weird teacher

Military training is the most meaningful thing in a university. Although everyone hates it, if there is no military training in a university, the university will become meaningless.

"Why didn't you tell me to come back for military training?" Xia Xia asked, looking at Fang Yan, the director of the long-legged beauty department, puzzled.

"Of course not, you have been a soldier before, and you must be an excellent soldier. It is a waste of talents to let you participate in military training, so I temporarily decided to let you temporarily take the position of the head teacher of the first class, and this time the first class The military training will be handed over to you." Fang Yan, director of the long-legged beauty department, said very seriously.

"Uh." Xia Xia was completely stunned. He was just a student who had just entered college. The head of the long-legged beauty department actually asked him to be the acting head teacher of the first class, and also asked him to give military training to the first class. "What about the former head teacher of the first class? "

"No." Fang Yan, the head of the long-legged beauty department, answered happily.

"No" Xia Xia looked at the head of the long-legged beauty department in confusion.

"Well, no, because of the particularity of the first class, I did not assign a head teacher to the first class." The head of the long-legged beauty department explained.

"But I'm very busy, how can I give them military training." Xia Xia said depressedly.

"It's very simple, I don't ask you to be there every day like other instructors, but you have to come when you have time, and the first class of people listens to you very much, even if you don't come, you can arrange what they do, they They should all listen." The head of the long-legged beauty department said very seriously, she was thinking about what to do with this thorny class.

Later, she suddenly thought of summer, and she made this decision.

"I think I should still be a good student quietly." Xia Xia said very seriously.

"Since you don't agree, it's okay. I was going to tell you that if you agree, you don't have to ask me for leave in the future. Seeing that you are so reluctant, I'll find someone else." Fang Yan, director of the long-legged beauty department Pretend to be sad.

"For the sake of the party, the people, and the next generation of the motherland, I have decided that I will be the acting head teacher and instructor." Xia Xia looked righteous.

Now he seems to be a messenger of justice.

Seeing his appearance, the head of the long-legged beauty department smiled slightly, and she knew that Xia Xia would definitely agree.

It is definitely the first case in Jianghai University that a student takes the position of acting head teacher, but the head of the long-legged beauty department thinks this is definitely his wisest decision.

"Okay, hurry up and change your clothes." The head of the long-legged beauty department threw a set of clothes for Xia Tian.

Seeing the summer going to change clothes, the head of the long-legged beauty department breathed a sigh of relief. Today, she finally solved the big trouble of the first class. There was no teacher in the previous class who was willing to be the head teacher, because the students in the first class really had no one to care about. Got it.

Well now, Xia Xia is willing to be the acting head teacher of the first class, and the students of the first class are also willing to listen to him.

The director of the long-legged beauty department is also happy to relax.

Soon, the summer will be changed.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the meeting place." Fang Yan, director of the long-legged beauty department, said.

The two walked directly to the playground of Jianghai University. At this time, the outdoor basketball and football fields of Jianghai University were full of people, and each team was standing there neatly.

When Xia Xia came to the first team, he found that the first team was a completely independent team, and it could even be said to stand out from the crowd.

The other classes are so neat, only one class of people is standing there staggered, and some people are sitting on the ground playing poker.

"Stand up for me." Xia Xia shouted loudly, and all the people in the class turned to look at Xia Xia.

When they saw summer, they hurriedly stood up.

"Master, you are actually our instructor." Hot Pepper said excitedly when he saw the summer.

Xia Xia is now wearing an instructor's outfit, and they are naturally very excited when they see Xia Xia's outfit.

"That's right, I'm your instructor, and I'll be your acting head teacher in the future." Xia Xia said when he saw everyone.

"Great." Everyone said excitedly.

"Okay, I remember the last time I

I have taught you some things, and now you stand for me, and I will accept it. ' said Summer loudly.

Everyone stood up neatly.

"Well, it looks like you've all tried it, but there are two of you who work the hardest here." Xia Xia nodded with satisfaction. The slight changes in the temples of these people showed that they had all tried the basic inner strength cultivation method.

"Teacher, which two are they?" Someone asked.

"Call me an instructor now, Hot Chili is out, and the one with the long hair." Xian Xian pointed at the long-haired one standing in the back. Xia Xian had a little impression of him. When he went to the first shift on the first day, he was This person is the hardest to deal with.

Hot Chili and the one with long hair came out.

"What's your name?" Xia Xia asked, looking at the long hair.

"Qilin," said the long-haired man.

"The two of you are the hardest among you." Xia Xia looked at the people below and said.

clap clap

There was applause from below.

The surrounding classes all looked at them strangely. This class is the legendary class. They have all heard about it. It is the most awesome class of gangsters. You can see their usual style.

But after this instructor came just now, these people actually became serious and This seems very strange, and their instructor doesn't look very old at all.

"Qilin, after I leave for a while, I order you to cut your hair short for me, and if I see you with such long hair next time I come, I will tear them off one by one. ." Xia Xia looked at Qi Lin and said.

"Yes." Qi Lin nodded. He didn't think Xia Tian was just talking about it casually. After all, people with so many scars on their bodies would never be afraid of causing trouble.

"Well, since the two of them worked so hard, from today onwards, the two of them will be the monitor and deputy monitor of the first class. You must listen to them when I'm not here, do you understand?" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

"Understood." The first class shouted at the same time.

The sound is very loud.

And very imposing.

The instructors in the surrounding classes all frowned and looked at Xia Xia. They didn't understand how Xia Xian tame this group of people. When they came, they saw the difference in this class.

They all understand that this class is definitely a thorny class.

"Now, I order everyone to sit down." Xia Xia said loudly.

Hearing that Xia Xian asked them to sit down, they were all very excited.

"Wonderful, it's really weird. Others are standing in military training, but they actually sat down." The surrounding instructors all said in confusion.