Thunder War

so amazing.

The opponent was 600 meters ahead at the beginning, and the last player to play was the master of the school swimming team, but he actually won in the summer.

And his swimming style just now was like a fish.

Swimming does not have any difficulty in summer. He learned to dive when he was a child. At that time, the small pool in his house was relatively large, and he could walk in the clouds, and his physical coordination was very good.

He can do anything that looks very difficult.

"Win!" said the head of the long-legged beauty department excitedly.

The supporters of the nursing department in the back all applauded enthusiastically, and they won.

"The second game was won by the nursing department. It was a wonderful game." The host also felt that the summer swim just now was really shocking.

"Losing, they actually lost." The head of the medical department said with an incredible face.

He never dreamed that the advantage of six laps would be overtaken by others.

The score is now one to one. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????

In other words, both of them are standing on the same starting line this time.

"Hmph, this third round must not be lost." Director Shen snorted coldly and gave death orders to the people around him.

"How is it? Are you confident?" The head of the long-legged beauty department looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"What confidence?" Xia Xia asked the head of the long-legged beauty department in confusion.

"Of course I won," said the head of the long-legged beauty department.

"Oh, I didn't pay attention to this matter at all. I was thinking about what to eat tonight." Xia Xia frowned, and Fang Yan, the director of the long-legged beauty department, thought he was finding it difficult.

But he was actually thinking about what to eat at night.

"You have lost this game." Director Shen said loudly.

"You said the same just now." The head of the long-legged beauty department responded.

"It was an accident just now, but this time it's definitely not an accident. For this competition, I specially found a person who can hold your breath, the No. 4 player. His breath-holding time alone is enough to eliminate all of you." Director Shen said excitedly that for today's game, these people were specially selected by him.

Everyone in the medical department was very excited.

Meanwhile in the hospital.

"Big brother, don't we really need to entertain the big cousin?"

"Of course not, he is my eldest cousin. If I entertain him, he will think I'm an outsider." Li Yuan said lightly, he just received news from his eldest cousin that his eldest cousin has already Came to Jianghai City.

The first thing he did when he came to Jianghai City was to take his people for a meal.

Then he took his people to the Zeng Group.

Li Yuan saw Zeng Rou standing together in the summer last time on the boat. Summer is not easy to find, but Zeng Rou is definitely easy to find. As long as you go to the Zeng Group, you can definitely find Zeng Rou.

Finding Zeng Rou means finding Summer.

At this time, the eldest cousin and his party were eating in an ordinary restaurant.

He brought 20 people this time, all experts.

Li Yuan's eldest cousin is a regiment commander of the Southwest Military Region. His name is Lei Zhan. The Lei family has a very high status in the Southwest Military Region. From the commander to the soldiers, there are people from the Lei family. The characteristic is that it is hot and powerful.

Lei Zhan wanted to come directly after hearing that Li Yuan was beaten, but there was an exercise at the time, so he postponed it. Li Yuan was with him when he was a child.

How could Li Yuan not come back after being beaten.

He also heard from Li Yuan that the other party was very powerful, so he brought 20 people this time, all of them are masters. These people are officers in the Southwest Military Region.

"Is everyone full?" Lei Zhan asked after looking at those people.

"I'm full." Everyone said at the same time.

"Okay, since we're full, let's start working." Lei Zhan waved to them, and everyone walked out of the restaurant.

They took a few taxis directly to the Zeng Group.

The current Zeng Group is a subsidiary of the Xia Group, with a lot more staff than before, and the company has also moved to a new location.

"Sir, who are you looking for?" the front desk staff asked very politely.

"I'm looking for Zeng Rou." Lei Zhan said coldly.

"Looking for President Zeng, do you have an appointment?" the front desk staff asked.

"No, just tell me where he is." Lei Zhan said.

"Sorry, you can't see Mr. Zeng without an appointment." The front desk staff explained.

"I'll give you a chance, tell me where Zeng Rou is in three seconds, or I'll call all the way." Lei Zhan said, looking at the waitress at the front desk.

"Security!" The waitress called the security directly.


More than a dozen security guards ran over directly.

"Humph!" The people behind Lei Zhan turned their heads in an instant and rushed directly to the security guards.


boom! boom! boom!

All the security guards fell directly to the ground, and none of them could stand up. In just one round, Lei Zhan's people knocked down all the security guards.


After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he waved his hand and led people up the This building is only on the fifth floor, so he couldn't believe that Zeng Rou could not be found.

The front desk staff hurriedly called the security guards to come to support, and the security guards of the whole building were dispatched for a while, whether it was upstairs or downstairs, they all rushed to where they were.

And the front desk staff has called the police.

Lei Zhan was very arrogant. They walked up the stairs. No matter who they saw, as long as it was a man, they would start fighting. When they reached the second floor, they had already knocked down more than 20 people.

After entering the office area on the second floor and looking around, Zeng Rou was not found, but all the men on the second floor were knocked to the ground.

"Second floor, no, let me go to the third floor." Lei Zhan waved his hand, and those people under his men walked to the third floor together.

At this time, more than 40 people fell from the stairs on the first floor to the second floor, all of them were men. These people don't beat women, but they ask men when they see them. These men are also tough and would rather be beaten. Not to mention where Zeng Rou is.

When Lei Zhan and the others walked to the third floor, the security guards of the entire building had already gathered there. There were fifty people in total, and the security captain was still holding an electric baton.

"I warn you, stand still and wait for the police to come, otherwise the electric baton in my hand will not have eyes." The security captain deliberately said the electric baton in his hand to deter them.

"Humph! Play this with me." Lei Zhan snorted coldly, then waved to the people behind him, who rushed directly to the positions of the security guards.

War is imminent.

The people on the entire third floor were hiding far away.

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