How could I possibly confess

The head coach of the special team in Y city actually kept his hand.

Seeing Xia Tian vomiting blood, Lin Bingbing understood that Xia Xia's injury must not be healed yet, otherwise he couldn't be beaten like this so easily. She really wants to go up to help now, but she knows that if she goes up now, then Summer is definitely more distracting.

Ye Wanqing, who was watching the game outside, frowned.

Although the punch from the head coach of the special team in Y City just now was quite powerful, Xia Xia shouldn't have been hit so easily, and there should be a way to unload that punch Xia Xia.

She frowned, she really couldn't understand.

"It doesn't take off his strength." The head coach of the special team in Y city was also slightly taken aback. The real masters would take off their strength, but Xia Xia actually resisted him just now, which made him very puzzled, but when he raised his head to look When he went, he understood, "Hahahaha, I understand, so you are still afraid of hurting her, so I will show you the injury."

The head coach of the special team in Y city rushed directly to Lin Bingbing. His speed was very fast, and he came to Lin Bingbing in an instant.

Lin Bingbing hurriedly punched, but not as fast as the opponent.

The head coach of the special team in Y city shook his body and punched Lin Bingbing directly.

body instant

Xia Xia's body instantly appeared in front of Lin Bingbing, and his right hand pointed directly on the fist of the head coach of the special team in Y city.


The head coach of the special team in Y city, his body flew upside down, and his fist was called back by Xia Xia before he could use his full strength. This kind of feeling is very bad.

"Don't force me to kill you." Xia Xia looked at the head coach of the Y city special team with cold eyes, and he exuded murderous aura.

That's right, it's murderous

When they saw this murderous aura, the five people were all stunned. They knew that this was definitely not to scare people, but a real murderous aura.

Only people who have actually killed people will have murderous aura. From the look of murderous energy in Xia Xia's body, you can tell that he must have killed before but not murdered.

"Yoyo, it's amazing, you have murderous aura at such a young age." The group member who was watching the play said lightly.

"Five hits one, can't win, and even attacked a woman, no wonder they were kicked out of the group." Another group member said disdainfully.

The people in the group really looked down on the people of the five special teams in Y city.

"Hey, do you need help?" The people in the group have already decided that this time they will never let the Y city special team win the championship. With their character, winning the championship is just a smear.

"No need." Xia Tian said lightly.

"Boy, you don't have to play ruthless with us, who hasn't killed a few people." The head coach of the Y city special team said disdainfully.

"Stop hitting, let's tear off the badge, your wound has recurred again." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia nervously. At this time, the wound on Xia Xia's chest recurred again, and the wound left by the fire dragon dagger was far more He imagined that it would be difficult to heal. This continuous battle has made his body a little bit overwhelmed. Now that he is facing these five masters again, the wound will naturally be unable to hold back.

"I'm fine, how could I admit it." Xia Xia thinks that tearing up the badge is a confession. Although the current situation seems that even if he tore the badge by himself, they should have won, but he will never tear up his own badge. .

"It seems that his injuries are not serious. The blood on his chest has soaked his clothes." All the players in those groups discovered Xia Xia's chest injuries.

Seeing Xia Xia's appearance, Lin Bingbing shook her head helplessly, "I know I can't persuade you, but you should let me help you bandage the wound first, or you will lose too much blood and die before the fight is over."

"Okay." Summer nodded.

The five people on the opposite side were not in a hurry this time. Although they were going to repair the summer meal, they were always poked in the spine and said, it's not good. If they do it now, everyone will scold them for taking advantage Human danger.

Xia Tian took off his jacket, and then tore off the military short sleeve.

At the moment when the military short-sleeves were torn open in the summer, everyone was stunned, whether it was right or wrong.

The person on the opposite side is still the person watching the game outside.

Especially Ye Wanqing, she bit her lip tightly, she promised Xia Xialong to take good care of Xia Xia, but now Xia Xia's body has actually become like this.

There were 33 bullet holes in Xia Xia's body, and 18 knife wounds. Three of them cut his entire back, three nearly broke his shoulder, and four were only a few centimeters from his heart.

Seeing such a scar, the team members opposite him and the special team in Y city were completely blinded.

They could see that Xia Xian was definitely not young, but the scars on his body told everyone that his reputation was not blown out.

"It's amazing, it's a miracle that he can survive like this." The group said in surprise.

The five members of the special team in City Y all frowned.

Those who watched the game outside were all shocked.

"Damn it, why are there so many scars on his body, and those scars are dying."

"It's the first time I've seen someone with so many scars on their bodies. UU Reading"

"He doesn't look very old. What has he experienced?"

Those who watched the game were all very puzzled. They couldn't imagine how there are so many scars on people of this age in the summer.

"If you said before that he had obtained special merit, I still have doubts, but now I have no more doubts." A team executive said lightly.

"Most of his injuries are new injuries, especially the wounds on his chest and shoulders, which are definitely not more than five days old, but he actually came to the game with injuries, and he can still achieve such a result, it is really amazing. Another team executive praised.

"This kid is really eye-opening." The people above looked at the wounds on Xia Xia's body in surprise.

Lin Bingbing patiently bandaged Xia Xia's wounds. Every time she saw Xia Xia's wounds, she couldn't help but want to cry.

"Don't cry. A woman's tears are more valuable than gold. No one can make you cry." Xia Tian patted Lin Bingbing's back gently and said.

"Boy, now you tear off the badge yourself, I can let you go." The coach of the special team in Y city felt that Xia Xia was a man, but he had to eliminate Xia Xia.

"How could it be that I'm just about to have a good time." Xia Xia's mouth slanted slightly, her right hand condensed with two fingers.

Lingxi's first finger is the second.