eat the best meal

The upper-body tyrant girl didn't speak, but lowered her head. She herself didn't know why she lowered her head, whether it was because Xia Xia saw through it or because she didn't think that way at all.

She is conflicted.

The two people in front have already started the competition, one is Master Ren Xuan, the chef in charge of the full banquet of Manchu and Han, and the other is Tokugawa Ichiro, the eldest son of the famous chef Tokugawa family in the island country.

Both are top chefs.

What they are comparing is egg fried rice.

The rice required for egg fried rice must be overnight rice. This kind of rice is not easy to find in ordinary restaurants, but it is very easy to find in Manhan Quanxi.

Because for the needs of fried rice, overnight meals have been prepared here.

Master Ren Xuan and Tokugawa Ichiro represent the food culture of China and the island country respectively.

Master Ren Xuan's techniques were all in one, and all those who were watching the excitement were amazed. Even Xia Tian was stunned. He really gained his knowledge. It turns out that egg fried rice can be fried like this.

All the raw materials are the same, but the methods and methods are completely different.

"It's amazing." Xia Xia praised.

Ichiro Tokugawa was no less generous. Although it was egg fried rice, his effort was no less than that of Master Ren Xuan.

Ten minutes later, the two egg fried rice dishes were ready.

Looking at the two golden egg fried rice, the people around them all swallowed their saliva. They all saw that every grain of rice was covered with eggs. This is called the real egg fried rice. Looking at the two golden egg fried rice egg fried rice.

When the upper body overlord saw the egg fried rice in front of her, she felt much better.

She had never seen such fried rice with eggs. It was a work of art, so she dared not eat it.

"Eat it." Xia Tian took a spoon and started to eat.

All the people around looked at Xia Xia and the bully girl jealously, but everyone was waiting for Xia Xia's judgement, after all, he is the judge today.

Xia Xia and the upper-bodied tyrant girl kept eating, the two of them ate faster and faster, and soon the two meals were all eaten by the two of them.

After eating, Xia Tian patted his stomach with satisfaction.

However, he soon realized that the atmosphere around him was wrong, and then he remembered that he was not here to eat, but to be a referee.

"Sir, what's the result?" Tokugawa Ichiro looked at Summer expectantly and asked.

Master Ren Xuan also looked at Xia Xia with anticipation. Although he was a master, he also wanted to know the result of this kind of competition between real masters.

Xia Xia was the one who got their approval. They naturally believed in Xia Xia's judgment.

"Your two egg fried rice are delicious, although the ingredients are the same, but the taste is completely different, the taste is very good, if I really want to choose a first, it is impossible, friendship first, competition second, Food is a kind of culture, and I hope everyone can respect this culture." Xia Xia said very seriously, and he put the judgment aside in one sentence.

"I see. Thank you sir for your guidance. After returning to China, I will work harder to hone my cooking skills." Ichiro Tokugawa understood the meaning of Xia Tian's words.

"Uh" Xia Tian was stunned for a moment, he liked people like this, he was smart, but fortunately he escaped this disaster.

After Xia Xia's remarks, everyone respected him even more, because Xia Xia solved the cooking competition perfectly, Master Ren Xuan stepped forward and said, "Brother, what's your name?"

"Summer." Summer said lightly.

"Thank you for your help this time, and I admire your craftsmanship very much. I really hope we can study cooking together if we have the opportunity." Master Ren Xuan looked at Xia Xia very seriously and said.

"There must be a chance." Although Xia Xia said so, but he didn't think so in his heart. Comparing his third-rate cooking skills with a super chef is no different from seeking abuse. "You guys are busy, I'll just do it. I'm leaving."

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Let's talk for a while." Master Ren Xuan and Xia Xia looked like they were seeing each other late, and kept persuading Xia to stay a little longer.

In the end, Xia Xia and Master Ren Xuan exchanged mobile phone numbers.

The teacher let Xia Xia go, and said that if there is a chance, he must go to Jianghai City to find Xia Xia.

Xia Xia also promised him that he would definitely call Master Ren Xuan when he came to Hong Kong.

"Let's go." The upper body overlord looked at Xia Xia and said.

"Why?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Take you to visit Hong Kong in the dark sky. Anyway, we two met and made friends. My name is Gu Lijing, and I am Gu Liya's sister." Introduce your name.

"You are Gu Liya's sister" Xia Xia looked at Gu Lijing in surprise. He really couldn't see any resemblance between Gu Liya and Gu Lijing. any other similarities.

By the way, and both of them are thieves, it is a bit ugly to say that thieves are thieves, one steals the wallets of rich people, and the other steals people's hearts.

"Of course." Gu Lijing said.

"Then why do you keep trying to rob her boyfriend?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably. He had already understood the general contradiction between the two of them after listening to them talking before.

"The reason why I stole her boyfriend is because those men are too careless, if they love my sister with all their heart, it is impossible for me to **** it In the end, those men can't even touch I was dumped without touching me." Gu Lijing said very casually.

"Your sister is really well-intentioned." Xia Xia said with admiration.

"Who made her my sister? In this world, I am only her relative, and I will not allow anyone to hurt her." Gu Lijing gave Xia Xia a serious look.

"Look at what I'm doing, I just met her." Xia Xia explained when she saw Gu Lijing's malicious eyes.

"What did you explain, I didn't say anything." Gu Lijing glared at Xia Xia, and then continued to drive. She was going to take Xia Xia to go shopping tonight, and her first stop was a nightclub.

I have to say that Hong Kong is very beautiful at night.

However, you can also see drunken fans everywhere. Hong Kong nights are reserved for the rich, and the poor are still busy.

"Do you like Hong Kong?" Gu Lijing asked while driving.

"I don't like it," Xia Tian replied.

"Why is it so prosperous here, and there are so many beautiful women." Gu Lijing asked again.

"Because it's too dangerous here, I'm afraid." Xia Xia said aggrieved.

"Earth is not suitable for you, you should go back to Mars." Gu Lijing shouted loudly.

The bar, the first stop Gu Lijing brought Xia to was the bar, she wanted Xia to appreciate the extravagant life and beauties of Hong Kong.