What about the hidden door?

Xia Xia met someone waiting at the airport the first time he got off the plane. It was sent by Mr. Xu. Mr. Xu sent someone to wait at the airport and Xia Xia's home when he heard that something had happened. about him.

Xia Xia heard about this as soon as he got off the plane. He didn't even get in the car, and immediately started running.

Ye Wanqing and the others followed behind in the car, but the speed of the summer was too fast, and they were quickly thrown away.

"You are summer." Qing Lin looked at summer, but didn't find anything unusual about summer.

But Xia Xia's move just now really frightened him, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood that if Xia Xia was a prefecture-level master, how many of his three subordinates would have been directly killed just now, so he didn't need to resist at all.

So he guessed that Xia Tian just used a special kind of martial arts.

He is more and more interested in this group of people now. At first, it was Xiao Ma's leg skills, and now there is such a bluffing martial arts. If he can get these two martial arts, then his strength Will definitely improve again.

Xia Xian didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he squatted down and treated the injuries for Brother Xiao Ma and others. Brother Xiao Ma's injuries needed a few days of rest to heal, but the blood had been stopped by Xia Xia.

Most of Fan Jin's three injuries were internal injuries.

The blood on their bodies was stopped by Xia Xia, and Fan Jin's legs were also reattached by Xia Xia. "What are you three doing? If I come a little later, you won't be able to survive even if you are sent to the hospital."

"My life was given to me by Master." Xiao Fei said lightly, his ability to express is not strong, but Xia Tian understood what he wanted to say.

"I'm sorry, boss, I'm useless." Fan Jin lowered his head.

Zhao Long couldn't even utter a word, and his mouthful of teeth were all kicked into pieces.

"Hey, you are all my good brothers." Xia Xia treated their injuries briefly, and finally saved their lives.

Then he came to Old Xu's side again, "You are so old, the three of them are just dying, you come too."

"Without you, I would have died a long time ago. Now that I have lived so long, I am already very happy." Elder Xu said with a smile.

"Don't say that, you will definitely live a long life." Xia Xia stopped the bleeding from Old Xu's wound.

Xia Tian's eyes were on Bing Xin's necklace, "Who attacked you just now?"

"I fought, how about it?" said the mysterious master next to Qinglin.

"Did you fight?" Xia Xia's body instantly appeared in front of the mysterious master.

body instant

Then he grabbed the Xuan-level master's neck with his left hand, and punched him in the face with his right hand.


From the mouth and nose of the Xuan-level expert, blood was flowing.

"What?" Seeing Xia Xia's actions, Qing Lin's expression changed.

"What are you looking at, you will surely die today, but I'll just let you live a little longer." Xia Xia glared at him and helped Brother Ma and the others aside.

"Damn, how dare you underestimate me." Qing Lin looked at Xia Xia angrily.

The Xuan-level master who was knocked down by Xia Xia stood up. Although blood was constantly bleeding from his face and nose, he knew that now was not the time to recover.

"Four Elephants Sword Formation, kill him for me!" Qing Lin shouted, and then the four of them re-formed the Four Elephants Sword Formation.

"Xiamen, be careful, this sword formation is very powerful." Brother Xiao Ma hurriedly reminded.

He just realized the power of this sword formation just now.

Summer's perspective eyes opened instantly.

After opening his perspective, he directly saw through the sword formation.

At the same time, a golden flying knife appeared directly in his right hand.


The flying knife flew directly from his hand.

Four Elephants Sword Formation

When the four of them saw the flying knife coming, they hurriedly changed their formation. In an instant, the entire sword formation seemed to be like a monstrous sword light, and the momentum was very large.

Ka Ka Ka Ka

Four sounds collided, and the four long swords were directly cut from the middle by the golden knife

Kai, at the same time, Xia Xia came to the four of them in an instant.


Xia Xia's golden knife directly chopped off the arm of one of them.


A scream came out of the man's mouth

The other three hurried back.

"Humph want to escape" Xia Xia threw the flying knife in Xia's right hand directly. The speed of the flying knife was as fast as lightning, and it pierced directly into the man's body.

"Stop!" Qing Lin stopped his figure and shouted loudly.

Four Xuan-level masters have already made Xia abolish two, and the Four Elephants Sword Formation can no longer be reorganized. He knew that they lost today. he.

"What do you want to say, hurry up, my patience is limited." Xia Xia was not in a hurry.

Not far away, Ye Wanqing and the others have already arrived.

"Mom, why are you here?" Ye Qingxue asked in confusion when she saw her mother coming. She didn't know that her mother was the director of the special operations department.

"It was Xia Xia who told me that you were here." Ye Wanqing hurriedly explained.

"Auntie, take your cousin, Bing Xin and elder sister Jinghua to go first. I don't want you to see what happened for a while." Xia Xia had already moved to kill. He knew that he might have been too kind before, so These people will come to him again and again to trouble him.

Especially this time ~www.mtlnovel.com~ he no longer dared to think about what would happen next.

"Don't mess around, these people have a lot of backgrounds." Ye Wanqing hurriedly reminded that when those people used the Four Elephants Sword Formation just now, they arrived. She knew that the people who could use the Sword Formation must be the people from the hidden door.

"Auntie, take the three of them with you." Xia Xia looked at Ye Wanqing calmly and said without any expression on his face.

It was the first time Ye Wanqing saw this kind of summer. She could already guess what would happen in a while. It was the last thing she wanted to see, but she also understood that she couldn't stop the summer.

"Let's go first." Ye Wanqing looked at the three of them and said.

After the four girls left, the people from the Special Operations Department helped Brother Ma and the others.

"Did Jiang Tianshu asked you to come?" Xia Xia asked Qing Lin, he knew that these people must be hidden people, otherwise they would not be able to be so powerful, and they also knew the sword formation.

"Can Jiang Tianshu invite me to move me?" Qing Lin said disdainfully, Jiang Tianshu had no friendship with him at all.

"Who sent you here? You don't have to look around. Since I'm ready to kill you, naturally I won't give you a chance to escape." Xia Tian saw through Qing Lin's thoughts.

"You can't kill me, I'm a hidden person." Seeing that Xia Xia was really motivated to kill, Qing Lin hurriedly reported his family.

"What about the hidden door?" Xia Xia said coldly.