God cooperates

So far, not one person has been eliminated from City Y, there are seven people in City C, four people in Jianghai City, and a total of five people in other cities.

All in all, there are twenty-six people.

In the group, only one person was eliminated, leaving nine people.

Those who can survive are definitely the elite of the elite.

The next battle is the most classic.

The people of Y city seemed to have evaporated from the world, and even the micro-detecting instruments could not find them.

Xia Xia felt that the time was almost up, so he woke up the three of them and prepared to pack up and set off together. This time their goal was not to escape, but to catch them. Their goal was the members of the group.

This time they are going to arrest the members of the group.

Since someone has already got a badge, they must get the badges of two groups, otherwise they will not be able to win against the people of the special team in Y city.

Their goal this time is to be No. 1 in the region.

It's not a game of hide and seek.

Daniel and the leader of the seventh group have never experienced such an interesting battle in their lives, and they are simply boiling with enthusiasm now.

And Lin Bingbing always wanted to face the people in the group head-on. She wanted to see what the strength of the people in the group was. After all, the group was also her goal. She wanted to enter the group and avenge her mother.

Summer doesn't matter, he doesn't like to lose anyway.

So this four-person team started to counter arrest.

Among these four people, Xia Xia is the core, Lin Bingbing is fast and powerful, and can be used for sneak attacks. The leader of the seventh group is good at traps, and Daniel's marksmanship is even admired by Xia Xia.

Such a team is an all-around team no matter how you look at it.

Those outside watching the game at this time.

"Look, the people in Jianghai City moved. They hid for a day. Today, they finally made a big move again. This time, it seems that there is another good show to watch."

"I just like to watch this kid. I've given up on the one we were with."

"Watching him play is like reading a textbook, and it's a brand new textbook."

Those who watched the game were also very excited, and they were full of energy when the game in the summer came.

"The people in the group have been caught all day and night, and now they are tired. Now is the best time to take action." A group executive said lightly.

"His control over the battlefield is really too strong, and he grasped this precisely, so he hid for a day, and is ready to take action today." Another senior member of the group also expressed admiration.

"Avoid its edge and cut its waist." The person above nodded with satisfaction.

They saw in Xia Xia things that people usually just talk about, so they admire Xia Xia and can use all those things in real battles.

The leader of the special team in Y city is still the same, with a surprisingly calm face.

At this moment, the most anxious person was the captain of the special team in city c. Seeing that the special team in city y had already won the first badge, his heart was on fire, and his goal was to win the championship.

Even second place means nothing to him, because the special team only has first place, no second place.

So he doesn't want to lose the game.

He finally played some tricks to eliminate the Qinghai city special team and the Shenzhen special team, but he actually underestimated the ability of the y city special team.

"Xiamen, it's time for you to show off your skills." Ye Wanqing looked at the big screen excitedly, she knew that Xia Xia had been preserving his strength, and now that he took the initiative to attack, he was naturally prepared to do his best.

"Someone, Daniel, at seven o'clock, one thousand meters, still, can you hit it?" Xia Xia looked at Daniel and asked.

Da Niu didn't answer, instead he took up the gun and stretched his tongue forward.


The five-city special team eliminated one person and the rest.

The radio directly broadcast the result of Daniel's shot just now.

"Pretty," Xia Tian praised.

Daniel's marksmanship is really accurate.

"Teacher, your observation

Power is amazing, you can see it from such a distance, it's really amazing. "Daniu didn't find the target when he picked up the gun just now. If Xia Xia didn't tell him the specific location, he really couldn't find that person.

Those who watched the game outside were almost stunned.

The people from the Jianghai City Special Squad really opened their eyes. They couldn't hear Xia Xia's voice here. They could only see the Daniel raising his gun directly, and he shot without even seeing the target.

Then a shot hit the head coach of the five-city special team that was hiding.

This shot is really amazing.

Previously, they thought that the Jianghai City special team had a bright spot in one summer. This is nothing at all. It is impossible for one person to turn the tide of the battle.

"It should be the first time for the Jianghai City special team to participate in the regional competition," the person above asked.

"Well, the first time." The head of the area around him nodded.

"It's amazing to see so many bright spots for the first time." The person above nodded.

"What a beautiful shot." The captain of the five-city special team praised. Although it was his people who were eliminated, he really felt that the shot was really beautiful~www.mtlnovel.com~ When they were emotional, The radio went off again.

The Seven Cities Special Team eliminated one person, leaving one person remaining.

It was someone from the Jianghai City special team again, but this time that person wanted to sneak attack. In the summer, they didn't expect to step on the booby trap set by the team leader of the seventh group.

"Yeah" the leader of the seventh group finally gave the man a grenade.

"Pretty." Xia Xia didn't even see that person, because that person was behind him and he was well hidden, but that person didn't expect that he would actually step on a booby trap.

This time, the people watching the game outside were even more surprised.

They have confirmed Xia Xia's core ability, and with the shot from Daniel just now, there is another expert who can set up booby traps.

"This team is really evil. Three of the four are top talents."

"I'm more looking forward to what that girl will do now."

"Look, there's no one coming over there."

The people watching the game were discussing that there were four people, three super characters, and one Lin Bingbing missing. Everyone looked forward to the big screen in the middle.

But all of them were stunned.

"How did that woman disappear?" The person above asked in surprise. He had seen it just now, but the woman seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.