full of scars

"Smile, elder sister Jinghua has a really beautiful smile." Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing and said with a smile on her face.

"You don't seem to have any worries." Lin Bingbing stopped her tears.

"Yes, I was just worried about how to make Sister Jinghua happy." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"What's wrong with your injury?" Lin Bingbing asked Xia Xia suspiciously.

"Where are you talking about?" Xia Xia said very casually. At this moment, his wound dyed his clothes red. Seeing Xia Xia's body was bleeding, Lin Bingbing hurried up.

"Take off your clothes." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia and shouted.

"Sister Police Flower, what are you doing? We are developing too fast. I can't accept it." Xia Xia's expression was very similar.

"I'm not joking with you. I took off my clothes and I'll bandage it." Lin Bingbing walked to the summer house. She knew that it was in the summer house. She went to the summer house to get gauze and disinfectant, and she came out. When I saw Summer was still standing there, I didn't take off my clothes.

"Take it off, or I'll help you." Lin Bingbing said very seriously.

Xia Tian had to take it off by himself. He was wearing a white T-shirt and took it off as soon as he stretched out his arms.

When he took off his clothes, Lin Bingbing was stunned. She just stood there staring blankly at Xia Xia without saying a word. She hated her father since she was a child, why did she abandon herself and her mother.

She made herself not have a complete home and was bullied, but when she saw Xia Xia later, she felt that Xia Xia was as miserable as her, but now she realized that what she endured was nothing compared to Xia Xia.

Looking at Xia Xia's scars, her tears flowed again.

"Sister Police Flower, why are you crying again." Xia Xia suddenly danced.

Lin Bingbing didn't speak. She put her hand on Xia Tian's body. She touched the scar on Xian Xian's body. Xia Xian's body had 32 bullet holes and 18 knife wounds.

When seeing these wounds, Lin Bingbing felt inexplicably sad.

"How old are you this year?" Lin Bingbing asked.

"It's almost eighteen." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Eighteen years old, you are only eighteen years old, what have you experienced?" Lin Bingbing couldn't imagine what happened to Xia Xia. He was only eighteen years old. When others were his age, they were still there. I ran around with my girlfriend, but Xia Xia was full of different experiences.

"I just did something that I thought was worth doing." Xia Xia smiled slightly. What he thought was worth doing was simple, and that was protecting the people he should protect.

"But you're only eighteen this year." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia and said, her mood is really complicated now.

She remembered the last time she was in the general's tomb, when Xia Xia was almost beaten to death by that big zombie for her.

"I'm not too young, I can get married." Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing with a smile on his face. His smile was very pure, and in his smile, Lin Bingbing felt very peaceful.

Lin Bingbing put her hand on the scar on Xia Xia's chest. There was blood there, and on her arm. She could tell that these two injuries were new. "How did you get injured recently?"

"If it's a normal injury, it's almost healed, but the fire cloud dagger in your hand has the fire attribute, so it will take a while to heal." Xia Xia explained.

When she heard this, Lin Bingbing realized how precious her Fire Cloud Dagger was.

On this part of Xia Xia's chest, it was obvious that it almost pierced into his heart. The other party was definitely not soft-hearted, but Xia Xia avoided it at the most critical moment, otherwise Xia Xia would be a dead person by now.

Although there is only such a small gap, sometimes life and death are on the line.

"Are you a ground-level expert?" Lin Bingbing asked.

"No, it's my first love girlfriend." Xia Xia said lightly.

"First love girlfriend, why, even if we broke up, it wouldn't be right?" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia very puzzled and asked.

"She hates me for ruining her happiness." Xia Xia said.

"What about the facts?" Lin Bingbingqing

It is clear that Xia Xia is definitely not that kind of person, there must be a hidden secret here.

"She broke up with me because Xu Shaocong, Xu Shaocong wanted to kill me, you said what should I do and then she mingled with Hu Fangye and Wen Zhaohua, you should know how deep the conflict between me and Hu Fangye is, right? Assassinated me and my relatives at least ten times." Xia Xia paused and continued, "Xu Shaocong was driven out of town by me, Wen Zhaohua was turned into a fool by me, but I saved his life, Hu Fangye, I had already let him go. Yes, but yesterday he almost killed Zhao Long and his family, do you think I'm wrong?"

"You're not wrong." Lin Bingbing said with certainty. When she heard the names of the people mentioned in Xia Xia, she already understood that these people were some rich second-generation and some of the fourth sons of Jianghai.

These people usually do bad things a lot.

"How could she hurt you?" Lin Bingbing asked in a puzzled way. She never believed that an ordinary person could hurt Summer.

"I don't know what she has cultivated, but I'm sure that she can be easily killed even if she is facing a late Xuan level expert. When I faced her, I felt that my body was out of control. The hatred has even affected my spirit." Xia Xia explained~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then how did you win her?" Lin Bingbing asked again.

"I have a secret weapon, so I defeated her," Xia Xia explained.

"In the end, you killed her" Lin Bingbing was most curious about this question.

"I stole her fire dragon dagger." Xia Xia smiled mischievously.

"I knew you couldn't bear to kill." Lin Bingbing knew Xia Tian's temper, so how could he attack a woman.

"The gossip is over, let me teach you some skills. You can also help me when I go to the regional competition. I have both internal and external injuries, and I offended that Su Hai last time. It was a special action. The head of the department and Ye Lao, they will definitely play tricks." Xia Xia knew that these people could not be safe.

"I'll help you bandage the wound first." Lin Bingbing knew that the disinfectant was no longer needed, so she directly picked up the gauze and patiently helped Xia Tian bandage it.

Ten minutes later, the wound was bandaged.

"Okay, I'm going to train you in a new way." Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing and said, he felt that it would be ineffective if he continued to train like this, so he planned to use actual combat to train Lin Bingbing, just like his master Yin Nie Same as when training him.

"I'm ready." Lin Bingbing said very seriously.

Xia Xia didn't speak, and with a flash of immortal steps under his feet, he came directly to Lin Bingbing's side and punched Lin Bingbing's head.