poisonous plot

"This is what I want you to promise me. Jiang Tianshu must have a conspiracy. If you don't listen to me, none of us can run away." Xia Xia definitely doesn't think Jiang Tianshu is a fool, and will send a few people over to threaten them.

Jiang Tianshu knew that Xia Xia was so powerful that even if he sent a Xuan-level expert over, he would not be able to deal with Xia Xia.

So he must have used a different method. Even Xia Xia didn't know what to do with this method, but he still had to go, because Jiang Tianshu made it clear that he was going to deal with him, and Zhao Long's family was just involved. .

And Zhao Long called him Brother Tian when he saw him. If he didn't help, it would be really impossible to say.

He believed that even if he didn't make a move this time, Jiang Tianshu would still make a move in the back.

So he must go this time, and he must always observe all the situations around him. He must not hold back the slightest this time, otherwise he will surely die.

This is also Jiang Tianshu's plan.

"This time you are here for me. I can't watch you and ignore it when you are in danger." Zhao Long refused directly.

"If you still call me Brother Tian, ​​believe me, and you must listen to me. If you are in danger and you help me, then in the end neither of us can escape." Xia Xia grabbed Zhao Long's shoulder very much. said seriously.

Zhao Long is a kind and righteous person, so Xia Xia is willing to help him.

"En." Zhao Long saw the firmness in Xia Xia's eyes. He didn't say anything else, but he had already made a decision in his heart. From today, Xia Xia will be his eldest brother, and he will listen to whatever Xia Xia says.

In the summer, Zhao Long came to the abandoned oil factory in the southern district of Jianghai City.

As soon as Xia Xia arrived here, he opened his perspective and observed the surrounding situation. He did not dare to be sloppy. The opponent was Jiang Tianshu. He would never play cards according to the routine. If Jiang Tianshu was not sure, he would not call him over. .

"Be careful yourself," Xia Tian reminded.

The smell of oil is everywhere here. Although it is abandoned, the oil base still exists here. Moreover, this place used to be a state-owned enterprise, so no one dared to come and steal the oil base here.

The two came to the gate, and then Xia Tian pushed open the iron gate.

Dim light bulbs illuminate the old warehouse.

"elder brother"


When they went in, they heard two calls for help. It was Zhao Long's sister, Zhao Jiajia, and their parents. At this time, the three of them were locked in a cage. Below the cage was a cargo box. All are venomous snakes.

If they fell, they would definitely be bitten to death by poisonous snakes.

It was tied with a thick rope, and at the end of the thick rope stood several people, one of whom was an old acquaintance of Xia Xia.

Hu Fangye.

"Xiamen, we meet again." Hu Fangye was the only one sitting there. There were more than ten people standing in front of him. These ten people surrounded him, apparently to prevent Xia's surprise attack.

"Hu Fangye, why don't you know the lesson? I could kill you many times, but I kept you alive. I thought you were a smart person, which is a pity." Xia Xia didn't say much, but he already meant it. conveyed.

"I know you are very powerful, but if you can't fight against Jiang Shao, I still choose to support Jiang Shao." Hu Fangye does not think Xia Xia is Jiang Tianshu's opponent, because he knows Jiang Tianshu's true identity, the person who hides the door, and what the hidden door is. They don't even care about the existence of the country.

No matter how strong Xia Xia is, it is impossible to fight the hidden door.

"You are not afraid that I will kill you. Jiang Tianshu is not in Jianghai City now, so he cannot protect you." Xia Xia looked at Hu Fangye and said.

"You don't have a chance anymore, Jiang Shao promised me to let me enter the hidden door. I'll leave after I renew my old relationship with you. I'll leave it to you here." Hu Fangye glanced at Xia Xia contemptuously.

This is the first time he sees summer in this way after knowing the power of summer.

He felt so cool at this time, he could actually watch Xia Xia contemptuously, which made him too excited, that mighty Xia Xia could only watch him leave for a while.

"You are not afraid that I will do it now." Xia Xia was a little confused, where is the confidence of this Hu Fangye.

"Xiamen, I know you're amazing, but if you kill me now, the cage will fall directly. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try." Hu Fangye smiled and looked at Xiaxia, the feeling is really cool now. He was a little bit reluctant to leave.

"Well, if you win, I don't dare to kill you." Xia Xia said helplessly, no matter whether what Hu Fangye said was true or false, he did not dare to gamble.

Zhao Long has been watching quietly from the back, he is looking at how to rescue his family.

"Summer, Jiang Shao asked me to give you a big gift before I left. He said you will like this gift." Hu Fangye looked at Xia Xia with a smile and said, "I have a switch at hand, just press this switch, that cage The door will open, and there is a trap where I am sitting now, as long as you stand on it for five seconds, a ladder will appear next to the cage, and the people inside can escape from the ladder."

"It sounds very simple." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Really forgot to tell you, after I leave, you only have ten seconds to think about it, as soon as I leave this stool ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the last rope will automatically drop, and after ten seconds they will fall into In the snake's nest, and you are so powerful, you must have found the bombs around, these bombs are automatically detonated, and after I leave this stool, 30 seconds, the place will disappear." Hu Fangye said excitedly, he knew all this. It was all researched by the feather crane next to Jiang Shao. Now he simply admires the brain of the crane so much. Every link is so creative. "By the way, I forgot to tell you, it will catch fire in a while."

And let summer fall into it, there is absolutely no way.

Of course, in summer, you can choose to leave here directly, but this is also expected by Yu Crane.

"What a ruthless strategy." Xia Xia had already begun to admire Jiang Tianshu.

He could think of such a poisonous scheme. He could see that Jiang Tianshu wanted him to choose his own life or loyalty. If he chose loyalty, he would die. If he didn't go, he would be unable to live with his conscience and make him feel guilty.

"I also think it's a good strategy." Hu Fangye said excitedly.

"Hey, Zhao Long, go up there and prepare to pick up your family." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Brother Tian, ​​what about you?" Zhao Long also heard what Hu Fangye meant.

"I told you to go quickly." Xia Xia shouted loudly.

Zhao Long had never been obedient when Xia Xia talked to him so loudly, and was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses. He knew that this was not the time for love between sons and daughters, so he directly climbed onto the cargo box closest to his father.