enemy in the dark

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At first glance, this person's identity is unusual.

Everyone's eyes were focused on this person, because the instructors saluted this person.

"Company Commander" said the instructors at the same time.

Company commander.

Actually a company commander.

The company commander actually led the team to give military training to the students of Jianghai University.

This is surprising. One must know that the position of the company commander is not low, but he actually came to Jianghai University to be an instructor.

The surrounding students all looked at the company commander in surprise.

For ordinary people, the company commander is definitely a high-ranking official.

The company commander enjoyed everyone's attention. He looked up at Xia Xia at the corner of his mouth and said, "You're good boy. I just saw that your military boxing was very good. How about the two of us?"

"Okay, but I don't have any skills, so I know military boxing." Xia Xia looked at the company commander and said.

Others regarded him as a scallion, but Xia Xia didn't take him seriously at all. Now in the army, the brigade commander and division commander see each other every day, and those regimental leaders always bring Xia Xia wine and ask Xia Xia to teach them a few tricks.

"I told my soldiers not to waste time on military boxing. We are practicing real fighting skills, not pretending." The company commander looked at Xia Xia coldly and said that his men were beaten. He has to get this face back no matter what.

He didn't think that the fighting skills he practiced every day would lose to Jun Tiquan.

From the moment he joined the army, military boxing was one of the most **** boxing techniques he considered.

So he never trained at all.

"You'll know if you've compared it with a sleight of hand." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and then he waved to the company commander.

That company commander rushed straight to the summer.

He came up with a nice roundhouse kick.


The first form of military boxing.

Xia Xia punched the company commander directly in the leg.


The second form of military boxing.

Xia Xia punched that chin again.


The third form of military boxing.

Xia Xia's last punch directly knocked the company commander out.

Even strokes.

A very beautiful set of tricks.

That company commander didn't even have the strength to fight back.

Little girl, little Erlang, carrying that schoolbag to school.

Just then, Summer's cell phone rang.

This is the new ringtone of Xia Xia's mobile phone. He feels that he also needs to improve and to be in line with the society, so he uses this very avant-garde ringtone.

Really avant-garde, avant-garde made everyone at the scene forget his heroic scene just now.

"Boss, I'm Han Zifeng. Someone went to deal with your women just now, but they've all been dealt with by me."

"Okay, I'll find you later."

After Xia Xia finished speaking, he hung up the phone. That Han Zifeng was still very sensible. He inquired about all the women related to Xia Xia. Even Li Ying and Tang Yan, he sent someone to protect him.

"The instructor is great." The students in class one shouted excitedly.

"Everyone will go back to their positions and continue the military training." The company commander stood up with difficulty. He felt that his body was very painful, but he still gritted his teeth and said that he couldn't let others see that he was defeated so badly now. .

After saying this, he glanced at Xia Xia, then reminded those under his command not to provoke Xia Xia, and then he ran to the infirmary by himself.

"Now you can practice these three tricks for me. If I still have something to do, I will leave first. If anyone dares to be lazy, you two will beat me up. I will teach you the remaining five tricks when I come in a few days." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he looked at Huo Chili and Qi Lin and continued, "For the past few days when I'm not here, you should be optimistic, let everyone come and leave on time, if you are tired, sit down and rest, but you can't rest more than two days a day. Hours."

"Long live the instructor" said the students excitedly.

/> Other classes have no time to rest at all, but they still have two hours of rest.

This treatment is simply too good.

After summer was arranged, he left Jianghai University.

He went to find Han Zifeng. He must know the origins of these people. Although he has many enemies, he has eliminated almost all of them, and he will never attack him for the time being.

But now someone has started secretly attacking those women.

This proves that the other party knows him well enough, and the other party is definitely a very dark guy who wants to use these women to blackmail him.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Xia Xia and Han Zifeng made an appointment in a cafe.

"I sent my darlings to look after your women. Today those darlings reported that five women were attacked immediately, so they quietly dealt with the four gangs," Han Zifeng explained.

"Which five?" Xia Tian asked.

"Zeng Rou, Lin Bingbing, Bai Yiyi, Li Ying, and your cousin Ye Qingxue and Bing did a mental calculation." Han Zifeng explained.

"It's weird, this person knows a lot about me, even Li Ying and Bai Yiyi were attacked." Xia Xia frowned. If it is normal, Xia Xia's contact with Li Ying and Bai Yiyi is not a big deal. many.

So the people who can know these two people are definitely not ordinary people, they must be people who know him very well.

"Those people are not locals." Han Zifeng gave an important clue.

"It's weird that I'm not a local. Although that Lei Zhan was badly beaten by me, his revenge shouldn't be so quick." Xia Xia was ready to accept Lei Zhan's revenge~www.mtlnovel.com~ But he You know, the Lei family would never dare to do it now, and the people from the Lei family would definitely check his identity.

The Grand Merit badge is not a decoration.

The people of the Lei family would definitely not dare to deal with the summer openly.

"These people are ordinary people, and their purpose should be to capture your women and threaten them," Han Zifeng said.

"You help me pay attention to these people and find out their details for me." Xia Xia said coldly.

"Well, I just fainted for those people. When they wake up, they should return to their lives. I will be able to find out the identity of the other party." Those ghosts raised by Han Zifeng are still very convenient to do things. of.

At least it works well for reconnaissance.

"Okay, let me know when you have news." Xia Xia nodded and said.

At the same time, the imperial capital was on the plane to Jianghai City.

"Master, we should be able to see a good show when we get off the plane."

"Don't worry about them for now, how was the banquet organized by the people I came to Jianghai City this time?"

"As soon as they heard that it was the young master who came to Jianghai City, they naturally did not dare to neglect him. All the prominent people in Jianghai City would be present."

"That's good, Gongsun Ping also went to Jianghai City."

"It's already here, she has no intention of rejecting it, and the engagement banquet is ready."