let the grenade fly

0 grenades are flying.

The grenades flying all over the sky, Xia Xian's jaw almost fell to the ground when he saw these grenades, and they threw hundreds of grenades all at once.


Xia Xia shouted, and all three of them started running.

Even the team members turned around and started running.

What a joke, no matter how high martial arts are, you are afraid of kitchen knives, not to mention grenades, and there are hundreds of grenades. Although these grenades are only used for acting, they are not very powerful, but hundreds of them can explode with zero power. Not too small.

"Don't worry, run slowly and let the grenade fly for a while." The head coach of the special team in Y city said lightly.

At this time, those people who were watching the game outside shouted at the same time, "Fuck you."

They could see hundreds of grenades flying towards Xia Xia and the others. At this time, the people from the special team in Y city were less than 20 meters away from Xia Xia and them. Even a woman could throw them at such a close distance.

Now they finally understand why the captain of the special team in Y city has always been confident.

"After my people went in, they replaced all the weapons with grenades, each with forty grenades. Although there are only six people left, there are still two hundred and forty on their bodies. A grenade, plus their own strength, even the team can't carry it." The captain of the special team in Y city said lightly.

His people specially contacted Department 0 for the skill of throwing grenades quickly, and they could throw eight grenades at the same time.

boom boom boom

A series of explosions came.

The Jianghai City special team eliminated one person, leaving two people.

A broadcast sound came, and Xia Xian looked back. It was a big bull. When he saw the grenade all over the sky, he ran away, but later he calculated in his heart that he could not escape the grenades at all, so he directly confronted the grenade. Shoot someone.

But he missed a single shot.

"Hey, it's too immoral for you to play like this." Xia Xia shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, the rest of these grenades are all reserved for the team." said the head coach of the special team in Y city.

"Hey, idiot, the group has already gone around behind you. If you don't throw it away, they will come." Xia Xia pointed behind those people.

"I rely on you to help them report the news." A voice came from behind the special team in Y city.

The people from the "throw" Y city special team immediately continued to throw.

The overwhelming grenade was thrown over. This time they didn't hold back. Although they didn't see where the person was, they had already heard what the group of people said just now, so they would never miss such a good opportunity this time.

boom boom boom boom

The people of the special team in Y city threw out all the grenades in one fell swoop.

They thought they had won this time. With so many grenades, the six groups should have been wiped out.

But they waited for a long time and didn't hear the sound of the broadcast.

"Hey, you are really stupid, and you believe what he says." The group of people walked out from the position just now, and they never left there.

"Why weren't you over there just now?" the coach of the special team in Y city asked inexplicably.

"Blind for nothing. The radio I bought for five dollars was just bombed." Xia Xia said with an aggrieved face.

This is what those people from the special team in City Y knew that they were tricked by others, and the team didn't dive in at all. They just ran back when they saw the grenade, and they never left there.

Those watching the game outside burst into tears.

They looked at the scrapped radio in Xia's hands and understood what was going on.

Just now, they were still wondering why the people from the special team in Y city threw grenades at places where no one was around, and the more they threw them, the more excited they became. Now they understand that those people were tricked by the scrapped radio in Xia's hands.

The face of the captain of the special team in Y city turned green. This was the biggest change in his expression.

Just now he still looked confident, but now

His complexion became ashen.

"I'm going to kill you." The six people in the special team in Y city were all angry. They rushed directly to Xia Xia, and they were actually tricked.

From the beginning of the game to the present, they are the most praised teams, because they are very mysterious, but they were actually tricked by Xia Xia just now. How can they bear it? Now they no longer care about the ranking.

"Hey, he's already swept away by anger." Xia Xia sighed and said, at the same time, six silver needles flew out at the same time.


The special team from City Y eliminated one person, leaving five people.

The man who was shot by Xia Xia's silver needle just now fell down, and Lin Bingbing also went straight over and tore off the man's badge.

"Damn." Seeing Lin Bingbing tore off that person's badge, they rushed directly to Lin Bingbing.


Xia Xia appeared next to Lin Bingbing in an instant, and kicked the person closest to him away with one kick. "Men should attack men, not attack women."

Lin Bingbing thought she was about to be hit just now, but Xia Xia suddenly appeared and saved her again.

"Damn~www.mtlnovel.com~ Today we must repair you properly." The head coach of the special team in Y city said angrily.

"If you don't hurry up and grab the badge, you will lose." Xia Xia reminded.

"We don't care whether we win or lose, but don't even think about going to the finals." The head coach of the special team in Y city was already angry, and his attitude was very clear, they were going to clean up the summer, so even if it was summer they won , he can't go to the finals.

"Hey." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, and prepared his hands for battle, "Sister Lin, you stand behind me, and if you see that one can sneak attack, you will beat me up."

"Yes." Lin Bingbing nodded. She knew that these people were experts. If she intervened now, it would only add to the chaos, and she would be distracted in the summer.

The five people in the special team "Go" Y City all rushed towards the summer.

These five people are all people who were eliminated from the group, and each of them is a master of the master. The five of them shot together, and the momentum is particularly huge.

"Grandma's, it seems that you can't escape today, so let's fight." Xia Xia shouted and rushed out.

The five people hit Xia Xia at the same time, and Xia Xian stepped forward with a flickering foot, and quickly pointed **** at two of them. At this moment, the head coach of the special team in Y city suddenly accelerated and punched Xia Xia. 's back.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Xia Xia's mouth.