Lei's daughter-in-law

With Lei Zhan's wave, all the people behind him rushed towards the security guards. The number of security guards had an absolute advantage. There were fifty of them, and Lei Zhan had only twenty here.

Lei Zhan didn't shoot, but let the people he brought to shoot.

Originally, everyone thought that the security guards would win this time, but five minutes later, all the fifty security guards were lying on the ground, and the hand of the security captain holding the electric baton kept shaking.

Apparently he was electrocuted by his own electric baton.

"Tell me where Zeng Rou is or I'll see a man fight one another." Lei Zhan said frantically.

At this time, the entire third floor were hiding far away, looking at Lei Zhan and the others in horror. No one knew who Lei Zhan and the others were. Entered the Zeng Group, and wounded so many people as soon as he shot.

Lei Zhan went directly to the third floor and pulled out a man, "Tell me, where is Zeng Rou?"

The man has been frightened and stupid. When has he seen such a scene, these people are completely bad people.

"Where?" Lei Zhan shouted loudly, and the man turned pale with fright.

"I'm here." At this moment, a beautiful woman appeared at the elevator entrance on the third floor. The woman was noble, generous, mature, and her whole body revealed a noble temperament.

Zeng Rou's whole body revealed the temperament of a mature woman.

When Lei Zhan saw Zeng Rou, he was stunned. The female bosses and rich women in his mind were all fat and fat, but Zeng Rou's temperament was completely different from what he imagined.

Holy and perfect.

For a while, Lei Zhan only thought of these two words to describe Zeng Rou.

He originally came to catch Zeng Rou, but when he saw Zeng Rou, he really didn't know how to do it.

He thought it would be disrespectful if he caught Zeng Rou.

"Boss." The man beside Lei Zhan saw Lei Zhan stunned, and hurriedly pushed him.

"Ah" Lei Zhan woke up.

"Who are you, and why did you hurt our people and the security guard?" Zeng Rou frowned and looked at Lei Zhan in confusion. It was the first time she saw such a person. She brought someone in and started fighting.

And I wanted to see her by name. When she was upstairs just now, the front desk called her and said that someone was making trouble. Later, someone called and said that many people in the company were injured.

When she got down to the third floor, she saw that all the security guards in the building were lying on the ground, everywhere.

As for the twenty people on the opposite side, none of them were injured.

This proves that the other party is not an ordinary person.

"You're very beautiful, I've fallen in love with you." Lei Zhan said such a sentence after holding back for a long time, his eyes were fixed on Zeng Rou, he knew that he was really moved at this moment.

"What?" Zeng Rou looked at Lei Zhan in surprise. She really couldn't understand this person, she didn't know him at all, he took someone to call his company directly, and the first thing she said when she saw her was Look at yourself.

"I'm in love with you, come with me, you are the first woman I fell in love with, you should be fortunate." Lei Zhan looked at Zeng Rou and said.

"Are you sick, I don't know you at all." Zeng Rou looked at Lei Zhan like an idiot and said.

"My name is Lei Zhan, and you are my woman from today." Lei Zhan said very domineeringly, "That is to say, you are now the daughter-in-law of the Lei family."

"You have a problem with your brain, when did I become your woman?" Zeng Rou really wanted to curse at this time. It was the first time she saw such an unreasonable person. She admitted that Xia Xia was unreasonable enough. , but this person is actually more unreasonable than summer.

"Your name is Zeng Rou. With your current status and status, you can barely be the daughter-in-law of my Lei family." Lei Zhan seemed to have not heard Zeng Rou's words.

"Can you understand people's words, I don't know you at all, don't you get intoxicated there?" Zeng Rou looked at Lei Zhan and said very seriously, she really couldn't stand this person, his words were like It's like I want to stick to him.

"I don't care what you think, in short, it's enough for me to like you, and the rest can be remarried later.

learn. "Lei Zhan seemed to have identified Zeng Rou, but he even directly mentioned after marriage.

Lei Zhan's words made the people around him look confused. They really didn't understand, where did this person come from? Could it be Mars.

She actually wanted to marry Zeng Rou, the boss of the Zeng Group, and said that Zeng Rou could barely be the daughter-in-law of their Lei family, as if their Lei family were amazing people.

Who is Zeng Rou, a veritable strong woman in Jianghai City, and the current Zeng Group is developing rapidly under her leadership.

But this Lei Zhan actually said that Zeng Rou could barely become his daughter-in-law.

This is simply a big joke.

They all thought Lei Zhan was crazy.

"When will I promise that you will get married and I will know you?" Zeng Rou frowned, she was really angry, she felt that the person in front of her was mentally ill.

"Hmph, I can't refuse someone Lei Zhan likes." Lei Zhan said with a cold snort.

The twenty people beside him stood there with expressionless faces, and they stood straight.

"You are so unreasonable~www.mtlnovel.com~ We have already called the police." An account manager walked out from behind Zeng Rou and looked at Lei Zhan dissatisfied.

"Well, I don't like hitting women, but you are a man." Lei Zhan glanced at the account manager and said coldly, then the person beside him walked straight forward and put his foot on the customer on the manager's stomach.

He directly kicked the account manager to the ground.

"President Hong" Zeng Rou's people hurried to help the account manager.

"How can you hit anyone casually?" Zeng Rou said angrily looking at Lei Zhan.

"I don't like being contradicted by others." Lei Zhan looked at Zeng Rou and said.

"Then I'm defying you now, hit me." Zeng Rou said aggressively, she was really angry, this person is completely crazy.

"You haven't passed the door yet, but if you do, I will hit you if you contradict me." Lei Zhan said unceremoniously.

"You." Zeng Rou stomped the ground fiercely.

J Cha is here.

At this moment, someone shouted downstairs, and a nearby police officer came directly, but there were not many of them, only about twenty people. After seeing the security guards lying on the ground, the head police officer took out his gun.

"Raise your hand." A police officer shouted.

"Hmph, you are also worthy of playing with a gun in front of me." Lei Zhan looked at the policeman and said coldly.