Elegant exit

Every time he tested the speed with Bai Yu, Bai Yu made him deliberately. This time, he combined the instant body technique and the floating cloud fairy step, plus the speed bonus of the vampire, his current speed has been compared with the last time. ,Not even close.

That's why he wanted to try it with Bai Yu.

He believed that he would be able to see Bai Yu's true speed this time, and Bai Yu's speed would also be his goal.

At this time, Bai Yu was very surprised. Every time he saw Xia Xia, Xia Xia could bring him different surprises, especially this time, Xia Xia's speed increased sharply.

He has been cultivating for so many years, and he has never seen someone who grows as fast as Xia Xia.

He always thought that his talent in cultivation speed was the best in the world. No one had more talent for cultivation speed than him, but when he saw the growth rate of Xia Xia, he was completely shocked.

Every time he sees Xia Xia, Xia Xia will bring him different surprises.

Looking at Xia Xia's growth, even the heat in his body was ignited. He always thought that it was difficult for him to improve his speed again, and he neglected his speed training a lot.

"It's getting more and more interesting." Bai Yu glanced at Xia Xia's figure, reminding him of Xia Xia Long, the man who could catch up to his speed.

Bai Yu's speed was very fast this time. He unleashed his full speed and ran forward.

Xia Xia also fully opened the new Manyun Immortal Steps. The two of them shuttled back and forth so fast. Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu who was gradually disappearing from his field of vision. He did not give up, but continued to maintain his full speed.

When Xia Xia arrived at his old house, Bai Yu was still standing there with a leisurely look.

"How long have you been here?" Xia Tian asked.

"Ten minutes." Bai Yu said lightly.

"It seems that I have made a lot of progress this time." Xia Xia said excitedly. If his speed can be twice as fast as now, then he can catch up with Bai Yu.

"It's still a long way off. I have a total weight of 100 jins on me." Bai Yu said very simply.

"Damn, you monster, you have nothing to do with a load and it's still a hundred pounds." Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu in surprise. He thought he was close enough to Bai Yu, but now he knows that Bai Yu is actually There are such cards.

"I've been wearing weight-bearing clothes since I was a child, and it increases with age. I usually don't take it off even when I eat and sleep." Bai Yu explained.

"Hey, I thought I was about to catch up with you, but now it looks like I'm really far behind." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, feeling that he was hit hard.

"Actually, you are already very powerful. You are the most talented person I have ever seen, and your speed has reached the speed of an earth-level master." Bai Yu comforted him. In fact, he is not comforted, because he is true Saw summer growth.

If he is just an ordinary person, then he is insulting Xia Xia, but he is the fastest person in China, Bai Yu, this is not an insult, but a recognition.

"What about you?" Xia Xia asked suspiciously.

"As long as your father, Xia Xialong, is the only one who can catch up with me in Huaxia, even Wei Guangren can't compete with me in speed." Bai Yu didn't hide it, there were very few secrets between him and Xia Xia.

"Great, it seems that I have to work harder. Sooner or later, I will surpass you in speed." Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu very seriously. He and Bai Yu were friends, but Bai Yu was also Xia Xia's goal. His father also Can't surpass Bai Yu, but he is different, he not only has to surpass Bai Yu, but also surpass his father.

"I'm looking forward to that day." Bai Yu looked at Summer very seriously.

At the same time, in the hidden door.

A stone door opened.

Old Tong was sitting outside Shimen drinking tea, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Shimen open.

He remembered that this was the retreat cave of his newly recruited disciple Wenya.

When the stone door opened, a familiar figure appeared inside the door. It was Wenya, but at this time Wenya was much more beautiful than before.


That's right, that's right, you actually really hate the decision, and it is written in the hate decision, as the skill becomes deeper, the appearance will become more beautiful. "Tong Lao had already confirmed when he saw Wenya's appearance, Wenya's cultivation was successful.

Tong Lao nodded with satisfaction, and sure enough, this hatred is suitable for Wenya.

"Thank you, Master." Wen Ya said respectfully after she came out.

"Okay, very good." Tong Lao looked at Wen Ya excitedly.

At this moment, a disciple came over from outside.

"Master, the third elder brought his disciples over to discuss again," said one of Tong Lao's disciples.

Hearing that the third elder was coming, Tong Lao's face suddenly turned cold. The third elder did not deal with him at ordinary times, and often brought his disciples to him to discuss. The disciple was beaten to death, and he still had nothing to do.

He couldn't say no to it, everyone brought people up.

However, none of his unsatisfactory disciples were his opponents.

"Master, you seem very upset." Wen Ya said lightly.

"You don't know, that third elder and I had Liangzi before, so he often brought his disciples to our place to discuss, saying that it was a discussion, but in fact he came to beat people, but I can't help but accept it, otherwise I will be scared. I have no one here." Tong Lao frowned and said. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

As soon as he heard the third elder, he was in a very bad mood.

Every time his disciples were beaten badly, and seeing his own disciples beaten like that, he felt even worse.

"Master, the third elder brought people from Huashan this time. It is said that those people from Huashan have something to talk about with him," said the disciple.

"Huashan, I know, it turns out to be like this. Damn guy, is he mad at me? I didn't expect Huashan to cooperate with him. Could it be that he really bullied me without anyone here?" Tong Lao said angrily.

Tong Lao knows what the purpose of Huashan Sect's visit is to make a marriage. It is the female disciple of an elder of Huashan who came to marry. Once their marriage is successful, the power of the three elders will be even greater. There are three elders in their Shanyun Sect. They are fighting each other.

Once they can unite with the elders of other sects, their power will naturally increase.

This is the unspoken rule of the hidden door.

This time, the third elder brought people from the Huashan Sect to him to discuss with him. There were two purposes. One was to make a comparison with his people, and the other was to let Tong Lao see his current power and deliberately to be angry with Tong Lao.

"Master, let me help you save face." Wen Ya could see the annoyance in Old Tong's heart, so she said directly.

"You have just started cultivating. Those people are all experts in the middle and late stages of the Xuan level." Tong Lao looked at Wen Ya in confusion.

"Don't worry, Master." Wen Ya said expressionlessly.