Qinglin's revenge

One person was eliminated from the city y special team, and there were four remaining.

The special team from City Y eliminated one person, leaving three people.

One person was eliminated from the city y special team, and there were two remaining.

The Y city special team eliminated one person and left one person.

The special team in city y eliminated one person, leaving 0 people.

Hearing this series of broadcast sounds, it was Lin Bingbing who started it just now and tore off all the badges on them. If she didn't tear it up again, she was afraid that the summer would never end.

The Jianghai City special team eliminated one person and left one person.

"Sister Lin, why are you tearing me up? I haven't finished fighting with them yet." Xia Xia said puzzled.

"No need to fight, we have already won." Lin Bingbing then tore off his badge.

The Jianghai City special team eliminated one person, leaving 0 people.

At the end of the competition, the champion of this competition was the special team of Jianghai City, who won a total of three badges.

A series of voices came from the radio.

Hearing the sound of the broadcast, the people in the Jianghai City special team were all very excited. They won, and they actually won. They stood out in this regional competition.

The finals are beckoning to them.

Glory came to the Jianghai City special team.

Ye Wanqing was in a very complicated mood at this time. Her team had never entered the regional competition, let alone the finals.

But Summer helped her do it.

She originally wanted to take good care of and hone Xia Xia, but she didn't expect that she would be cared for and helped by Xia Xia all the time. From the scars on Xia Xia's body, she could see how dangerous Xia Xia's salute was.

The battle in Port X was definitely not just talk.

At this moment, she felt very happy, and at the same time, she also felt that she really owed Summer to their father and son too much.

Unlike here, a big event happened in Jianghai City.

Lin Qingxue had an accident.

After receiving the call, Mr. Xu immediately called Brother Xiao Ma, and then he personally took Zhao Long, Fan Jin and Xiao Fei to rescue Lin Qingxue.

At the same time, in a forest in Jianghai University.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that my cousin in the summer was so beautiful." The person who spoke was Qinglin, Qinglin of Huashan Sect. After he returned to Huashan Sect, he listed his own younger brothers and went straight out. Hidden door, he vowed to avenge Wen Ya.

Thinking of Wenya crying at the time, he couldn't control his emotions. He really liked Wenya, and he always regarded Wenya as his woman, so he had to avenge Wenya.

This time, he brought Sanming Xuan level masters and ten late Huang level masters.

Tong Lao had already said before that Xia Tian had helpers, so he naturally wouldn't come alone, but in his opinion, in the world outside Hidden Sect, other than the group, there could be no profound experts at all.

He guessed that two Xuan-level masters must have besieged Wenya at that time, because Wenya's ability can only attack one person, so he brought three Xuan-level masters, including him, four.

He not only wants to win, but also to overwhelm the opponent in momentum.

He knew from Wenya that in the summer there was a cousin named Lin Qingxue who studied at Jianghai University.

So he went directly to Jianghai University when he couldn't find summer.

At this time, the fourteen of them directly surrounded Lin Qingxue and Bingxin in the middle, "You two should be Xia's relatives, I'll give you a chance now, call Xia and let him come over, otherwise you two are so beautiful. , I can't guarantee what my people will do to you."

"Summer is not in Jianghai City now." Bing Xin said with a frown.

"I'm sorry, I have never known what it means to be Lianxiangxiyu, if you don't ask Xia Xia to come over, then I will let my people destroy your clothes, then let them come, and finally shave your face. Flower." Qing Lin of Huashan Sect said viciously, thinking of Wen Ya's injuries, he could not wait to strip Xia Tian alive, how could he let him go when he saw Xia Xia's relatives at this time.

/> "If you dare to touch us, Xia Xia won't let you go." Bing Xin was also a little scared. What Qing Lin said was what every woman was most afraid of.

At first glance, these people on the opposite side are all experts.

Although Bingxin's speed and strength have been greatly improved after the mutation, she does not think that she has the ability to fight against so many masters.

"Hmph, I'm looking for him right now. If he has the ability, let him come over. If he doesn't have that ability, neither of you will be able to run today." Qing Lin waved at a late Huang level master. Waving his hand, the man walked directly to Ye Qingxue and Bingxin.

"Thank you boss, I've never seen such a beautiful woman before." The man looked at Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin with a look on his face, he thought that the boss let him go first, that was giving him the opportunity to take advantage first.

There are rules in the hidden door. They usually can't do anything in the hidden door unless they find a girlfriend in the hidden door. If they find it outside, it is a big taboo in the hidden door~www. mtlnovel.com~The first rule of Hidden Door is that you cannot disclose the situation here to anyone outside Hidden Door, and you are together.

And usually they rarely have the opportunity to walk out of the hidden door.

If they hadn't come out with Qing Lin, they would have to spend countless hours trying to get out of the hidden door, and they could only stay outside for half a day at most.

But following Qinglin is different. Qinglin's identity is different. Even the person who guards the mountain gate must give him face, and Qinglin has stolen the elder token this time, so naturally the caregivers of the hidden gate will not Stop them.

The elder token is a token that only elders in the major sects can have. With this thing, you can freely enter and exit the hidden door.

He hadn't been down the mountain for several years, and with his strength, it would be impossible to find a girlfriend in the hidden door. Most of the women in the hidden door depend on their strength and background.

How could he miss such a good opportunity now.

"Don't come here." Bing Xin looked at the yellow-level expert vigilantly.

"What do you call it, it's Heitian now, there's no one nearby, and once someone comes over, we'll kill that person, and then that person will die because of you." After that, the person grabbed Ye Qingxue's arm. Go, he is intimidating Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin.


Just when the man's hand was about to grab Ye Qingxue's arm, his body flew out.