Did mutation fail?

A sense of happiness came to my face, Ye Qingxue kissed Summer, of course Bing Xin would not be unhappy.

She is Bing Xin's best friend and Xia Xia's cousin, so she doesn't mind, and if Ye Qingxue is not Xia Xia's cousin, she would rather manage Xia with Ye Qingxue.

After all, it is impossible for a man as good as Xia Xia to focus on her all his life. With a helper, she will be able to take care of Xia Xia.

"Let's go, let's have dinner." Xia Xia followed the two girls.

"Okay, let's go to Tianximen." Ye Qingxue said excitedly, she was really happy now, seeing the necklace around her neck, she couldn't contain the joy in her heart.

"Then go to Tianximen, I'll make a phone call first to reserve a seat." Xia Xia finished and took out the phone.

"Brother Xu, reserve a seat for me. You don't need a box, just three people."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Xia Xia knew that Elder Xu and the others were with Xia Xue and her group of sisters outside and were very busy, so they didn't rush him.

"Hey, you seem to be very familiar with Tianximen. I heard that Tianximen doesn't allow reservations." Bing Xin asked in a puzzled way. She was very surprised when she booked a seat last summer.

"Am I not handsome?" Xia Xia said very seriously.

"Cut, hurry up, why did you get a seat?" Bing Xin asked again.

"This question is too simple, because I am the nominal boss of Tianximen." Xia Xia explained.

"Boss" Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue were all shocked this time.

The most famous Tianximen nearby was actually opened in the summer. This is too legendary. This time they finally understood why they were able to book a seat in the summer. How could the boss come to eat without a seat.

"You're the boss, so I'm not the boss's wife." Bing Xin said excitedly.

"Don't be too happy, I'm just the boss in name. In fact, I don't know how much this hotel cost to open, and many people have shares in this hotel." Xia Xia saw Bing Xin's excited look, explained hastily.

"Ah, what did you say?" Bing Xin hesitated and was too excited, so she didn't hear what Xia Xia said just now.

"It's alright, just eat whatever you want." Xia Xia said embarrassedly, he thought it would be better for him not to interrupt Bing Xin's dream.

A few of them walked directly to the Tianxi Gate.

"Huhu, you two monsters, you don't know how tired you are at all. I'm not convinced." Ye Qingxue said dissatisfiedly, the two of them walked so fast, Ye Qingxue almost didn't keep up.

This makes her tired.

"After eating, I'll go back and let you mutate, but it's not that simple to mutate. It is said that there is a chance of mutation, and some people will have a worse physique after mutation than before." Xia Xia reminded.

"I don't care, I will change." Ye Qingxue stepped forward and said.

"Okay, okay, look at your seventy-two changes, you can change." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

When a few people walked inside the Tianxi Gate, the beautiful supervisor immediately recognized Xia Xia. After the last incident, she had already firmly remembered Xia Xia's appearance. As soon as Mr. Xu called, she immediately Guess it's summer.

Because of the people who ate here, except in the summer, no one didn't need to line up, and even those shareholders brought people, Xu Lao refused to make a reservation for them.

From this, we can see the identity of summer.

"Sir, your position is over there." The beauty director stepped forward and said.

"Well, thank you." Xia Tian nodded.

The people in line next to them all looked at the three of them in Xia Xia with weird eyes.

"Why don't they have to wait in line? Didn't you say that you don't have to wait?"

"That's why they didn't line up. This is obviously an inside story."

"In that case, we won't be lined up either."

Those who were queuing for a seat were all dissatisfied.

"What are you shouting, who shouted just now, or don't line up, let me go, you can go, we only entertain qualified people here." The lobby manager came over, his eyes swept over those people seriously.


"What's your attitude? What's wrong with me?" a customer said dissatisfiedly, "I am a consumer, I am a customer, and I am your God."

"I'm sorry, there is no God here. Did you see what was written on the door? Respect, equality." After finishing speaking, the lobby manager called out, "Security, please take this gentleman and his friends away."

"I'm going to sue you, I'm going to the Consumers Association to sue you." The customer shouted angrily, but he was pulled out by the security guard.

"Please." The lobby manager said very casually, obviously he was used to this kind of scene.

Xia Xia shook his head helplessly when he saw such a scene. What are those people asking? In fact, this question can only be asked by people living at the bottom of the society. People who are really capable will only think that their abilities are insufficient, and Don't ask why.

After a few people had eaten their fill in summer, they went to Ye Qingxue's residence.

This time, he planned to make Ye Qingxue mutate. Only in this way can he rest assured that when he is not by her side, she can protect himself.

Ye Qingxue's residence.

"Are you ready?" Xia Tian looked at Ye Qingxue and asked.

"It's ready." Ye Qingxue replied.

"I don't know much about this thing. I don't know what changes will happen. You must be mentally prepared." Xia Xia reminded.

"I'm mentally prepared, you can start~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ye Qingxue nodded.

Xia Xia directly slashed his wrist with a golden knife.

"What are you doing?" Ye Qingxue asked inexplicably. She didn't expect Xia Tian to cut her wrist.

"Don't talk." Xia Tian pointed his wrist directly to Ye Qingxue's mouth, "Drink it."

Although Ye Qingxue was a little confused, when she heard Xia Xia's words, she hurriedly drank Xia Xia's blood.

After half a minute, Xian stopped the bleeding.

"Why do you still need you to hurt yourself? If I had known that I would not mutate." Ye Qingxue said with a frown.

"Don't worry, this is nothing to me at all." Xia Xia looked at Ye Qingxue with a smile and said, this injury is really nothing to him, because the big scars on his body are more serious than this one .

After about ten minutes, Xia Xia looked at Ye Qingxue and asked, "How do you feel?"

"No." Ye Qingxue shook her head.

"Try if you can bend it." Bing Xin brought an iron spoon from the kitchen and handed it to Ye Qingxue.

"Yes." Ye Qingxue nodded and tried to bend the iron spoon, but the iron spoon did not change in the slightest.

"Could it be that the mutation failed?" Xia Xia frowned and looked at Ye Qingxue.

"Be careful"

At this moment, the vase on the wardrobe behind Bing Xin suddenly fell.