forgot money

Xia Xia's eyes were completely attracted by the long legs of the head of the long-legged beauty department.

"Perverted, hooligan, shameless, despicable, obscene." The director of the long-legged beauty department saw Xia Xia staring at her legs and cursed directly.

"Director, can you scold in a few words?" Xia Xia was speechless. That's what she scolds just now, and she's not idle and monotonous.

"Smelly pervert, stinky hooligan, stinky shameless, stinky despicable, stinky nasty." The head of the long-legged beauty department scolded again.

"Well, this time the technical content is much higher." Xia Xia nodded.

Accompanied by the long-legged beauty department head, Xia Xia is naturally willing to follow her, and she doesn't need to ask for leave. It's a justifiable truancy.

"By the way, what kind of mobile phone do you want to buy?" the head of the long-legged beauty department asked.

"Anti-smashing, good signal, can answer calls." Xia Xia said.

"You are talking about Nokia bricks, which have been discontinued." The head of the long-legged beauty department looked at Xia Xia strangely and asked, "You are so old, you don't send text messages, use QQ or WeChat or something."

"I don't have time, I don't even bother to answer the phone." That's true in the summer. He doesn't have time to check WeChat or something, and he rarely answers most of the calls.

"Weird, what kind of mobile phone do you want to buy?" asked the head of the long-legged beauty department.

"Which mobile phone is the most popular right now?" Although it is said that it is to resist smashing in summer, it cannot be a hindrance to the times.

"5s." The head of the long-legged beauty department said lightly.

"Okay, then buy it." Xia Xia nodded. The last time Zhao Long bought him the 5s, but unfortunately he lost it.

"The local tyrant, buy it if you buy it in 5s, you won't be the second-generation rich." The director of the long-legged beauty department looked at Xia Tian playfully. From her attitude towards the first class, she did not like the second-generation rich.

"I'm very poor, and the place where I live is still a bungalow area." Xia Xia complained.

"Then why don't you live in the school dormitory?" asked the head of the long-legged beauty department.

"Good physical strength and willful." Xia Xia walked directly into an Apple experience store in front of him.

The director of the long-legged beauty department followed directly. I have to say that the long-legged beauty is very temperamental. As soon as she entered the Apple Experience Store, she attracted the attention of many people, and everyone even ignored the summer.

Xia Xia saw the 5s as soon as he went in. He had been using it for a few days, so he recognized this phone as soon as he came in.

Xia Tian saw that no one paid any attention to him, so he walked to the counter with his mobile phone.

"Thief!" someone suddenly shouted loudly.

"Where is the thief?" Xia Zhengyi's heart burst again, and he looked directly around, but he didn't see anything, and finally found that everyone's eyes were on him.

"It's him, he's a thief, security, catch him." A salesman shouted.

"I" Xia Tian looked at the salesman with a puzzled expression.

"You still don't admit it, the mobile phone is in your hand now." The salesman pointed to the mobile phone in Xia Xia's hand.

"You have something wrong, I took it to pay for it." Xia Xia said depressedly.

"How dare you deny it. If it wasn't for me to call you, you would take it and run away. You also said that you were going to pay the money. Look where you can put five thousand yuan on your body." The salesman said disdainfully, In summer, I wear sports clothes. If I carry a wallet or something, I can see it at a glance.

But Xia Tian's pocket was flat. At first glance, he didn't bring anything, and he didn't even have a bag in his hand. At first glance, he didn't have any money.

"Uh" when he said that in the summer, I really remembered it. It seems that I really forgot to bring money, even the card, because he lost his wallet, so he didn't bring anything, and he didn't go out. Get in the car and forget about it.

"How about it, I'm right." Seeing Xia Xia stunned, the salesman knew that Xia Xia really didn't bring anything.

The head of the long-legged beauty department has been standing by the side. Instead of stepping forward, she looked at Xia Tian with a smile on her face. Those security guards are already heading towards Xia Xia. She wanted to see what to do with Xia Xia.

"Sir, hand over your cell phone." The security guard was polite.

"Okay" summer

He didn't have his cell phone yet, and it was a big deal to call for help. He didn't even have a penny in his pocket, and he didn't even have a card. He really had to return the cell phone.

The people around looked at him vigilantly, as if he was really a thief. The people closest to Xia Xian even covered their bags, and some even deliberately avoided Xia Xia.

"Damn it, I'm not a thief." Xia Xia said depressedly.

"You said you weren't a thief, so let me tell you, if you don't call the police, you will be taken care of." The salesperson continued to shout.

Xia Tian felt that he was really at a loss for words this time.

"I'm not a thief, look at my watch, it's more than a million dollars, may I steal a cell phone from you?" Xia Tian remembered the watch Zeng Rou gave him.

"Do you think people will believe that what you say is true? Look at what you wear, which one is worthy of your watch, your watch is either fake or stolen, everyone be careful and save money I don't know if something was stolen by him for a while." The salesman said sarcastically.

Summer is really speechless this time.

He went directly to the head of the long-legged beauty department, "Lend me your phone."

Xia Xia was really angry. This person didn't listen to his explanation at all. If he was really a thief, he would have left long ago. And he didn't need to take his mobile phone to the cashier in an upright manner.

"Beauty, he's a thief, you can't borrow him." The salesman said reluctantly.

The head of the long-legged beauty department directly handed the phone to Xia Tian.

Xia Xia called Mr. Huo's phone number. Brother Xiao Ma and Mr. Xu were both injured. Zeng Rou had been very busy recently, so he decided to call Mr. Huo.

"Elder Huo, I'm in an Apple experience store outside Jianghai University. Come over here."

"What happened, I'll go right over."

"They wronged me as a thief and stole their mobile phone."

After Xia Xia finished speaking, she directly returned the phone to the head of the long-legged beauty department.

"Don't make trouble, I'm rich, let's put it on for you first. If you don't want to buy us, we can change it." The head of the long-legged beauty department said.

"Hey, I have to call someone. What's the matter? I want to call my accomplices to come here. We even called the police." After the salesman finished speaking, he directly called the police.

"Okay." Xia Xia nodded after hearing the words of the head of the long-legged beauty department.

"Why, I want to leave, the security guard stopped him and waited for the police to come." The sales clerk shouted directly.

Xia Xia was about to leave just now. The head of the long-legged beauty department had already spoken. He naturally wanted to listen, but these people were so aggressive that they directly stopped Xia Xia.