rotating dough

The huge iron rod was solid, but this man lifted it with one hand, and it was very stable, which shows how strong this man's arm was.

"You will definitely lose." Tokugawa Jiro looked at Xia Xia coldly and said.

"If you are still pointing at me with your burning stick, then I guarantee that you will not be able to compete." Xia Xia looked at Tokugawa Jiro, and the breath of a beast swept through Tokugawa Jiro's entire body.


Jiro Tokugawa's back was sweating coldly, and his body involuntarily took three steps back before stopping.

Just now, he felt murderous aura. It was genuine murderous aura. Such a serious murderous aura would only come from killing a lot of people.


Seeing that Tokugawa Jiro was frightened by Summer, the cooks shouted.

"That person seems to be frightened by him." The upper body overlord saw the change of Tokugawa Jiro, because Xia Xia's murderous aura was only used by Tokugawa Jiro alone, so the others didn't feel any discomfort, and they didn't know. What happened.

"Second, what are you doing?" Tokugawa Ichiro said dissatisfiedly.

"Oh." Jiro Tokugawa came to his senses, looked at Xia Xia and said, "I want to make some noodles."

"Boy, let me tell you, my second brother can lift a cow. His arm strength is very strong. When making pasta, his strong arm strength can make the noodles more vigorous. Moreover, the iron rod in his hand is solid and heavy. It weighs more than 100 kilograms and has a smooth surface. Using it to make pasta, you can open all the parts of the pastry." Tokugawa Ichiro said proudly.

He deliberately told all about his second brother's abilities.

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at the iron rod in Jiro Tokugawa's hand in surprise.

"It's amazing." Chef Ren Xing looked at Erlang Tokugawa in surprise. He is a chef, so he naturally knows what the pastry needs most. I have to say that if he relied on noodles, he would not be able to win Tokugawa at all. Erlang, unless Tokugawa Erlang does a bad job at the back, he will definitely lose.

"Since it's better to compare noodles, let's make clear water noodles." Xia Xia suggested that it's not that he didn't want to compare, but he didn't. The reason why he dared to compare is because he has the confidence to win the opponent, not Win each other's cooking skills.

Just like the knife craftsman just now, summer itself is playing with flying knives, how could the knife craftsmanship be bad.

This time the pasta is the same. In summer, he doesn't know how to make siumai, mixed braised rice, etc. That's why he asked to make clear water noodles.

"Okay" Tokugawa Jiro happily agreed, because Shimizu's noodles are just the way of making noodles, and he definitely doesn't believe that anyone can make noodles better than him.

The iron rod in his hand is not for viewing.

"Hmph, compared with my second brother, this is simply courting death." Tokugawa Ichiro said with a cold snort.

Everyone looked at Natsu and Tokugawa Jiro with special anticipation. The first battle just now was really exciting.

"Yo, it's so lively here." At this moment, a voice came from the outside. When they heard this voice, all the chefs showed joy, because they all knew who this person was.

It was the master chef Ren Xuan, the first chef of the entire Manchu feast. Although he was called the master, the others were only forty years old.

"It's Master Ren Xuan, he actually came."

"It's getting more and more lively, and Master Ren Xuan actually came over in person."

"Master Ren Xuan is so young, I thought he was fifty or sixty years old."

All the people around looked at Master Ren Xuan in surprise. Everyone who came to eat here had heard of Master Ren Xuan, and they all hoped that they would have the opportunity to eat the dishes made by Master Ren Xuan.

"He is Master Ren Xuan." It was also the first time that the upper-body tyrant had seen Master Ren Xuan. Although Master Ren Xuan would come here once a week, she didn't come here often to eat.

"You are the chef here, Ren Xuan." Tokugawa Ichiro stood up and asked Master Ren Xuan.

"You are from the Tokugawa family, aren't you trying to compare with me? Then let me compare with you in the next two games" Master Ren Xuan asked Ichiro Tokugawa.

"No, he won our game just now, we must

You have to win it back, and it was him who just accepted the challenge, then he has to finish three games before you can play. "Ichiro Tokugawa directly refused. He insulted him and his country in the summer just now, so he must pay the price in the summer to let these people around him see the cooking skills of their island country.

"This is the place where our full banquet is held. He should only be a cameo, so as the chef here, it is only natural for me to complete the next challenge for him." Master Ren Xuan said.

"If I say no, it won't work. Don't you people in Huaxia have no credibility at all?" Tokugawa Ichiro shouted loudly.

Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, then looked at Tokugawa Ichiro and said, "Don't yell, I didn't say I can't compare."

At this moment, Jiro Tokugawa didn't pause at all. The iron rod in his hand was raging, and the noodles were changing in various forms on top of his iron rod.

"it is good"

There were constant cheers around.

Xia Xian moved, he sprinkled a bowl of noodles directly in the air, and then threw a bowl of water into the air.

Seeing Xia Xia's actions, everyone looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what he was doing.

I saw Xia Tian's hands move their fingers and quickly click on the four surrounding points. I saw that the scattered flour directly gathered in the middle and merged with the water, because Xia Xian's noodles were thrown very ~ So after the water dissolves in, the noodles are also very loose.

"What the **** is he doing?" Tokugawa Ichiro said puzzled.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, because they saw that Xia Xian had four hands, no, eight hands, it was not right, sixteen hands, it was still wrong, and countless palms of Xia Xian appeared near the whole dough.

Those palms kneaded the scattered dough together.

"So fast!" Even Master Ren Xuan was shocked by Xia Xia's hand.

"Is he still a human?" The tyrannical girl looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face. He found out that his Prince Charming really surprised her more and more.

However, a scene that surprised them even more immediately appeared.

Xia Tian actually used **** to rotate the dough. As the dough continued to rotate, the dough became larger and thinner. Xia Xia had already attracted everyone's attention.

No one came to see Jiro Tokugawa.

Xia Xia's **** kept turning, the face on his hand became thinner and thinner, everyone was looking at the face on his hand, and everyone seemed to be looking at how thin the face could be.

"How could it be so thin." Ren Xuan looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face. In his impression, this face should have been pierced by Xia Xia's fingers when it was so thin.

With a thickness of a few millimeters, everyone can see that the surface actually becomes transparent at a thickness of a few millimeters.