weeping police flower

"Sister Police Flower, do you think about me?" Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing and said with a smile.

"I miss you, you big bastard." Lin Bingbing said with a frown.

"I've been thinking about you all the time. I've prepared a gift for you." Xia Tian took out a bracelet directly from his pocket.

Lin Bingbing originally thought that Xia Xia was just joking with her, but when she saw the bracelet in Xia Xia's hand, her eyes were completely attracted. No woman would not like such a beautiful bracelet.

Even though Lin Bingbing usually looks cold, she is also a woman, and her hand is directly towards Xia Xia's bracelet.

"I'll put it on for you." How could Xia Xian miss such a good opportunity? His hand directly grabbed Lin Bingbing's hand. Lin Bingbing's hand was very slippery and soft, and it felt very good.

He gently put the bracelet on Lin Bingbing's hand.

At this moment, Lin Bingbing suddenly felt a sense of happiness. Looking at Xia Xia, she shook her head helplessly. If Xia Xia didn't care so much, maybe she would really be tempted.

"Sister Police Flower, see the bead in the middle of the bracelet." Xia Xia pointed to the bead.

"Yes." Lin Bingbing nodded.

"This bracelet can passively protect you once. After using it once, the color of the beads on the bracelet will fade. After it fades, the bracelet will actively absorb the aura between heaven and earth, and will protect you again." Xia Wei Lin Bingbing Explain the function of the bracelet.

"So powerful." Lin Bingbing looked at his bracelet in surprise and said.

"Of course, how could I give you an ordinary gift." Xia Xia said proudly.

"Thank you." Lin Bingbing liked this gift that Xia Xia gave her. After what happened in the general's tomb, she already regarded Xia Xia as her best friend, the kind of blue-eyed confidant.

That's why she won't refuse the summer gift.

She didn't expect Xia Tian to be so attentive, she even bought her a gift when she went to Hong Kong to do a task.

"Okay, this gift is over, I'll give you another weapon that almost killed me." Xia Xian took out the fire dragon dagger, which he hid from Wen Ya.

Although the fire dragon dagger is a good thing, he already has a golden knife, so he plans to give the fire dragon dagger to Lin Bingbing, he believes that Lin Bingbing needs this fire dragon dagger more than he does.

Lin Bingbing frowned when she heard that Xia Xia almost killed him.

"Open your brows to me, don't I live well?" Xia Xia knew that Lin Bingbing was worried for himself.

"You, why do you work so hard every time? Don't you know that someone will worry about you?" Lin Bingbing said with a serious look at Xia Xia.

"That's great, Sister Police Flower is worried for me." Xia Xia said with a big smile.

Seeing the appearance of summer, Lin Bingbing shook his head helplessly, "You are my best friend, how could I not worry about you."

Xia Xia didn't pay any attention to what Lin Bingbing said about her friends.

After being happy, Xia Xia took out a piece of wood and chopped it with a fire dragon dagger.


The wood was directly cut off, and the knife was extremely sharp.

But an even more bizarre scene appeared. Smoke actually rose from the wood. Lin Bingbing watched the wood catch fire with his own eyes.

"What is this?" Lin Bingbing looked at the fire dragon dagger in Xia Xia's hands with an incredible expression.

"Pseudo-spirit weapon, a weapon of an earth-level master, I think you should have understood the meaning of an earth-level master by now, so you should never let this weapon be exposed, otherwise it will definitely cause others to covet." Xia Tian He reminded very seriously that he usually smiled when he saw Lin Bingbing, but now he is very serious.

"No, this thing is too precious, I can't have it." Lin Bingbing understands how terrifying the earth-level masters are, and also understands the meaning of the earth-level masters. She knows that since this thing is the weapon of the earth-level masters, it is naturally precious. Incredible, it can be said to be priceless.

"Take it." Xia Xia took Lin Bingbing's hand and handed the fire dragon dagger to Lin Bingbing, "What's mine is yours."

see summer

It seemed that Lin Bingbing's heart was full of waves. She knew that this thing was definitely bought back with her life in summer, but Xia Tian gave her what she bought with her life, "No, I really can't have it."

"I'll let you hold it, just hold it, and let's start training." Xia Xia's eyes were full of determination, and Lin Bingbing could see that if she didn't accept it, Xia Xia would keep sending it.

This time, Lin Bingbing did not refuse.

"Your power is obtained through the mutation of the blood in my body. It gave you so much power at once, and you can't control it at all. It's like giving a million to a five-year-old child, so I am now What I want to teach you is how to use your power." Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing and said seriously.

In the summer, I plan to teach from the basics. Lin Bingbing's biggest shortcoming is that the basics are poor.

"Let's learn to attack first." Xia Xia posed, and Lin Bingbing also posed like Xia did.


Xia Xia punched, but his punch directly affected the wound and internal organs.

cough cough

A mouthful of blood coughed out from Xia Xia's mouth.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia nervously.

"I'm fine, let's continue." Xia Xia waved his hand and said.

"You said it was okay, you coughed up blood." Lin Bingbing wanted to help Xia Xia, but Xia Xia unexpectedly pushed Lin Bingbing away.

"Let's continue, I'll teach you a simple boxing technique first." Xia Xia knew that his injury was not as light as he thought, and this time he not only suffered an external injury, but also suffered an internal injury.

He was stabbed twice by Wenya, and then rushed into the center of the flame to save people, which made his wound worse.

"Stop teaching, I won't learn, I won't go." Only then did Lin Bingbing realize that Xia's mental state was not good.

"How can you not learn, how can you not go, this is your dream, I will definitely help you." Xia Xia patted Lin Bingbing on the shoulder and said, and then he punched again, every time he punched, he felt There was a sharp pain in his body, but in order not to worry Lin Bingbing, he just endured it and didn't make a sound.

Seeing Xia Xia boxing there, Lin Bingbing's nose was sore, and tears flowed down. She could see that Xia Xian's physical condition was very bad. Now Xia Xia was full of sweat on her forehead. She understood that Xia Xia must be I was afraid that she would be worried, so I deliberately endured the pain.

"Why are you crying, who bullied you, tell me, and I'll help you out." Xia Xia saw Lin Bingbing crying, and hurried over.

"Haha." Lin Bingbing smiled again when she saw Xia Xia's appearance. She felt that Xia Xia was really stupid. Even though she was seriously injured, she had to run over to care about her.