fight for honor

"Relying on" the glacier raised the **** to summer.

"Be careful, I'm your brother-in-law, you can't do this well." Xia Xia said shyly.

"Haha" Several people laughed, and Xia Xia eased the atmosphere for everyone.

The combat mission in the summer was very simple. He knew that the opponent would definitely take advantage of the time when Port X city and the international security team were handed over to transport the other five dr1s out of Port X, because that was when the defenses of other parts of Port X were the weakest.

So Xia Xia let Toutou use a fake for the first handover to divert the attention of those people. Then he and Glacier moved separately, using planes to quickly intercept the few smuggling ports in Jianghai City, and then go back and hand over to the security team.

Although the middle distance is very long, the speed of the helicopter is not slow, and there is no traffic jam in the air.

At that time, just let the helicopter go as fast as possible.

Of course, the handover cannot make the international security team wait any longer, so after the five dr1s are taken back in the summer, they will go to hand over with the international security team, and it will still be a **** battle.

That's the whole plan for summer.

Toutou called up all the police forces in Hong Kong City, the package crime team, the investigation team, etc. As long as they were able to participate in the war, they were all transferred, all kinds of explosion-proof teams, anti-biochemical infection teams, and so on.

Once the dr1 exploded, they had to stop the poison inside from continuing to invade.

All the ports are closed, but most of the police force is in the international trade port, because today's handover is here, for this handover, the world security team and the international security team have sent a total of three large ships. dr1 is transported to an uninhabited island, and then dr1 is destroyed, and they will use chemicals to cover the island beforehand, so that the poison cannot infect the sea.

This is how the international security team handles this kind of thing, it must not be allowed to stay in the world.

Summer and Glacier each have a sniper rifle and a submachine gun with a few bullets. They must be careful when shooting. They also need to calculate the wind speed at high altitudes, otherwise they may miss. Once they hit the dr1, then they will become China's sinners. .

Although the dr1 has its own unique detonation method, no one knows what will happen if the bullet hits it. Once the device inside is leaked or detonated, it will be miserable.

"Uncle, what's the wind speed in your place?" Xia Xia asked on the plane.

"The wind speed here is okay for me. I have already counted it. How are you?" Glacier responded.

"It's too windy. It feels good to ride in a helicopter. I like this feeling. I'm condescending. As long as my pilot doesn't let the other side's shells shoot down, I'll be sure to wipe out the other side." Xia Xia said excitedly, he was most worried It's a missile, a shoulder-fired missile.

But the other party shouldn't be able to get them. Recently, the X port city has been under martial law, so it's amazing that they can get weapons.

If they can still get that kind of heavy weapons, then the Security Department of X Port City should really go to a proper review.

"You haven't been in a helicopter, have you?" Glacier asked.

"Does it count as being hung from a rope by a helicopter?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically.

"Okay, you don't have to say it, I already understand it all. You rookie, tie the rope, don't fall, you are easy to get excited, fasten the seat belt on your body, and release the rope when you are in danger to jump out of the plane." Glacier reminded .

"What danger could there be? The little brother who flew me said that he used his life to guarantee that there would be no problem." Xia Xia said confidently.

"Nonsense, this is what every helicopter pilot says, because once the plane is targeted by a missile, they have no chance to parachute, and they are dead. Of course, it is guaranteed with their lives." Glacier explained, his explanation is very reasonable.

"Damn it, little brother, is what he said true?" In the summer, their headphones were all connected together.

"Yeah, but I've never had an accident," the driver said.

"Nonsense, you can still live if something goes wrong, buddy, you must have a good time, I haven't married a daughter-in-law yet." Xia Xia begged, at such a height, even if he knew martial arts, he would have to fall to his death.

"Don't worry, I'm not married yet," the driver said.


"The more you talk about it, the more worried I am, buddy, you must drive well. When I'm safe, I'll introduce you to a daughter-in-law." Xia Xia persuaded him that he knew that only dreams would motivate him. Excited to play 200% of the strength.

"Really? Thank you so much." The driver said excitedly.

"Summer, Glacier, can you hear it?" A heady voice came from the earphones.

"Yes." Summer and Glacier responded.

"The handover is about to start, please." Toutou said again.

"Don't worry, Totou, you also pay attention to safety there. We will support you when we are finished." Xia Xia knew that Totou had already gone into battle. He only had a bulletproof vest and a bulletproof helmet on his body, and he himself went into battle with a gun.

This is the real good head.

"Pay attention to safety and prepare for action." The head said solemnly.

Their earphones are connected to all defenses, and as long as they find the gang of thugs transporting dr1, they will use earphones to notify Summer and Glacier.

The largest port in Port X is usually the main trading area. Now there are thousands of police officers stationed here. This is all the police force that can be mobilized outside of security, on-duty and tasks.

They are all ready to This time they are protecting three bulletproof boxes, and the three boxes are filled with dr1.

At sea, the world security team and the international security team are all ready, just waiting for the handover from both sides.

Three men with suitcases walked towards the dock.

At this moment, hundreds of men in black appeared in the water. All of them had steel wires on their bodies. They appeared in an instant, and the submachine guns in their hands began to shoot directly.

bang bang bang

A series of attacks were launched.

"Alert" All the police officers started to be on alert, but many people were still shot, especially the three people in front with the boxes. Fortunately, the boxes were bulletproof, and they were all right.


At this moment, a large number of people began to appear in the surrounding places where there were no people. All of them were fully armed, and bullets came from all directions.

The war has begun.

"The target was found in the southeast port, and the target was found in the northwest port."

"I'm in the southeast, you are in the northwest" Xia Xia said into the earphones.

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Glacier responded.

The two started, and the battle that belonged to the two of them also began. Xia Xia's guess was correct. Those people just wanted to use the weakest police defense in Port X to attack. Although there are also police defenses here, but every port There were less than ten people in all.