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Other instructors can confirm that they don't know Xia Xia at all. Normally, the instructors are all from the same army, but none of them know Xia Xia.

They feel that the students in this class are a bunch of weirdos and thorns, and their instructor is even more weird.

The other classes are all very quiet now, standing there in a military posture, but in the summer their class actually sat down and was still chatting.

The distance between each class is not close, so they can't hear what the instructor and students in this class are talking about.

"Although I'm your instructor, I'm always in trouble, so when I'm not here, you can listen to Huo Chili and Qi Lin. If you have something, you can ask for leave. If it's okay, everyone must be present. I guarantee your military training. After that, everyone will be different." Xia Xia said, looking at the students in Class 1.

"Teacher, you are talking about turning black." The first class of students joked.

"I'm your instructor here, so you have to call the instructor. Do you understand?" Xia Xia looked at the students very seriously and said.

"Understood" all the students shouted together.

"Okay, I will teach you military boxing in a while, but you must promise me that you will never bully people with the kung fu I teach you, otherwise I will never spare you." Xia Xia looked at those people who were very serious. said.

"Instructor, what if someone bullies us?" some students asked.

"I teach you kung fu so that you can protect yourself and your family. As long as you don't bully others, then there is no problem, and I am your instructor and your teacher. If someone dares to bully you, then you can Come to me, I have a bad temper." Xia Xia said to everyone very seriously.

"Long live the instructor."

The students shouted together.

"In this month of military training, my request for you is to learn military boxing. You must train here regardless of whether I am here or not. If anyone dares to be lazy, I will directly give you a month's leave and wait for military training. Come back when you're done." Xia Xia's words were very clear, if these people were lazy, he wouldn't teach them martial arts.

"Master, don't worry, if they dare to be lazy, I will kick them to death." Huo Chili said very seriously.

"Okay." Summer nodded.

When Huo Chili heard that Xia Xia did not refuse to call him Master, his face suddenly showed joy.

She understands that it must be her efforts that moved Xia Xia, so she must work harder to learn faster and better than others.

"Everyone stand up, you two just stand in front of me." Xia Xia said to Chili Chili and Qi Lin, those who worked hard should be rewarded, and he would counsel these two people very seriously.

This is also for his own convenience. After Huo Chili and Qi Lin have finished practicing, he doesn't need to come over.

Everyone who saw this class stood up.

The other instructors all looked at them, wanting to see what they were going to do.

"Yi" Xia Xia directly made the first move of Jun Tiquan.

A class of students followed suit.

"Two" made another move in summer.

A class of students hurriedly learned the second movement.

"Three" Summer then made a third move.

When Xia Xia finished the third move, those instructors realized that Xia Xian taught these students military boxing.

Military boxing is a very common boxing method in the army.

They all practiced, but later they felt that the use was not too great and gave up.

"Okay, just these three moves, give me a good practice." After Xia Xia finished, he lay down on the ground and started to rest.

The students in other classes also looked towards the first class.

When they saw that the students in class 1 were actually practicing kung fu, they were all very envious.

"What to look at, that thing is useless at all, give me a good military posture."

The instructor saw the students shouting.

Xia Tian picked up the corner of his mouth lightly, did not speak, but closed his eyes and enjoyed the sunbathing.

To put it bluntly, these instructors are just ordinary non-commissioned officers who have just entered the army for a few years. They are not special forces. They also do not understand the true role of military boxing. The military boxing combines the most comprehensive fighting skills in China.

Jun Tiquan is a boxing technique that improves physical fitness the more you practice, and improves all aspects of your abilities.

Only those who really study this boxing method will know the profoundness of this boxing method.

Xia Xia even heard that this set of boxing techniques was invented by one of the founding marshals. At that time, he also relied on this set of boxing techniques to make his army a victorious team.

"Instructor, we are almost done practicing." After an hour, they finally felt bored.

"Hey, you guys." Xia Tian slowly opened his eyes and stood up, "Don't be like some blind people, I once knew a person who practiced these three martial arts martial arts for a month, and then he He became a very remarkable person."

The person Xia Xia said was Manniu, the soldier king of the Southeast Military Region.

"Instructor, what's the best way to practice these three moves?" those people asked in confusion.

"These three tricks contain a lot of things. UU reading has explained a lot to you now, and you will not understand. After a month, you will find your own differences. I still say that. , if someone doesn't want to practice, just go home and rest for a month." Xia Xianxian they continued, "This month, I will only teach you eight tricks, if any of you can practice these eight tricks to my satisfaction , then I'll teach him to fly over the eaves and walk the walls."

Xia Xia thinks that the eight tricks are enough for them to practice, because he wants these students to be better, not greedy.

"Flying over the eaves and walking the walls, it turns out to be bragging."

"It really made me laugh. It takes a month for eight moves."

"I remember those eight tricks that I learned in half a day."

The other instructors around said sarcastically, they have always been very dissatisfied with Xia Xia's practice, because Xia Xia broke the rules, he began to let those students rest, and later taught military boxing.

This makes it difficult for these instructors to manage their own students.

Those students are very envious of their class in the summer.

"The ones over there, do you want to compare?" Xia Xia suddenly said, he understood that these students in the class must not understand the big truth, they will only believe what they see, so Xia Xia should let them take a good look at these three tricks The power of military boxing.

"Compared, who is afraid of who." The surrounding instructors all walked towards Xia Xia.

Those students saw the excitement, so they all gathered here.