I want both fish and bear's paws

Jiang Tianshu posed the simplest question for Xia.

You can not have it both ways.

What he wants to see is whether Xia Xia chooses to save his own life or save the Zhao Long family.

"This game is so interesting, I'm really looking forward to it, but unfortunately Jiang Shao won't let me see the result." Although Hu Fangye didn't understand what Jiang Shao meant, he was still willing to listen to Jiang Shao's words.

"You'd better never let me see you again, next time I will definitely not let you go." Xia Xian felt angry when he saw Hu Fangye's ill-fated appearance.

"Summer, the game has started." Hu Fangye was so happy today, he could finally play with summer.

Hu Fangye stood up, and his subordinates followed him to the back door, five seconds later.


Hu Fangye's position just now caught fire.


The fire kept burning, Xia Xia knew that he couldn't hesitate anymore, he had to rush into the fire.

"I want both fish and bear's paws." Xia Xia shouted, and the silver needle was quickly inserted into his body. He directly inserted the silver needle into all the fire escape points on his body.

"Brother Tian" Zhao Long burst into tears when he saw Xia Xia rushing in.

Zhao Jiajia was also in tears. She had been cursing Xia Xia all the time. She didn't expect Xia Xia to be desperately trying to save them at the last critical moment.

Xia Xia rushed directly into the flames, his hand first pressed on the button, and then his feet stepped on the mechanism.


The cage was opened, and the ladder under the cage was slowly rising.

Five seconds.

Xia Xia only needs to hold on for five seconds, and he will succeed.

"Damn it." Xia Tian could only feel the heat. Although he used a silver needle to pierce the fire escape hole, his body would not be ignited by the flames, but only his right hand could not feel the burning pain of the flames.

Because his right hand has adapted, but his body has not.

He could only feel heat and pain.

"Brother Tian," Zhao Long shouted loudly.

"Go away, go away quickly." Xia Xia shouted angrily, he has no time to waste with them now, he only needs five seconds, and after these five seconds pass, he will be free.

Five seconds. Usually these five seconds are very fast, but now in summer, I feel that these five seconds are very long.




"Lying trough"

Xia Xia rushed out directly. He was running. He felt that his body was hot. He was very human, but as soon as he ran out, he remembered the business. Zhao Long and his family hadn't run out yet.

He ran back again.

"Brother Tian, ​​are you alright?" Zhao Long said in surprise when Xia Xia came back. Just now, if he didn't pay attention, Xia Xia's people were gone. He thought Xia Xia's back burned to death.

"There are bombs, and it's full of oil, run quickly." Xia Xia grabbed Zhao Jiajia with one hand and Zhao Jiajia's mother with the other and ran outside. Zhao Long also followed Xia's example and pulled up his father to run outside.

This is a complete run of Sa Yazi.

When they ran out for more than 100 meters in summer, the abandoned oil depot behind exploded.

Now Xia Tian can't handle that much anymore. He lay directly on the ground. He was already too tired. The five seconds he spent in the fire consumed almost all of his inner strength and mental strength. Stone helped him replenish his mental strength, otherwise he would have collapsed long ago.

Even with the help of that strange stone, his inner strength and strength could not be replenished, and his last run just now made his physical strength greatly overdrawn.

"Brother Tian, ​​how are you?" Zhao Long hurriedly stepped forward and said.

"Don't touch me, let me lie down for a while, I feel like I'm going to die." Xia Xia gasped heavily, the burning sensation on his body was gradually diminishing, but it was still very painful.

"Little brother, I'm really thankful for you today. If it weren't for you, our family would be doomed." Zhao Long's father didn't know how to describe his gratitude to Xia Xia.

"Zhao Long, send your parents away, I can't move for the time being." Xia

said God.

"Let's take you to the hospital." Zhao Long's father said hurriedly.

"Father, you and mother, go back first, I'll take care of Brother Tian here." Zhao Long persuaded him, he knew that no matter how much thanks he would be able to listen to in this summer, and he didn't want to say too much thanks in the summer Character.

Just in the summer just now for their family, it was a life-threatening situation. This can no longer be expressed with a word of thanks, let alone how much money can be exchanged for it.

"Brother, I'm not leaving either." Zhao Jiajia said hurriedly.

"Go back with your parents." Zhao Long advised.

"He is also my friend, and I invited him to dinner." Zhao Jiajia said very stubbornly.

"Aaron, just let your sister stay here with you. You two can take care of you. Your mother is very scared. I will take your mother home first." Zhao Long's father was quite reasonable. He also understood that he dared to rush into the fire to save their family in the summer just now, not for money, nor for them to say thank you.

Zhao Long and Zhao Jiajia just sat beside Xia Xia without speaking.

five minutes later.

"You two, help me get out of here, the police should be here in a while, I don't want to cause trouble." Xia Xian didn't want to walk with those police officers, although he could solve the problem with a phone call, but now he keeps calling The phone's momentum is gone.

When I think of my mobile phone~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xia Xia suddenly felt bad. When I ran out of the fire just now, my mobile phone and wallet seemed to fly out.

"I'm relying on it, Lao Tzu's cell phone and wallet." Xia Xia said depressedly, "Now I have something to do tomorrow."

"Brother Tian, ​​I'll go buy a new one for you tomorrow." Zhao Long said.

"Hey, when I was so emotional, I stayed with me for several months, and I went through dozens of battles, but I was actually set on fire." Xia Xia sighed that he had gone through so many battles, and his phone was not broken. I didn't expect the phone to be so dead in the end.

Zhao Jiajia surprisingly didn't talk back to Xia Xia. If this happened before, she would have to say Xia Xia was stingy because of a mobile phone, but this time she was very honest.

"By the way, help me to look through the things in my left pocket. Is it still there?" Xia Tian thought of the three bracelets.

Zhao Jiajia was on Xia Xia's left, and her hand touched Xia Xia's pocket. With this touch, she took out three bracelets, "It's so beautiful."

Women are born to like this kind of thing. When Zhao Jiajia saw these three bracelets, she was completely fascinated.

"They'll be fine, just put them back." Xia Tian said lightly.

"You have three here, can you give me one?" Zhao Jiajia asked expectantly.

"No, these three belong to my future wife." Xia Xia said very seriously, and as soon as he finished speaking, he glanced at a figure, "Zhao Long, grab him."