Huashanzong 3 masters

Xia Xia's tone was very calm, as if in his eyes, Hidden Door was just a title, nothing else.

"Xia Tian, ​​do you know the meaning of the hidden door? You dare to say what the hidden door is." Qing Lin felt that Xia Xia was too arrogant, and he dared not to take the hidden door seriously.

What kind of existence is the hidden door, in Qinglin's eyes, it is an existence that transcends everything.

Even the laws of China cannot control the place.

Any Xuan-level master outside is definitely a great overlord, but in Hidden Sect, Xuan-level masters can be seen everywhere.

The hidden door is the existence that transcends everything.

At the entrance of the hidden door, there is a stone tablet, which represents the facade of the hidden door.

Outside the stele is the earth; inside the stele is the sky.

Many people in the hidden door compare themselves to immortals, because they think that they are different from the people outside, and they are beyond all existence.

No one has ever dared to offend a hidden person.

Even the members of the dragon group are not willing to provoke Yinmen. The only collision between the dragon group and the hidden door in history was when the chief instructor of the dragon group Xia Long fought against the hidden door. It was the only one and the most shocking one.

"I said I was going to kill you, so no matter what background you are, I will still do it. Today you must die here, the one who shot my girlfriend must keep an arm, and everyone else must break one. Legs." Xia Xia said coldly, this time he must kill.

Killing chickens and scaring monkeys.

Otherwise, others would really think he was easy to bully.

"You can't kill me, I am a member of Huashan Sect. There are seven and twelve hidden sects in total. Huashan Sect is the third-ranked sect, and I am related to three prefecture-level elders, one of which is my master. , the other is my grandfather, and the other is my godfather, if you kill me, they will never let you go." Seeing that Xia Xia really wanted to kill him, Qing Lin hurriedly revealed his identity.

He knew that he was not Xia's opponent. If Xia wanted to kill him now, he would never be able to run, so he had to tell the reason why Xia didn't dare to kill him.

"What about those people you said can save you now?" Xia Xia said lightly, looking at Qing Lin.

"No, Xia Xia, I am a member of Hidden Sect, and I am also a member of Huashan Sect. If I die, it will be a major event for Hidden Sect. When the time comes, the entire Huashan Sect, no, the entire Hidden Sect will deal with you. ." Qing Lin said hurriedly, the first time he saw someone like Xia Xia, he was not afraid of hiding the door.

"As long as they dare to offend my relatives, I will kill even the hidden people. If they dare to come, I will kill them. If they come, I will kill one. If they come, I will kill one pair." Going is to let them see his attitude and what kind of enemy he will face in the future.

If they regret it now and leave directly, Xia Xia will not stop them.

Xia Xia came to Qing Lin in an instant, and the golden knife in his hand flashed.


Qing Lin felt a chill in his neck, and then his body fell like this. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say it until he died.

click, click, click

At the same time, Summer broke all those people's legs.

"Remember, my name is Xia Xia. If they want revenge, they will come to me. Once they find my relatives, I will bloodbath your Huashan Sect." Xia Xia looked at those few people with cold eyes and said.

Although their legs were very painful, none of them dared to make a sound. They were afraid of attracting Xia Xia's attention. Although they were all hidden people, they absolutely believed that Xia Xia dared to kill them.

What a joke.

Even Qinglin dared to kill in the summer, so how could he not dare to kill them?

In the hidden door.

"Jiang Shao, that Wen Ya and Tong Lao's strategy is really high." Yu He smiled slightly and gently shook the feather fan in his hand.

"Do you think he can succeed?" Jiang Tianshu asked.

"Qing Lin is a brainless guy. If he is going to kill Xia Xia's relatives, then he may succeed. If he just goes to kill Xia Xia directly.

, it is impossible to succeed, but I am ready to follow up. " Yu He said lightly.

"I really don't know how long your brain is. You can get involved in other people's plans." Jiang Tianshu said with admiration.

"I will send someone to intercept them at the airport, and everyone who goes there will die." Yu He explained his plan.

"They went there, but there were four Xuan-level masters and ten Huang-level masters. Can the people you send kill them?" Jiang Tianshu asked incomprehensibly. If he wanted to kill so many people at the same time, there would definitely be a lot of trouble. Be still.

"Young Master Jiang, you still underestimate Xia Xia. Qing Lin is here for Xia Xia's cousin, Ye Qingxue. Do you think it is possible for him to come back alive? Even if he does come back alive, those of them may be unharmed. It only takes a few gunners to kill them." Yu He said lightly.

Two days later, a major event came from the Huashan Sect of the Hidden Sect.

Qinglin of Huashan Sect was killed, and none of the thirteen masters who went with him came back, and all died in Jianghai City.

This news seems to be a blockbuster.

Although it is not surprising that the hidden people, it is very strange that the hidden people died outside, and there were fourteen people who died. Among them, Qing Lin was the leader of Huashan Sect. There are three prefecture-level experts to support.

"Jiang Shao, guess what will happen in Huashan Sect now?" Yu He asked with great interest.

"It's messy, it's messy and messy. Although that Qinglin is an arrogant waste, the few people behind him are really not fuel-efficient lamps." Jiang Tianshu smiled slightly, he himself did not like people like Qinglin, Qinglin He is very arrogant and never takes anyone seriously.

"I guess the three elders are ready to go down the mountain to kill Xia Xia together." Yu He said lightly.

"But Yin Nie is not easy to deal with. If it weren't for Yin Nie, I would have found someone to kill Xia Xia." Jiang Tianshu has always wanted to kill Xia Xia, but he knew that he would definitely not be able to do it now, so he asked Tong Lao to take action. , But as soon as the ground-level master shot, Yin Nie also shot, he let Yu He go, and even Yu He fled back, so he had no other way.

"Now they have two possibilities, the first is to take people down the mountain directly, but this situation will definitely encounter Yin Nie, and the other possibility is that when the Tongtian Outer Cave opens three months later, they ask Wei Guang for help. ' Yuhe explained.

Inside the Huashan Sect.

bang bang bang

Everything in front of him was smashed into pieces by the three elders.

"Summer, you must die."