The most awesome variation

Following Ye Qingxue's cry, Xia Xian hurriedly hugged Bing Xin's head and used his body to protect Bing Xin. This was his instinctive action, but at this moment he realized that the vase did not hit him, and when he turned around, he At that moment, I saw an incredible scene.

Bing Xin turned her head to look, and saw an incredible scene as well.

The vase was in Ye Qingxue's hands, and Ye Qingxue's body actually floated in the air.

Ye Qingxue also noticed her own changes.

"Am I flying?" Ye Qingxue asked Xia Xia.

"Yes." Xia Xia and Bing Xin nodded at the same time.

That's right, Ye Qingxue is flying. Seeing Ye Qingxue suspended in mid-air, Xia Tian can be sure that this is definitely a super mutation, and it is the most awesome mutation, because in his cognition, even Bai Yu is impossible. Fly, let alone float in mid-air.

This is no longer the suspension of martial arts, it is more like an ability, a special ability.

"Cousin, come down first." Xia Tian looked at Ye Qingxue and said.

"Oh." Ye Qingxue's body slowly fell to the ground.

"How did you control yourself to land?" Xia Tian asked directly.

"As long as I think about landing, I will land, and then when I think about flying, I will fly." Ye Qingxue said that the whole person was suspended in mid-air again.

"Cousin, are you afraid of heights?" Xia Tian asked.

"I'm not afraid of heights." Ye Qingxue replied.

"That's good." Xia Xia said happily. He was afraid that Ye Qingxue was afraid of heights. If he was afraid of falling after flying, it would be troublesome.

Xia Xia heard that Ye Qingxue said that she was controlled by her thoughts, so Xia Xia guessed that she was the same as herself, that is, her own clairvoyance, both of which belonged to the category of supernatural powers, which required consumption of mental power.

"Cousin, if I guessed correctly, your flying is controlled by mental power. If you control it for too long, you will experience dizziness and nausea. After your mental power improves, you can fly for a while longer. Now." Xia Xia's mental strength has been significantly improved.

He found that when he was refining the weapon, the speed of his mental power increased the fastest.

After the refining was over that day, he found that his spiritual power had improved a lot.

It may be related to the refining tool, or it may be related to the stone, because he consumes a lot of mental energy when refining the tool, and then the stone replenishes his mental energy. A workout.

"Then I'll try to see how long I can maintain this state." Ye Qingxue suggested.

"It's a good idea, so that we can avoid the thing that it would fall in the middle of the flight in the future." Xia Tian nodded.

Ye Qingxue was directly suspended, Xia Tian and Bing Xin looked at her with envy.

Five minutes later, Ye Qingxue's head was dizzy, and she fell down. Although it wasn't very high, she would definitely slap her feet with such a sudden fall, so Xia Xia's figure flashed and hugged Ye Qingxue directly in her arms.

"It's so dashing, so handsome, it would be great if it were my husband." Bing Xin said enviously, she was so handsome when she saw Xia Xia rushing out and hugging Ye Qingxue, just like an idol drama It was like that inside, but she immediately reacted, "No, he is my husband."

"Are you okay?" Xia Tian hurriedly took out the stone and held it in Ye Qingxue's hand.

In an instant, Ye Qingxue's eyes opened and her mental state completely recovered.

"What is so amazing." Ye Qingxue looked at the stone in her hand.

"Good stuff, but I can't give you this piece. It records some things that are useful to me." Xia Tian smiled mysteriously.

"Just now, my head suddenly dizzy, and it scared me to death." Ye Qingxue felt as if she was dead at that moment.

"It doesn't matter, just get used to it. That feeling is that your mental power is exhausted. Remember in the future, it should not exceed four minutes at most, otherwise you will feel very bad, and this ability must not be used in front of people. It's the rules." Xia Tian reminded.

"What rules?" Ye Qingxue asked in confusion.

"Unspoken rules" summer is very serious


"You can do it, even your cousin and I, don't you want to follow the rules?" Ye Qingxue rolled up her sleeves and was about to start fighting.

"Cousin, don't get me wrong, I'm talking about the unspoken rules of Jianghu, not mine." Xia Xia hurriedly explained.

Xia Xia finally felt at ease now. With the protection of the ice and snow necklace, and the abilities of Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue, it was impossible for ordinary people to hurt them.

After telling Ye Qingxue some taboos, Xia Xia left Ye Qingxue's residence.

As soon as he went out, he met an acquaintance.

White Feather.

"Fuck me, you must be following me." Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu with contempt.

"Quicksand's information is not vegetarian." Bai Yu looked at Xia Xia and said.

"How are you and Sister Hong?" When Xia Xia saw Bai Yu, she thought of Sister Hong. It was love at first sight between Sister Hong and Bai Yu.

"You can call her sister-in-law in the future." Bai Yu said lightly.

"Damn it, I didn't see it. You're very quick, so I won't call her sister-in-law. It's weird, I'll just call her sister Hong." Xia Xia resolutely did not change his words.

"Then it's up to you." Bai Yu didn't insist.

"Then did you tell him your identity?" Xia Tian asked.

"Tell me, I don't want to hide anything from I don't want to cause her any harm." Bai Yu said.

"Sister Hong doesn't mind if you're from quicksand" Xia Xia asked again.

"She said it doesn't matter who I am, she likes me, not my identity." When Bai Yu said here, a happy expression appeared on his face.

"Damn it, I can't stand you, let's be serious, how about the speed?" Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu and said.

"Okay, you're not in Jianghai City, so I'm not interested. Now that you're back, it's natural to compare." Bai Yu nodded.

Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense with him at all. It was better to do it first, and run straight away while Bai Yu was talking.

A flash of blood flashed.

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, he found that Xia Xia's speed was fast again, and this time it was ridiculously fast.


Bai Yu caught up with Summer.

"How did your speed become so much faster?" Bai Yu felt that he couldn't keep his hands this time, otherwise he would most likely lose to Xia Xia.

"Haha, of course I found a way to increase the speed again. Go full speed. Let me see how far the speed is between me and you now." In Xia Xia's heart, Bai Yu's speed has always been the fastest.

This time, he got the instant body technique, and the speed has been improved again.

So he wanted to see how much difference there was between himself and Bai Yu.