Fight against dragon masters

"It's not that she disappeared, it's that the speed is too fast. She is a master." The senior management of the group explained.

Everyone was even more surprised when they heard what the senior of the group said. It turned out that the remaining four-person team in Jianghai City was actually so powerful.

As if verifying the words of the senior team leader, a voice came from the broadcast.

The seven-city special team eliminated one person, and the rest.

The screen switched to the person's position. Lin Bingbing was standing beside the person at this time. The person's forehead was covered in sweat. It was not until Lin Bingbing left that the person's body slackened.

"Damn, the strength of this team is actually so strong." The captain of the special team in City C scolded secretly. He did not expect that the newly intruded team from Jianghai City would be so strong.

The remaining four have their own strengths.

He thought just now that it would be difficult to deal with one from Y city, but now there is another four-member group from the Jianghai City special team.

Then his hindrance was even greater.

The captain of the special team in Y City still had no expression on his face. Even though the four-member group of the special team in Jianghai City was so high-profile, there was no worry on his face.

Ye Wanqing glanced at the changes in the expressions on the faces of the two of them. Now she is not worried at all about any big moves by the people in the special team in city c. Instead, she is worried about what means the people in the special team in city y will do, because they are too calm, and Hidden too well.

Until now, micro-detection instruments have not found their location.

"Four people, each with their own characteristics, it's really interesting."

"Although it was my people who were eliminated, I was really relaxed. It's really exciting to watch the Jianghai City special team's game."

"Maybe the four of them really have a chance to surpass the remaining two teams."

Most of the people watching the game outside were the captains of other teams and the people they brought, as well as the heads of some areas, but they didn't wear special clothes, so they didn't know their rank.

What they like to watch the most now is the screen of the Jianghai City special team.

"Sister Lin, you were quick enough to take action." Xia Xia said with admiration.

"You've all shown it, and of course I'm going to show it." Lin Bingbing smiled and said naughty, she is a cold beauty, such a naughty appearance is very rare, and she is drunk in summer.

Lin Bingbing saw Xia Xia's appearance of a pig brother, and patted him directly on the face.

"En" When Xia Tian woke up, he glanced at a person, and when he saw this person, his face was full of excitement, "Hahahaha, brothers, the business is here, prepare to fight."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, all four of them separated, and even Xia Xian directly hid.

"Everything is hidden and don't move. The enemy is at five o'clock. He is walking towards us. He is very cautious. Our booby-trapped mines have been lined up by him." Xia Xia whispered.

"Don't worry, instructor, I wasn't idle just now." The leader of the seventh group responded.

"Da Niu, shoot when you see an opportunity, try not to leak it." Xia Xia reminded.

"Okay." Daniel responded.

"Sister Lin, I'll go first, you sneak attack." Xia Tian glanced at Lin Bingbing and said.

"Yes." Lin Bingbing nodded and said.

Everyone is ready.

In terms of atmosphere, the atmosphere of those watching the game outside at this time is even more tense than they were in the summer.

They also saw the people in that group.

"I'm finally going to play against the master of the group. I'm really looking forward to it. Can these four people win the master of the group?"

"I can't see it. The masters of the group can't be won with some small tricks. This requires real strength."

"It's hard to say. I'm more optimistic about the four of them."

Those who watched the lively have forgotten their identities. They are just spectators now, discussing the situation while watching.

"Hmph, I'm just courting death." The captain of the special team in City C snorted coldly.

Wei, the captain of the special team in city y

He raised his head slightly, obviously he was also a little interested in this battle, and it was the first time everyone saw his expression changed.

"It will do." Ye Wanqing said lightly.

"You guys, tell me who will win this game." The person above looked at the four people beside him and asked.

"Team of four" said the heads of the two areas next to him at the same time, they are the top of the area, in their eyes, these four people are the best, the best is impossible to lose, so the two of them choose Support for groups of four.

"The group." The senior management of the two groups chose to support their own people, because they knew more about their own abilities. As long as they were not caught in some kind of trap, they would not be able to lose.

"Okay, let's see who can win." Everyone turned their attention to the big screen.

A good show is about to happen there.

The quartet of the Jianghai City special team vs the group master.

Everyone was waiting. They wanted to see how Xia Xia planned to make a sneak attack this time, because almost all the operations before Xia Xia were sneak attacks, and the special attacks were successful.

"Bah" just when everyone was looking forward to it, Xia Xia jumped out and shouted loudly, "I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to cross this road, stay and buy road money."


Those outside watching the game all Summer's voice is loud, so they can hear some.

Originally, they thought that Xia Xia was going to attack, but Xia Xia actually stood up and robbed.

Xia Xia's shout didn't matter, it startled the group.

The group of people took two steps back, but he jumped up the tree one by one.


Just now, a bomb rang out where he was standing. It was a booby trap. The booby trap buried by the team leader of the seventh team just now almost succeeded, but the team master's skills were really good.

So this booby trap did not succeed.

"It ran quite fast." Xia Xia's purpose was to scare him.

"It's quite overcast." The person in the group smiled slightly.

"It's on your head." Xia Xia pointed to the head of the master and said.

Just when the master of that group was about to say that this kind of deception was useless to me, he really felt a net fall, and hurriedly jumped forward.

"Go back." Xia Xia jumped up and kicked the group of masters directly. He was in the air just now and couldn't move his body, so he just hit the kick.

His body was directly kicked back into the distance, and the net on his head fell off.


A **** light flashed, and Lin Bingbing shot.