1 rise

Seeing that Huang-level expert fly out backwards, Qing Lin was slightly taken aback. Just now he saw that his own person was actually beaten up by someone, and he was actually beaten up by a woman. 's subordinate flew away.

"Don't come here." Bing Xin blocked Ye Qingxue.

"I didn't see it, there are still two more." Qing Lin smiled slightly.

When Qing Lin saw Bing Xin's martial arts skills, there was an excited expression on his face. What he liked most was this kind of rose with thorns. If it could be solved by him honestly, it would be boring.

Originally, he thought it would become very boring if he didn't meet Xia Xia here, but he didn't expect that this woman would actually know martial arts.

And with one punch, his subordinates were sent flying.

His subordinate was a master at the late Huang level, but he didn't even stand the opponent.

It can be seen that this woman is not simple.

"Damn" that late-stage Huang-level expert felt a pain in his chest. He didn't expect a woman's strength to be so great. He thought that he was unprepared just now, so he was hit by Bing Xin.

"You kid, can you do it?" Qing Lin asked dissatisfiedly. No matter what, they were masters of Hidden Sect, but they were successfully attacked by a woman.

In Qinglin's eyes, except for the people from the hidden door, no matter who they are, they have no weight in his eyes.

Of course, except for the four masters of Huaxia.

Even if other people have the strength of Xuan level, he will not take it seriously, because there are many others, and he has the backing of Huashanzong. As long as he says the three words of Huashanzong, no one will dare to touch him.

So in his heart, Hidden Door is the image of invincibility.

Even if it's just one of his younger brothers, someone from the late Huang level, in his eyes, he is more powerful than the people outside.

He had heard in Hidden Sect that there were very few Xuan-level masters outside. Those people were the overlords of various cities, just like Fan Zhuifeng from Jianghai City.

However, there are many Xuan-level people in the hidden door.

He is used to seeing masters, so naturally he doesn't care about people outside.

In his opinion, the woman in front of him is just a little bit of kung fu, and it is impossible to compare with the late Huang level people under him, because he does not believe that a random person in Jianghai City has the same level of late Huang level. strength of confrontation.

"Boss, don't worry, she just attacked me just now." The late Huang-level person patted his chest and assured.

"Okay, let her see the strength of our hidden door, but don't attack too hard, it won't be fun if you kill it." Qing Lin said lightly.

The person from the late Huang level shook his hands and feet, then walked directly to Bing Xin, and when he came to Bing Xin, he punched him directly.

Bing Xin also punched at the same time.


The two fists hit together, and at the same time, there was a sound of bones breaking.


A scream came from the mouth of the late-Huang-level person.

Bing Xin's greatest ability is strength and speed. If she fights against others head-on, then she is at most a late-stage Huang level strength, but if she uses her strength to fight against people, even if she is a Xuan level person Don't be afraid.

That person came up and punched her, so that person's bones were directly broken.

"What?" Qing Lin looked at Bing Xin with an incredible look on his face. He didn't expect a woman to have such great power.

"Idiot, where did you use the skills you learned in Hidden Sect to actually compete with each other for brute force." A person at the late Huang level beside the person said dissatisfiedly, he could see it at a glance, this woman is absolutely Not a Xuan level master, but her power is too great.

"Hmph!" Qing Lin snorted coldly, he felt that he had lost a lot of face, and the master of the dignified hidden door actually lost to a woman.

"Boss, replace me." The person from the late Huang level who spoke just now asked for battle.

"Okay, I don't want to make any mistakes this time." Qing Lin said coldly.

The person at the late Huang level directly addressed Bing.

When the heart goes, he will not be stupid enough to confront Bingxin.

"Stop." At this moment, a group of dead people appeared not far away, and it was Mr. Xu who brought Fan Jin and the three of them here.

"Haha, there are actually a few clowns here." Qing Lin gave the four of them a disdainful look.

"Elder Xu" Ye Qingxue saw Elder Xu and the others coming, as if he saw a life-saving straw.

"Miss Ye, you are shocked." Elder Xu said apologetically.

Fan Jin, Zhao Long and Xiaofei stood in front of Ye Qingxue and the others.

The three of them all knew about the relationship between Xia Xia and Ye Qingxue, and naturally they would not let these people hurt them both. Xia Xia was a big favor to the three of them, and the three of them also swore their allegiance to Xia Xia to the death.

Xia Xia has helped them too much, and now Xia Xia is not in Jianghai City, the three of them will try their best to protect Xia Xia's relatives.

"There are three more rubbish, I don't like to waste time, you guys go together and kill the three of them." Qing Lin's patience has been completely lost, Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin are what he intends to use to humiliate, as for this Three people, he didn't plan to stay alive.

Following Qing Lin's order, the nine masters of the late Huang level all stood up.

This time, he brought a total of late Huang-level masters. One of them was injured by Lin Bingbing just now, and the remaining nine rushed directly to Fan Jin and the other three.

Fan Jin and the three of them understand~www.mtlnovel.com~ These people are all experts.

So they dare not have the slightest reservation.

One to three.

"Come on." Zhao Long rushed out directly. If it was him before, he might not be able to resist in a single round, but after Xia Xia's guidance, he is not what he used to be now.

He only had one thought, the lives of his whole family were saved by Xia Xia, so he had to defeat the three people in front of him.

"It's really challenging, but my boss gave me these legs. Even if I'm abolished today, I'll go." Fan Jin looked at the three people in front of him and kicked it out.

"Die!" A Qingyun dagger appeared in Xiaofei's hand and stabbed the three people in front of him directly.

"Quickly fight for you guys." Qing Lin said loudly.

After the nine people heard Qing Lin's order, they all used their full strength, hitting one of the three at the same level, and the fists of those people kept hitting Fan Jin and the three of them.

"Go to hell." In less than half a minute, Zhao Long had already been punched more than 20 times. At this time, he seemed to have gone crazy. There was only the enemy in front of him in his eyes. As for the other two The attack he completely ignored.



A scream came from the man's mouth, and Zhao Long was directly knocked to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.