military boxing

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"All stand for me." The instructors shouted hurriedly, seeing the confusion.

Hearing the stern voice of the instructor, those people hurriedly stood back in the team.

"You guys want to watch the play, right? Then stand up for me and walk over." The instructors shouted sternly.

stand at attention

Take a break.

walk in step

Those students walked neatly to the summer class.

stand at attention

Everyone stood there.

"Okay, you can watch the play, but no one can move." The instructors said.

Then a few of them turned to look at Xia Xia.

"Although I don't know which army you belong to, it just so happens that everyone is idle, so let's make a gesture." An instructor stepped forward and said that they were used to everyone's strength in the army.

So they don't believe that someone can jump over the wall at all, and they always think that military boxing is useless.

When they saw Xia Xia brag about how powerful Jun Tiquan was, they felt that Xia was deceiving these students, and when he made such a fuss, their own students began to envy their team in Xia Xia.

So they have to teach summer a lesson.

Neither of them knew Xia Xia, so they guessed that Xia Xia must have been found temporarily.

Not with them at all.

What Xia Xia did was obviously breaking the rules, so they had to teach Xia a lesson.

"Okay, since you look down on Jun Tiquan so much, then I'll use Jun Tiquan to compete with you." Xia Xia said lightly.

The students in class 1 all looked forward to the summer.

"Okay, we've all practiced military boxing, and I just wanted to see how much better you are than us after practicing." One of the instructors walked directly to Xia Xia, and everyone looked at the two of them expectantly.

They understand that the good show is about to begin.

After the instructor came to Xia Xia, he assumed a fighting stance.

In summer, it stands still.

"Go on, let him see the fighting skills of our Seventh Company." Several other instructors shouted at the same time.

"Come on, instructor." The first class shouted.

"Instructor, you are the best." The class students led by the instructor shouted.

"Hmph, I only learned military boxing in one morning. It's just a routine. Using this kind of thing to fool students is an immoral act in itself." The instructor snorted coldly and said. .

"You'll find out if you try it." Xia Tian smiled slightly without explaining.

No amount of explanation is useless, everyone is more willing to believe the facts and what they see.


The instructor shouted loudly, and then punched directly at Xia Xia. This punch was very fast, and the punch contained a lot of power.

Several other instructors also looked at him with admiration.

I think his punch will definitely knock Xia down directly.


It fell, but it wasn't Xia Xia who fell, it was the instructor.

Xia Xia knocked the instructor to the ground just now with just one move. This move was the first form of military boxing he taught a class of students just now.

"Uh," the instructors were stunned at the same time.

They didn't expect that the young boy in front of them actually knocked down their comrade-in-arms.

And it only took one hit.

The most common military boxing.

"How is it possible that military boxing can actually hit people?"

"This kid is a little weird. We all know martial arts. How can we defeat someone who is proficient in fighting skills?"

"He's careless, he must be careless, otherwise he wouldn't be able to lose to that kid."

Those instructors agreed that the person was careless, otherwise, with that person's fighting skills, how could he lose to Jun Tiquan?

"The instructor is amazing, this military boxing is so good

how awesome. "

"I must be as good as the instructor."

"If only I could have one-tenth the strength of an instructor."

The students in Class 1 excitedly said that Xia Xia had shown them the true power of military boxing. They thought that the military boxing that Xia taught them was too simple.

Now they finally saw the power of military boxing.

The "Damn" officer who fell to the ground stood up again, he thought it was a shame for him, he was actually knocked down, and he was still a thin boy.

In fact, Xia Xia's physique is not thin at all. The training in the past few months has made his muscles angular and full of explosive power.

He is wearing loose clothes now, so he looks like he is very thin.

"This is the not-so-good military boxing in your eyes." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Don't be too arrogant, I was just careless just now." The instructor looked at Xia Xia angrily and said, he felt very shameless, just now Xia Xia knocked him down in front of so many people, especially when his students were still present.

So he had to find this place back.

"I only used a little effort just now." Xia Xia said.

"Who wouldn't brag? I also said that I only used one percent of my power just now." The instructor said disdainfully.

"You can come and try, I don't want to hurt you, after all, you still have training." Xia Xia was most afraid of trouble, so he didn't exert any force just now. He was worried that after hurting this person, he would not be able to give That class is in military training.


The instructor shouted again, and then kicked with a very fast speed.

Everyone looked at Summer worriedly.

But in the summer, there is no retreat but advance.

In the second form of Jun Ti Quan, a punch hit the instructor's chin directly.


The instructor's body flew backwards and hit the ground. This time the instructor didn't stand up.

"I'm sorry, I used 20% of my strength, I think you need to rest for a while." Xia Xia said lightly.

The other instructors were stunned.

This time, they could see clearly that Xia Xia only used one move, which was still military boxing, but that person was easily knocked away by him.

"The instructor is great." The first class said excitedly.

"Remember, military boxing is a very powerful boxing technique, although it looks ordinary, but after a long time of practice, you will find its essence, don't think that you are smart, and you will think military sports after you have learned some skins. Boxing is just a useless fighting skill." Xia Xia said while watching the students in Class 1.

Sure enough, what I saw with my own eyes is more convincing. Now those students are all full of expectations for military boxing.

"It's good to say, but you defeated my people so easily, I'm afraid it's unreasonable." At this moment, a person walked out of the student team. When they saw this person, the instructors all saluted.