you are forcing me

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"Okay, I'll go with you, but I hope you think about it. If I go with you, it means that you have declared war on me, then I will go to war with the Xia family." Xia Xia looked at Xia Qing's expression. said the driver.

He didn't say anything, but stood there quietly, waiting for the driver to answer.

He originally didn't want to do anything to the Xia family, but if the Xia family forced him, then he wouldn't mind letting the Xia family name again.

Back then, when his father could make trouble with the Xia family, he could too.

His father was the strongest deserter of the Xia family, and he had a little relationship with the Xia family, so his father would not kill him, but he was different. He grew up in Jianghaichang since he was a child, and he had no communication with the Xia family at all.

So he wouldn't be polite to the Xia family.

If the Xia family offends him, then he will regard the Xia family as his enemy. Xia's attitude towards the enemy is very clear, just one word.


Hit until you serve.

"These are not under my control, I'm just responsible for bringing you back." said the driver of Xia Qing.

"Well, I'll go with you, but you must let them both go." Xia Xia said.

"No, none of the three of you can leave." The driver of Xia Qing said with a strong attitude. He must take all these people back. This is Xia Qing's order. He knows Xia Qing's temper. If these three people are brought back, Xia Qing will definitely blame him.

Especially in the current situation, Xia Qing lost an arm, then his temper will definitely be worse.

"You guys are forcing me." Xia Xia looked at Xia Qing's subordinate coldly and said.

"I'm sorry, this is what I have to do. I can guarantee that you are safe for the time being, and I will arrange a place for you to stay in a good environment." Xia Qing's subordinate said.

"Okay, anyway, you have a lot of guns now, you have the final say, but I am hungry, let your people prepare food for me." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he took the two girls and walked directly to their car.

Xia Qing's driver drove a total of fifteen cars, and he asked other cars to surround Xia's car.

At this time, Xia Qing was sent to the hospital.

The moment Xia Qing's arm was broken, the news was passed back to the Xia family in the imperial capital.

Xia Qing, a direct descendant of the Xia family.

A young talent in the younger generation, he actually lost an arm in Jianghai City, and the person who cut off his arm was Xia Xia.

Almost everyone in the Xia family knows this name.

Although the names of Xia Xia and Xia Xialong are taboo in the Xia family, people are all curious. The more taboo things are, the more people want to know. Therefore, everyone in the Xia family has heard of the name Xia Xia.

The Xia family is a big family, so when they heard that Xia Qing was cut off by someone, some of them were happy.

Because Xia Qing had an accident, it meant that they lacked a competitor, and Xia Qing always looked like he had a piercing face, so he had a lot of enemies.

But at this time there was the saddest person.

Xia Qing's father, Xia Qing.

He almost fainted when he heard that Xia Qing lost an arm. He was just such a son, but his son's arm was actually cut off.

And it was his Xialong's son who did it.

Xia Xialong was the person he hated the most. The reason why Xia Xialong was kicked out of the Xia family back then was also his secret design.

Later, he made several shots against Xia Long, but they all failed.

Looking at the only three fingers on his right hand, his eyes were full of anger. His **** were cut off by Xia Long. In the battle of the Xia family, his father was killed by Xia Long. Two fingers were cut off.

Now that his son has another arm cut off by Xia Long's son, how can he not be angry.

"Xia Xialong, I will blow your son to ashes." Xia Xia Qing shouted angrily.


Master, Young Master is still in the hospital. ' said a butler.

"Can't you get your arm back?" Xia Tianqing asked through gritted teeth.

"I can't take it back. I don't know what weapon was used to cut it that summer. The place where it was cut started to necrosis, and it was cut off at the last sound." The housekeeper said.

"Damn it, **** it, I must kill him where Xia Xia is now." Xia Xia Qing shouted angrily, his heart bleeds when he thought of his son's arm being cut off.

"Xia Xia has been controlled by the young master's driver, along with the young master's fiancee and that summer's girlfriend." The housekeeper explained.

"Okay, they're in Jianghai City, right? Let's go there now. I'm going to kill that summer with my own hands." Xia Xia Qing clenched his fists. He was really angry this time. A pact between dragons.

In the battle of the Xia family that year, the Xia family signed a treaty with Xia Xialong because they were afraid that Xia Xialong would come to trouble again.

Xia Xialong and his relatives and friends will have nothing to do with the Xia family in the future, and the two sides cannot take the initiative to fight.

But in Xia Qing's eyes, the treaty was nothing but a blank piece of paper. Xia Long was dead now, so there was no need for the Xia family to abide by that treaty again. A dead man had completely threatened them.

If Xia Qing wanted to let Xia go before, but now Xia cut off his son's arm, so he had to kill Xia.

" If the elders of the family know about this, I'm afraid," the butler reminded.

"Are you a master or I am a master?" Xia Tianqing gave the butler a cold look.

The butler didn't dare to say a word, and lowered his head. He knew that the master was really angry. If he dared to talk more, then maybe the master would kill him together.

"Master, the plane ticket is ready." The butler got the plane ticket with just one phone call.

"Yes." Xia Xia Qing nodded.

At this time, Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing were taken to a small villa. The handles in and around the villa were very tight. The surrounding windows were covered with steel windows and barbed wire, and even the signal inside was blocked.

"We are completely sealed here. There is only one exit here. It is too difficult to escape from here." Gongsun Ping looked at the surrounding guards and said.

"Sister Police Flower, what do you think?" Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing and asked.

"If it was me, I could escape." Lin Bingbing said lightly.

"Why are you able to escape with so many guards?" Gongsun Ping looked at Lin Bingbing in disbelief. Although she knew that Lin Bingbing was a police officer and that she was good at her skills, the people here were not ordinary people.

"What if it was you?" Lin Bingbing asked.

"I need three minutes to kill all these people." Xia Xia said.