Little Marco's Physique Mystery

"Don't!" Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue shouted at the same time.

At the same time, Bing Xin rushed directly to Zhao Long.

"Don't interfere." A Xuan-level expert instantly appeared in front of Bing Xin, kicked it out, and hit Bing Xin directly.

The Xuan-level master's kick was very fast, and Bing Xin could not dodge this kick at all. Seeing that this kick was about to hit Bing Xin, at this moment, a light curtain lit up in front of Bing Xin.


The Xuan-level master kicked directly on the light curtain, and Bing Xin was not injured in any way.

"Huh?" The mysterious master gave Bing Xin a puzzled look.

"Don't come here." Zhao Long shouted loudly.

Just now, Zhao Long used all his strength to directly break the bridge of his opponent's nose, but he was also hit on the head by the two of them. When he saw Bing Xin coming to save him, he said directly, "Don't come here, our life is the boss. Yes, even if we die, we owe the boss, and if you have anything to do, we will feel sorry for the boss when we die."

"There's a lot of nonsense." The man whose nose was broken by Zhao Long just now walked over and kicked Zhao Long directly in the head.

Zhao Long didn't dodge, but crawled forward with all his strength, directly pressing on the opponent's calf.

"Ah, it hurts, let go." The man shouted loudly.

The other two also started kicking Zhao Long's face incessantly, but no matter how they kicked, Zhao Long wouldn't let go.

"Hmph." The Xuan-level expert who attacked Bing Xin just now kicked Zhao Long and directly kicked him out more than ten meters.


A scream came from the late-stage Huang-level master whose nose was broken just now.

Zhao Long actually bit his flesh so hard, and he was bleeding non-stop.

Seeing such a situation, Qing Lin's brows were furrowed. He really couldn't figure out what was the power that made that person be beaten like this and still persist.

Zhao Long stood up slowly.

At this time, his hands and feet were trembling, and his whole body was covered in blood, and his appearance was very scary. "You can't pass from here."

Up to now, he is still standing in front of Bing Xin and others.

Bing Xin has always wanted to do something, but she knows that she can't do anything to help her now. She is not the opponent of that mysterious master at all. She knows that the ice and snow necklace must have helped her resist it just now.

On the other hand, the situation of Fan Jin and Xiao Fei was not good either. Fan Jin used all his strength to directly kick a person's bone and break one of his own legs, but he still stood there.

Xiao Fei's situation is a little better. He almost killed a person just now, but was rescued by two other people, but that person was already incapacitated.

The remaining two people also took a knife.

Xiaofei also had five stab wounds on his body, and blood kept flowing.

Anyone can see that the three of them have reached their limit.

Those few people were all stunned. They had never seen such a person before. Half their lives were gone, but they still persisted there.

"What are you guys doing, I said I want the three of them to die." Qing Lin shouted loudly.

After those people heard Qing Lin's words, they attacked Fan Jin at the same time.

"Are you going to die?" This is the common thought of the three of them.

bang bang bang

At this moment, a series of voices came, and the eyes of the three of them were locked on one person at the same time.

Little brother.

"Xiao Ma, you're finally here." Seeing Brother Xiao Ma coming over, Old Xu's expression softened a bit. He was ready to die just now. He knew that after Fan Jin and the three of them fell, the next one would be He, but he was still standing in front of Bing Xin and the two of them.

Brother Xiao Ma looked back at Xiao Fei and the three of them nodded. He didn't say anything, but at this time he fully recognized these three people.

The backbone of the three of them made Brother Ma admire very much.

"There is another one who is not afraid of death." Qing Lin said angrily.

"You are looking for

Summer, I am summer's brother. "The little brother said lightly.

"Yo, this relationship is good, you guys can go to me together, don't beat him to death, I will peel off his skin layer by layer and give it to that summer as a gift." Qing Lin finished speaking. , the few yellow-level masters shot together.

There are now a total of four yellow-level masters who have lost their combat effectiveness.

The first one was the one who broke the bone by Lin Bingbing, the second one was the one whose leg was bitten off by Zhao Long, the third one was the one whose leg bone was broken by Fan Jin's kick, and the fourth one was stabbed by Xiaofei the one.

The remaining six masters at the late yellow level rushed towards Brother Xiao Ma at the same time.

Although Brother Xiao Ma kicked back a few people just now, Qing Lin didn't think his six people could beat him alone.

Body Art Profound Truth

Brother Xiao Ma's body instantly turned on the spot, and then those people felt that hundreds of legs appeared in front of them and attacked together.

bang bang bang bang

The six were kicked out at the same time.

Their bodies fell violently to the ground, and none of them could stand up.

"Xuan-level master" Qing Lin's eyes were fixed on Brother Xiao Ma. He didn't expect Brother Xiao Ma to be a master of Xuan-level, and the leg technique he used just now was so delicate that even he was amazed.

"Do you want to deal with my brother just for these lousy bastards?" Brother Xiao Ma asked Qing Lin suspiciously.

" I don't know whether to live or die, a few of them are only Huang-level strength, and the four of us are Xuan-level, three of them are mid-level Xuan-level, and I am late-level Xuan-level, you are the only one. No matter how people can fight, can they still beat the four of us?" Qing Lin said disdainfully, he admitted that the person in front of him was really good, but there were four of them, and he never thought that the four of them would not be able to beat this one people.

"Then try it." Brother Ma kicked directly at the person closest to him, who hurriedly raised his arms to block, but at this moment he suddenly felt hundreds of feet kicked in his own Same on the arm.


The man's body was directly kicked out.

"What a powerful leg work." Qing Lin was stunned for a moment, he had never seen such a powerful leg work before, and suddenly there was a greedy look in his eyes "Hey, as long as you hand over your leg work secrets, I will I can spare your life."

"Hehe, all you think in your mind is that the brothers behind me are not afraid of death, do you think I am afraid of death?" Brother Xiao Ma said with a sneer.

"Okay, since you don't cherish this opportunity, then I'm welcome, Four Elephants Sword Formation." After Qing Lin finished speaking, four long swords appeared in their hands at the same time.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the long sword.

In today's society, swords have only appeared on TV.

The four of them had a cold light on their swords, and at the same time, the swords in the four of their hands shot directly at Brother Ma.