Better than a fish

Hearing the words of the dean of the long-legged beauty department, the dean of the medical department was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect Fang Yan to really bet, and even bet like this.

"Director Fang, you're not awake, right? Anyway, you're also a director. If I ask you to drink water from the swimming pool later, I'm afraid it won't be good." The director of the medical department didn't think he would lose.

There are three games in total, and they have already won one.

In other words, they only need to win one of the next two games.

And in the past few years, their medical department has never lost to the nursing department. He really doesn't know where Fang Yan's confidence comes from.

"Director Shen, do you dare to bet?" Fang Yan, the director of the long-legged beauty department, said confidently looking at Director Shen of the medical department.

"Forget it, Director, he definitely doesn't dare, he's afraid of losing." Xia Xia said.

"Just bet, whoever is afraid, I'm afraid you won't dare to drink." The director of the medical department and Fang Yan are old enemies. One of them is from the nursing department and the other is from the medical department. The items and equipment they usually need are almost all It's a fight between the two sides.

Almost got started.

When a new batch of medical equipment and equipment is brought into the hospital, the two sides will exchange fire.

In the end, most of them lost in the nursing department, because they were medical departments, and they studied doctors and medical skills. Most of the nursing departments are to take care of patients, and there are very few courses to really learn doctors and medical skills.

But less does not mean no.

When the medical department takes a class, it is all on-site operations. When the nursing department takes a class, they all think according to the picture.

"Everyone is listening." Fang Yan directly took the host's microphone, "Today's game and I made a bet with Director Shen, if the team loses, then he must drink a ladle of water in the swimming pool, When the time comes, everyone will watch together, whether it's me or Director Shen, if anyone doesn't drink, everyone has the right to uphold justice."

"Humph." Director Shen of the Medical Department snorted coldly and did not speak.

"Okay." All the people around were applauding constantly. The common problem of Chinese people is to watch the fun without taking it too seriously.

"Okay, since the two directors are so interested, let's continue the game. The score is now 1:0, and the medical department is in the lead for the time being." The host saw that both parties agreed to the bet, and naturally had no opinion.

After all, the people with the most right to speak here today are Fang Yan and Director Shen.

"Let's start the second race, the two-kilometer relay race. As long as you reach the head, you can hand over at any time." The host explained the rules of the second race.

This pool is 100 meters long, and there are five people in total. The competition is all about physical strength. Usually, one person takes turns in a circle, because this way everyone can use the best explosive power.

Each handover is completed in two laps.

"Hmph, they can't win against my team even if they're exhausted." Director Shen said with a cold snort.

The teams on both sides consisted of two women and three men.

After the whistle of the game blew, the first team of both sides went into the water, all girls, their number order was that two girls were number one and number two, and then three boys were number three, number four and number five. .

When handing over, it can only be handed over from No. 1 to No. 2, and from No. 2 to No. 3. It cannot be handed over at different positions.

After the two girls entered the water, they were both very fast.

But it was obvious that the girl in the nursing department was faster. When she swam to the other side, she immediately started to swim back, while the girl in the medical department didn't reach the other side after a while.

At this moment, the other party actually ran to the opposite side and started the handover directly.

Another girl also got into the water and started chasing after the first girl.

The other party actually handed over after 100 meters.

The girl who just entered the water is naturally stronger than the girl in the nursing department, so she caught up with the gap just now, and the two landed at the same time.

The second girl in the nursing department was handed over to the water.

The medical department actually handed over again.

"What are they doing, they start the handover after 100 meters." The head of the long-legged beauty department asked inexplicably.

"Director, the two girls in the medical department are not very physically strong, but the three of them

The physical strength of all the boys is very good, and one of them is a member of the school swimming team, so they will let the men swim for the next meters. ' explained a supervisor in the nursing department.

"Damn." The head of the long-legged beauty department clenched his fists.

Just now Xia Xia said in her ear that she could swim since she was a child, and she would not lose, she believed it, but the current situation is not good.

Sure enough, the men in the medical department were not in a hurry to hand over this time.

However, their speed is much faster than that of the nursing department.

When the fourth person in the nursing department was handed over, the other party had already fallen 500 meters from the nursing department.

"Hmph, I'll eliminate you in this round, Fang Yan, I want to see how you look when you drink the water in the swimming pool." Director Shen said coldly, now that they are five hundred meters ahead, he thinks this is already It's a win.

When the fourth person swam back, the nursing department had already swum 800 meters, and the medical department had already swum 1,400 meters.

A difference of 600 meters.

And the other party also replaced the last person, the master of the school swimming team.

"The fastest one, the last one, you have already lost." Director Shen looked at Fang Yan contemptuously.

"The game isn't over yet, watch it." Fang Yan believed in Xia Xia, because the scars on Xia Xian's body told her that Xia Xian was definitely not an arrogant person.


The summer is in the water.

"Damn it, Director, he didn't wear swimming The instructor of the Department of Nursing hurriedly said.

"What?" The head of the long-legged beauty department hurriedly looked into the water, but she saw an even more incredible scene.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Xia Xia actually dived into the water after entering the water, and he was lying flat with his eyes open. He opened his eyes without swimming goggles, just when everyone was wondering why he didn't understand.

His body twisted like a fish.

Immediately moved.

"It's so fast" Everyone was stunned, they didn't see how Xia Xia moved, but he actually came to an end.

"Damn, why is he so fast." Director Shen also stood up and looked into the water.

Summer is quickly chasing the laps.

Nine hundred meters, one thousand meters, one thousand one hundred meters, one thousand two hundred meters.

And the member of the school swimming team from the medical department had already swum 1,700 meters, and he won with 300 meters left.


At this moment, Xia Xian turned around, and his speed doubled in an instant.

One thousand five, one thousand sixteen, one thousand seventeen, one thousand eighteen, one thousand nineteen, two thousand meters.

When he got out of the water in the summer, the talent of the school swimming team in the medical department only swam 1,800 meters. That is to say, when he swam 100 meters, he swam 800 meters in the summer.