head kicked by donkey

The head of the long-legged beauty department also frowned. She felt that these people were going too far. In the summer, they didn't do anything at all, even if they forgot to bring money, and they didn't give up.

"Can we buy that mobile phone?" the head of the long-legged beauty department said.

"Beauty, you must have been fooled by this liar, he must have told you that he was carrying a million-dollar watch, pretending to be a rich second generation, you have been lied to, look at what he looks like with one The man with a million watches, leave him quickly, the police will arrest this liar and thief in a while." The salesman seemed to see through everything, he was very angry when he saw Xia Xia walking with the long-legged beauty just now. envy.

He thinks that Xia Xia is a liar and a thief, not worthy of this long-legged beauty.

Therefore, he must expose Xia Xia in front of the beautiful long-legged beauty, so that the beautiful long-legged beauty can see his righteous side and develop a good impression of him.

He was very excited when he thought of this. He had never seen such a temperamental beauty before, and now he was able to show it in front of a temperamental beauty, which gave him a great sense of presence.

"Okay, I'm waiting for the police here." Xia Xia said blankly, he didn't expect that he would be wronged.

"Hey" The head of the long-legged beauty department knew that Xia Xia must be really angry.

If it is someone who has been wronged all the time, the mood will definitely not be better.

"Otherwise, forget it." The salesperson next to him advised.

"It doesn't count, what are you afraid of? My brother-in-law is the manager here, who would dare to do anything to me." The man mentioned his brother-in-law, as if he was showing off on purpose.

He deliberately said that his brother-in-law is the manager here, just because he mentioned his brother-in-law, he felt honored.

And he also deliberately said it to the director of the long-legged beauty department. He thinks that the way to pick up girls in life is to release all of your advantages, and then use your man's charm to attract each other.

At this time, the head of the long-legged beauty department felt that this salesperson was really disgusting.

She's petite, bullying others, showing off relatives, etc. Everything she hates is perfectly displayed in this man.

He summed it up with two words disgusting, and six words too disgusting.

"I'm not leaving. Your brother-in-law is so powerful. What if you ask them to break my leg as soon as I leave." Xia Tian pretended to be afraid and said, he pretended to be very similar.

"Hahahaha, it's good to know. Our security guards are not for idle meals. If you want to, they might really break your legs." The salesman said with a big smile, he didn't see that summer was pretending. of.

He was completely intoxicated by his performance.

Fang Yan, the head of the long-legged beauty department, was about to lose sight of it, but she could only wait when she saw Xia Xia's helpless smile.

About fifteen minutes later.

A group of five or six people walked into the Apple Experience Store. The person at the head looked quite old, followed by a few people in black suits. At first glance, it really looked like a society.

"Old Huo, if you stay a little later, my leg will be broken by someone else." Xia Xia stepped forward and said.

"Don't scare me, I have a bad heart." Huo Lao didn't believe that someone could break Xia Xia's legs, but Xia Xia was not even afraid of Jiang Tianshu.

"Look at these security guards blocking the door and not letting me go, and he also said that if I dared to go out, I would break my legs." Xia Xian pointed to the salesperson inside and said.

Huo Lao's eyes looked directly at the salesman, and the salesperson suddenly felt cold all over. Although Huo Lao is a character who is doing legitimate business now, his previous identity is there, and he can easily see it with just one look. Scared others to death.

"What are you doing?" The salesman saw Old Huo's icy eyes, so he involuntarily took two steps back, and the bodyguards around Old Huo were too scary.

"Hmph, tell your manager to come out." Mr. Huo said with a cold snort.

"He said just now that their manager is his brother-in-law, but that's too good." Xia Xia said very exaggeratedly.

The head of the long-legged beauty department on the side was stunned. This scene made her feel like a big brother from the society was here.

I have been complaining to this big brother in society.

"Forget it, call your boss." Huo Lao said lightly.

"Who are you, is our boss someone you can see when you say it?" the salesman said.

"Call me, find out who the boss is, and call me over." Mr. Huo said to the people behind him.

The man behind him called directly and started to ask. The phone came back a minute later, and Mr. Huo nodded.

"Someone is running wild here, and he's getting impatient. I don't know if it's covered by Boxer." A man in a suit walked downstairs, and when he saw him, the salesman's face showed joy.

"Brother-in-law, it's them. They stole things, and then they called people to make trouble." The salesman seemed to have found a backer, and he was confident enough.

"Hmph, who dares to act wild here, this store is opened by Brother Quan." The manager said with high ambition when he came downstairs.

"Have you seen it? It's Brother Quan. Although I don't know who it is, it sounds amazing." Xia Xia looked at Huo Lao and said solemnly.

Seeing the appearance of summer, Fang Yan, the director of the long-legged beauty department, is about to sweat. He doesn't know people at all, and he said that they are very powerful~www.mtlnovel.com~ This performance is not enough to be an actor. Blind.

Huo Lao was also defeated by Xia Xia. Seeing Xia Xia sneering there, he was really speechless.

"Well, you're afraid, I'll tell you Brother Quan who doesn't know him when he mentions a word in Jianghai City, that stomping existence in Jianghai City can tremble." The manager was more intoxicated than his brother-in-law.

He didn't hear the irony in Xia's words at all.

He thinks these people have been intimidated by Boxer's reputation.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

At this moment, the sound of a police car came from outside, and five or six policemen walked in directly from the police car.

"Boy, the police are here, this time you are dead." The salesman said excitedly.

"Who called the police?" Captain Qian happened to be eating nearby, so he directly led the team over.

"Mr. Police, it's him. He's a liar and a thief. You should arrest him quickly, and they're all in the same group." The salesman pointed at Xia Xia and Huo Lao and the others.

Captain Qian turned his head and saw that Xia Xia was looking at him with a half-smile, he knew that it must be the salesperson who was making trouble. "You call him a liar or a thief, right?"

"That's right, Mr. Police, that's him," the salesman shouted.

"Let the donkey kick your head, close the team." Captain Qian scolded directly.