I am civilized

Hearing what Qian Dui said, everyone in the room was stunned.

Including the head of the long-legged beauty department, although Xia Xia was right, they still looked quite scary. They had to explain it to the police to understand, but now the police don't need them to explain.

He only glanced at Xia Xia and left, as if he understood everything.

Is it possible to brush your face in summer?

"You can't go, you are the police, they are bad guys, you have to arrest them." The sales clerk hurriedly shouted when Captain Qian was about to leave.

"Does he have a bad guy written on his face?" Captain Qian looked at the salesman and asked.

"No, but" the salesman wanted to say something else.

But he was interrupted by Captain Qian, "But what, he's a good citizen. You actually call him a bad guy. I think your head is really sick."

Captain Qian left without looking back.

He didn't dare to meddle in summer's business.

He also knew that in the summer he would definitely not do those sneaky things.

Seeing the police just leave like this, everyone in the store was blinded, even the manager was blinded, and the police left without saying a word.

"Look, the wise policeman." Xia Xia said with admiration.

"Hey, you two know each other," asked the head of the long-legged beauty department.

"It's considered acquaintance." Xia Xia nodded.

"No wonder he took someone away after he glanced at you." The head of the long-legged beauty department nodded.

"Boy, as far as you know the police, let me tell you, our boss, Brother Quan, knows everyone in H and Bai Dao," the manager said loudly.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Xia Xia said while applauding.

His voice was very calm, and no one thought he was complimenting each other.

"The boss is here."

At this moment, the security guard outside shouted.

"Hahahaha, our boss is here, this time you are finished, I tell you that it is useless for you to find the police this time." The manager laughed and said, he thought that the boss must have heard the wind and brought someone Come and clean them up.

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Xia Xia said with the same expression just now, while applauding.

That Brother Quan walked in directly, followed by more than a dozen people, and walked in in a hurry.

"Boss, they are making trouble." The manager ran forward and said.


The boss slapped the manager and slapped the manager directly in the face. This time he slapped him and everyone in the store was blinded. Did the boss slap the wrong person?

"Boss, you hit the wrong person, you hit me." The manager was slapped by their boss and turned around for several times.

"Aquan, I heard that you are very good now, H and Bai are all acquaintances, and the whole Jianghai City is shaking with one stomping." Huo Lao did not look at the fist brother, but said lightly.

"Elder Huo, you have misunderstood. It's all the people below who are ignorant." Brother Quan said in a low-key tone.

"Don't tell me this, we are all civilized people, there is only one sentence here today." Huo Lao said lightly, Brother Quan was slightly taken aback when he heard him say that he was a civilized person.

When did Huo Lao become a civilized person?

"Elder Huo, you ordered." Brother Quan said hurriedly.

"How much is your mobile phone here, I want it all." Huo Lao said.

"Old Huo, you"

"I said I want it all, let's calculate how much." Huo Lao said coldly.

When the boxer saw Lao Huo's appearance, he was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his back. "Come on, wrap all your cell phones for me."

"How much?" Huo Lao asked again.

"I don't need money, these should be given to you." Brother Quan hurriedly said, what a joke, how dare he take money from Huo Lao, when his eldest brother was with Huo Lao, he was still picking up cigarette butts on the street Pump it.

"I said, we are all civilized people, I bought these mobile phones today

Just because he said our boss is a thief, a liar and can't afford it, I'm going to see if our boss can afford your phone. Huo Lao said domineeringly, Huo Lao is a legendary figure, his way of handling things is completely different from Xu Lao and Xiao Ma.

The manager and his brother-in-law were covered in cold sweat. They could see that they had offended someone who shouldn't have offended.

The head of the long-legged beauty department looked at Xia Xia with a puzzled expression. He could see that this old Huo must be a big man, but he actually said Xia Xia was his boss.

"This gentleman is" Brother Quan hurriedly looked at Xia Xia.

"Don't ask nonsense about things you shouldn't know. My patience is limited. Just ask you one last time, how much, and tell me the selling price." Huo Lao said in a cold tone.

Brother Quan was really angry when he saw Huo Lao, he knew that he had to get a quotation, and he had to quote the normal price, but he had to send the money back later, he didn't dare to give him the money Hu Huo Lao.

"Finance, calculate how much money." Brother Quan said.

Finance was calculating there, and ten minutes later, "Boss, the total is 427,800."

"Elder Huo, 400,000." Brother Quan said with a smile.

"Go and swipe the card, 430,000 yuan, don't change any more, we're not short of money." After Mr. Huo finished speaking, he turned to look at Xia Xia, "Leave it to me here, and take it if you like."

"It's still arrogant, but I lost my card and ID card, you can help me get it back~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xia Tian's tone is very calm, but he has a tone of command.

"It will be delivered within an hour." Mr. Huo said.

"Okay, then thank you very much." Xia Xia directly picked up the 5s he just saw, and then walked out of the Apple Experience Store.

The head of the long-legged beauty department also followed, but the first thing she did when she went out was to stop Xia Tian, ​​"Hey, you are the second-generation rich."

"No." Xia Xia shook his head.

"You'd better not lie to me. What I hate most is the rich second generation. If you let me know that you are the rich second generation, then I will cancel all your vacations." The head of the long-legged beauty department has a deep prejudice against the rich second generation. what.

No wonder she has such strict requirements.

If that first class was placed in another department, no one would care.

"Let's go, go back to school, and give me your phone number when your card comes back. You haven't been to class one for a long time. Now go back and teach class one." The head of the long-legged beauty department looked at Xia Xia and said.

"Actually, I'm just an ordinary student." Xia Xia said helplessly.

"Really? Ordinary students can't ask for leave." The long-legged beauty department head directly threatened.

"Well, since the organization and the people need me, then I will naturally come forward." Xia Xia looked awe-inspiring.

"Forgot to tell you, the boss of the first class is back." The head of the long-legged beauty department smiled mysteriously.