make me a cheetah

The owner of that voice, Xia Xia, was so familiar with the scream, and he heard the scream. It was the leader of the special team in Jianghai City, the team leader when he first joined the special team.

The man who got up after being exhausted countless times.

He jumped off the tree and ran in that direction. He saw that two people were beating the leader of the Jianghai City special team.

Those who were watching the game outside were stunned.

Because they saw that the people from the special team in Qhai City were beating the people from the special team in Jianghai City. They used fists and feet. That person from the special team in Jianghai City was beaten hard.

But those few people just didn't tear off the badge on the person of the Jianghai City special team.

Ye Wanqing clenched her fists and didn't say a word.

The captain of the special team of Q Haishi glanced at Ye Min and nodded silently.

"Hmph, Ye Wanqing, this is just the beginning." Ye Min didn't speak, she looked at Ye Wanqing sarcastically, and Ye Wanqing also turned her head to look at Ye Min angrily, and then looked at the captain of the Qinghai special team.

"Referee, isn't this a foul?" Some people can't stand it anymore. Although they don't care about their business, this scene is really ugly.

"We can't contact them now, there is no way to stop them, and the game didn't say it's not allowed, but this kind of behavior is really bad." The person above said with a frown, no matter how stupid he could see it, it was definitely Personal grudges, and absolutely linked to interests.

Ye Lao also looked like he was watching a good show.

One of the two beating people was a retired member of the team, and the other was an expert, so they were able to subdue the team leader of the Jianghai City special team so easily.

At this moment, a figure came out from behind.

The speed of this man is faster than that of a cheetah, and his strength is also terrifying. He jumped up directly, punched one person, and knocked them down with two punches. He didn't give them a chance to react at all. , punch after punch in their face.

The voice of the man even came from the micro-reconnaissance instrument. Although the micro-reconnaissance instrument also has the function of detecting sound, this function is not strong, so it can only detect very loud sounds.

This shows how loud that person shouted.

Everyone present was stunned, only to see the man punching the two of them in the face one by one.

"Summer, it's summer." The secretary of the Jianghai City special team seemed to have seen the savior. Everyone could see the person's appearance clearly. Isn't this person the one who compared his marksmanship just now. He also has a special Jianghai city on him. Squad badge.

"Damn, how could he come here?" Ye Min clenched her teeth.

q The captain of the Haishi Special Squad turned green, watching Xia Xia beat the two of them in the face and then kicked their arms and legs with his feet, he couldn't stand it any longer. "The referee, isn't he being too ruthless?" "

"Hey, you're only allowed to do this, others can't do it?" The captain of the Eleven City Special Squad said sarcastically.

"It's true, his people can beat others, but others can't beat his people. What's the reason?" The captain of the twelve special teams echoed, the two of them remembered the Qinghai special team just now. How the captain mocked the two of them.

"I can't control it." The person above said directly. If he managed this, he would be really blind.

At this time, Xia Xia had already knocked off all the bones of the two of them, but the two of them had already fainted. Xia Xia came to the leader of the Jianghai City Special Team and said in a low voice, "I will take your arm and Legs, don't let others see it after you go out, just shout when you go out, the worse it is, the better."

"Teacher, I understand." The team leader of a group naturally understood what Xia Xia meant. The worse he yelled, the more reasonable they would be, and the better Xia Xia would do.

After connecting his bones, Xian Xian patted his shoulder, "I'll wake the two of them up and let them both accompany you in pain."

Xia Xia first tore off the badges on the three of them, and then used a silver needle to **** their acupuncture points. As soon as the two woke up, they felt the severe pain from their bodies and started screaming.


Jiang Hai is the special team who eliminated one person, leaving eight people.

One person was eliminated from the special team of Qhai City, leaving eight people.

One person was eliminated from the special team of Q Haishi, and seven people remained.

There was a voice on the radio, and the people from the Jianghai City special team who were in the game began to be vigilant. They knew that this must be an accident, that is, the special situation that Xia Xia said.

As for the two people who were eliminated, it goes without saying that it must be summer.

Xia Xia picked up the badges of those two people and tore them to pieces at the micro-detector, then raised his **** at the camera of the micro-detector, and said three words with his mouth.

Those who watched the game on the spot saw Xia Xia's gestures and mouth shapes, because Xia Xia's mouth shapes were too exaggerated, and it was difficult for them to But the most surprising thing was that Xia Xia's mouth shape was too exaggerated. I actually found a micro-detecting instrument. You must know that even the few people in the group did not find the micro-detecting instrument, but Xia Xia actually found it.

"What a powerful guy, there are such powerful people in the Jianghai City special team." The person above said in surprise.

"Just now when he punched, it was a sneak attack, and when he was angry, his strength increased, so he had luck in defeating those two people just now," explained one of the team's masters.

"Well, that's true." Everyone nodded, agreeing with his opinion.

Ye Min was even more depressed at this time. She originally thought she could vent her anger, but in the end, the summer actually appeared again, and she was in the limelight.

"I see how long you can still be beautiful." Old Ye looked at the summer on the screen viciously.

Xia Xia didn't leave. He waited until the patrol team came over and watched the team leader of a group being transported away before he left with confidence. This time, he no longer went to look for Lin Bingbing and others. He thought that Lin Bingbing and the others should protect themselves. ability.

And after what happened just now, he knew that once his own people were in danger, they would definitely tear up their badges. If the other party made another move, it would be a foul.

He is now an eagle, and he begins to prepare to look for prey, and the people from the special team of Q sea market are his prey.

Xia Xia is such a person. If you treat me well, then I will treat you well, and if you treat me badly, I will pay it back.