said which of the two of us has the best marksmanship?" Xia Xia asked.

"I'm the king of soldiers in the Northeast Military Region, needless to say." Glacier said triumphantly.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that the soldier king of the Southeast Military Region is my younger brother." Xia Xia looked at the glacier and said with a smile.