I know you're a thief too

In theory, a surface with a thickness of a few millimeters will definitely be pierced by a finger, but Xia Tian's fingers seem to have magic power, and that surface is not broken.

"You're done." Xia Xia picked up the knife in his left hand and placed it on the edge of the noodles, and the rotating noodles began to cut by themselves.

When the noodles were cut in half, Xia Xian broke the noodles with a knife, and then he started to cut the second one.

Or rotary automatic cutting.

After ten seconds, let's put the pot.

"It will definitely break, so thin noodles will break when they are put in the pot." Tokugawa Ichiro said disdainfully, and I have to say that Xia Xia's technique has shocked him, but Xia Xia's noodles are really too thin, once put in the pot , the boiled water will directly boil the noodles.

"Hey" Even Master Ren Xuan sighed.

"Hmph, brat, you don't know how to cook at all. When you cook noodles with high-temperature water, the noodles themselves should not be too narrow or too thin, otherwise they will become mushy." Tokugawa Erlang's noodles are already in the pot. , although he lost to Summer in terms of tactics.

But the cooked noodles are definitely different.

"Wait and see." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"If you have a word in Huaxia, that's right, you won't give up until the Yellow River, right?" Tokugawa Ichiro said sarcastically.

Tokugawa Jiro's noodles were out of the pot, but Xia's noodles were not out of the pot, which made everyone even more puzzled. Summer's noodles were so thin that they could easily be boiled, but he still didn't come out of the pot.

"Hahaha, you must not dare to open the lid of the pot, because it's already muddy, right?" Tokugawa Ichiro said with a big smile, he thought Tokugawa Ichiro had won the game.

Tokugawa Jiro prepared two small bowls, and the meaning was very clear. Only Tokugawa Ichiro and Ren Xuan are qualified to taste here.

"Master Ren Xuan, please." Tokugawa Ichiro walked over with his head held high.

Master Ren Xuan picked up a bowl of noodles and ate it, "The noodles are very strong, and each noodle has water in it, and the noodles seem to be alive after the entrance. It seems that the iron rod has already hit all the noodles. Good work."

Hearing Master Ren Xuan's evaluation, everyone appreciated it very much. Although their relationship is now antagonistic, Master Ren Xuan gave the best evaluation.

"Mine is fine, too." Xia Tian smiled slightly and opened the pot.

When he boiled the pot, everyone found that the two noodles were not broken at all, so thin, they still hadn't broken.

"How could it not be broken?" Tokugawa Ichiro looked at the summer noodles in disbelief.

"It's really not broken." Master Ren Xuan was slightly taken aback when he looked at Xia Xia's noodles.

Xia Xia didn't go to pick up the noodles, but slapped the table with his right hand, and the two noodles in the pot actually flew up.

Then Xia Xia picked up two bowls and caught the flying noodles.

"You two, try it." Xia Tian put the noodles in front and said.

All the people watching the lively around gathered around and looked at the two noodles in the bowl.


The noodles were actually moving, and the noodles made a creaking sound.

"How is this possible, the noodles seem to be talking."

"No way, the noodles are actually moving, as if they were alive."

"It's amazing, how is this possible, noodles that can move and talk, it's amazing."

The foreigners around were all dumbfounded. They had never seen moving noodles in their lives, and the noodles seemed to be talking.

Ren Xuan picked up the noodles and took a bite. He swallowed the whole noodles in one bite.

Then he was completely stunned.

"It turned out to be like this, hahahaha, it turned out to be like this." Master Ren Xuan said with a smile, he directly gave a thumbs up to Xia Xia, then turned to look at Tokugawa Ichiro and said, "Try it, I think you should be able to Figure out who won."

Tokugawa Ichiro looked at the noodle in front of him suspiciously, he directly picked up the bowl, he wanted to take a bite, but when he only took the first bite, he couldn't bear to continue eating, he felt his mouth Inside was exploding, and the thrill of this explosion made him unable to stop.


He ate a whole stick of noodles.

He finally knew where the sound just now came from, and he also knew why the noodles moved.

"Air, it's air." Tokugawa Ichiro said with an incredible expression on his face. He was convinced. He knew that his side had lost again this time, both in terms of craftsmanship and taste.

After the noodles are eaten, there is no need to chew at all. The air reacts with the saliva in the mouth and directly blasts the slenderness. It feels like he has never experienced it in his life.

"We lost." Tokugawa Ichiro was convinced that he lost.

"What I want to listen to is not that you say you lost. I hope you don't think that you won the whole China after winning one or two Chinese people." Xia Xia looked at Tokugawa Ichiro and said that there is no enemy between cooking skills. Only competition.

"I apologize to Huaxia, but I still hope you can teach us about the last cooking." Tokugawa Ichiro got rid of his previous arrogance, and Xia Xia let him see this Huaxia Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"That's it, Master Ren Xuan is our top chef in China. Let's compare the two of you to the last game, let's compare egg fried rice." Xia Xia said to Tokugawa Ichiro, it's not that he doesn't want to compare, it's that he simply There is no comparison. The first two games can be fooled by his own book~www.mtlnovel.com~ But this third game is the real deal. Although he does know how to fry rice, he is only an amateur. Asking him to compare fried rice with a real international celebrity chef is simply looking for abuse.

"Okay, sir, then please be the referee." Tokugawa Ichiro called Xia Xia "Mr.". Although Xia Xia was not very old, he learned in no order, and the master was his teacher.

The performances in the first two games in the summer have completely conquered him.

"Hey, there's a seat here." Xia Xia waved to the upper-body overlord. He is the referee now, so naturally he has to sit there.

Seeing that Xia Xia didn't ignore her, the upper-body tyrant girl had a happy face and ran over and sat opposite Xia Xia. This is the best place to watch the game.

"I knew you still cared about me." The upper-body overlord girl giggled after she sat down.

"I know you and Gu Liya are both thieves, so you don't have to waste time on me. I'll go back to Jianghai City tomorrow. I'll thank you for being a tour guide for this chef's meal in a while." Xia Tian whispered Said, his voice was only heard by him and the upper-body overlord girl.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the upper-body tyrant girl was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect Xia Xia to find out her identity, but she is so conflicted right now.

She is indeed a thief, but she never steals directly, but first steals the other party's heart, and then asks the other party to give her money willingly. She had already adapted to such a life, but at the moment when Xia Xia saw it through, her heart Totally messed up.