mighty dragon group

Seeing such a scene, everyone turned their attention to the screen, because the marksmanship shown in the summer just now was really good, and it was the team who shot it in person, so they were naturally switched to the focus screen.

"Haha, God helps me. As long as he is eliminated, no one else will be able to run away. It is also a good idea to let him watch those people fall." Ye Min secretly said, although he wanted to see more He was maimed in the summer, but the current scene is not bad. After all, the Jianghai City special team only has a master like Xia Xia. If Xia Xia is eliminated, then Jianghai City will face the situation of being eliminated directly.

At that time, she will be able to make fun of Ye Wanqing.

The people she hated the most were Ye Wanqing and Xia Xia. She had to humiliate Ye Wanqing in public before she could be angry. For this competition, she spent all her fortune, and even sold her own body, and was forced to be someone else's mistress for a year. .

Now is the time for her to see the rewards.

As long as the three strongest teams see the people from the Jianghai City special team, they will make a ruthless attack.

Ye Lao also saw the scene here. If Xia Xia was eliminated directly, he would not be angry. He had to kill Xia Xia's own people with real guns.

"Captain, he's a member of the team." The secretary of the special team in Jianghai City said nervously.

"Don't be nervous, Xia Xia will definitely be able to handle it." Ye Wanqing comforted her, but she didn't have a clue in her own heart. The people above had already said that these people were not ordinary team members, but high-level team members.

The people around were all waiting to see a good show.

The person involved, Xia Xia himself, had already discovered the person in the group. The person in the group had so obvious clothes and his eyesight was so good that it would be strange not to find it, but he was not in a hurry. But now that he ran directly, he would definitely be seen by others.

At this moment, he discovered another person. The word C city was written on his body. It was the person from C city who colluded with Ye Min.

"There's a way." Xia Xia started to move towards the man in City C, but the man didn't find him.

The people in that group were ready to take action at any time. At this moment, the people in that group saw the people from the special team in C city. At the moment when he was stunned, Xia Tian ran away at a very fast speed. He calculated the difference between Xia Xia and that one. The distance between the people of the special team in c city.

In the end, he gave up on Xia Xia and directly killed the person from the special team in C city.

The person from the special team in city c was stunned when he saw the person in the group, but just this moment, the person in the group kicked him to the ground. Last year's champion team, the special team in city c The person who didn't even catch a single move.

This shows the strength of the team members.

City c's special team eliminated one person, leaving nine people.

Now a total of twelve people have been eliminated.

When Xia Xia heard this voice, he almost didn't laugh, "Let you mix with that woman, and you will be eliminated in a while."

Ye Wanqing smiled slightly, and she knew that Xia Tian had a solution, but she didn't expect Xia Xia to be so funny, actually taking that person from City C as a bait.

"Damn, this kid is so sinister." The captain of the special team in C city said angrily.

"He actually let him run away again." Ye Min clenched her fist angrily.

"Boy, don't be too proud, you thought you escaped, but unfortunately this is exactly what I wanted to see." Old Ye didn't speak, the corners of his mouth slanted upward, revealing a sarcastic smile.

The person above smiled slightly, he was very interested in summer.

Xia Xia searched for two hours, but found no one. In the end, he simply sat on the ground, and he stopped running. He was tired after running for so long, and he didn't find anyone.

It seems that everyone else is hiding.

Some people started to join up with their teammates.

Xia Xia thought that no one would be eliminated today, but at this moment.

The Twelve Cities Special Team eliminated one person, leaving nine people.

One person was eliminated from the special team of the twelve cities, leaving eight people.

One person was eliminated from the Twelve Cities Special Team, leaving seven people.


One person was eliminated from the special team of the twelve cities, and there were 0 people remaining.

Hearing the series of broadcast sounds, Xia Xia was stunned. People from one city were eliminated at the same time. That is to say, after the people in their city joined together using a special method, they were all eliminated.

To be able to directly eliminate a team that stood out from the regional competition is definitely a teamwork. Except for the masters of the team, no one can have such a strong strength.

The captain of the Twelve Cities Special Team, who was watching the game outside, kicked his stool angrily and went straight into the tent. All his people had been eliminated, and there was no need to watch any more.

Even if you watch it, you can only get angry.

The good times don't last long.

The Eleven City special team eliminated one person, leaving nine people.

The Eleven City special team eliminated one person, leaving eight people.

The Eleven City special team eliminated one person, leaving seven people.

The Eleven City special team eliminated one person, leaving 0 people.

There was another series of voices on the radio~www.mtlnovel.com~ Someone was eliminated again. When they heard this elimination, the teams that got together hurriedly separated. They thought it would be safe to get together.

But they only discovered now that it is the most dangerous to get together, and once they are eliminated, they will all be killed in battle.

The masters of that gang are not vegetarians.

"My darling, the people in the group are quite good." Xia Xia said with emotion. At this time, he was lying on a tree and listening to the radio leisurely.

The captain of the Eleven City special team who was watching the game outside was also angry and returned to the tent.

"Hey, if you don't have the strength, don't come out and be ashamed. If you enter the tent, no one will see you." The leader of the special team in Qinghai said sarcastically. This is how the special team is. Whenever there is a chance, it will not forget to belittle others.

There is no friendship between them, they are rivals.

"Huh." The leader of the Eleven City Special Squad and the Twelve City Special Squad both walked out of the tent. The two of them snorted coldly at the same time, and went back to their chairs without saying a word.

The group has already proved their strength with their strength, and in less than a day, more than 30 people have been eliminated.

Summer is going to spend the night on the tree tonight.

"Ah!" At this moment, he heard a scream. The voice was so familiar. When he heard this voice, Xia Xia's complexion changed and he jumped down from the tree.